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Jul 11, 2008 14:35

Somebody sent me an e-mail. I didn't mind. I even responded to it and thought a lot about what I would reply without being offensive. I seriously thought about her e-mail and mulled over it. After typing out my reply and hitting the send button, what should I get but a "mail not delivered" notice. Why? Because, according to the aol moderator,   ( Read more... )

writing in general, fanfiction, rant

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Comments 13

tangerine_haze July 11 2008, 07:56:33 UTC
Very mature response to a not so nice comment.... even if it was a backhanded compliment in a weird way!

The email that the comment came to you from was Did her email come to you routed from another site that allows her to input her own email instead of tracking the email it was sent from? If so perhaps she mis-typed. The 2 key is also the @ key. She could have hit the shift a little late and added a two accidently to her email address. I know I've accidently done that before. I'm not her It's just a thought.

You could try emailing to the addy without the 2 and say "if this is you... if not please ignore this email" or something like that.

....Ok, I've got AOL and I did a member profile search and Brittadv doesn't exist but brittadv2 shows up online right now. So if you have AOL Instant Messanger you should be able to IM her and ask.


irrivexed July 11 2008, 08:38:53 UTC
Your response was very politely and maturely worded. I'm not sure I could have handled it as well as you did! Mostly because I think it is impossibly arrogant for someone to write to an author and tell her to stop writing what she enjoys. Don't like? Don't read? If Tite Kubo has nothing to say about it, then all's fair. Which makes me believe this person believes her opinion is above the creator's. Hence, an impossibly arrogant person. Maybe you should give this fool the attention she deserves? None at all.


hu3long2 July 11 2008, 12:23:34 UTC
I recently saw another writer on FF who mentioned that she received an anonymous email on her ByaRen fic that she apparently could not reply to. The wording of that email is, if I recall, almost an exact match for the one you received.

Thank you for posting this and giving the rest of us a heads up! And for your very balanced and well-considered reply!


arakida_ayano July 11 2008, 12:51:21 UTC
One of my friends on erizawa_sama received EXACTLY this e-mail yesterday. As far as I know, she replied but I don't know whether it got through. It greatly offended her also, as she writes KiraxHisagi and ByaRen. If you want to talk to her about it, I think she would be interested, she sent it round all her fangirl friends with her reply, which was similar to yours in content.

I remember sometime last year getting a similar anonymous e-mail, though I don't know who from. I think I got a lot crosser than either of you though!!!


marinliliz July 11 2008, 13:01:07 UTC
Oh, I got her mail too! Through, it said exactly the same thing as yours and my reply has also been sent back saying she wasn't receiving any mails.

I really "admire" people who can go to the trouble of sending multiple messages stating there view on a subject and apparently expecting to be indulged just because they said please!


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