Cutting Edge

Nov 26, 2010 21:19

Yay! We have new titles, and for those of us who already have their IWRY fics sent in or put up, we have time to play. Thank you, Dark Star for the new set of prompts.

Cutting Edge.

Author: Ares

Word count 184

Written for ba_rosebuds

Prompt: Cutting edge

Rating: G

Summary: Set in AtS 1 Sanctuary.  The scene between Buffy and Angel, in the police station.

Her weapon of choice cuts deep. Her words flay his soul, and hers if the truth be known. She doesn’t want to be like this, but she can’t help herself, the hurt, the resentment, the grief, bubbles up and lets fly; her mouth the conduit to her wellspring of bitterness. He flinches. She’s glad. Why should he have a new life filled with friends and a mission? She remembers when she was his sole purpose.  Her mind tells her that she has everything, friends and a family, so why should she begrudge him the same. But she does, she cannot see reason. He took Faith’s side against hers. After what the other slayer had done to her, it’s unforgivable. So she flings her new boyfriend in his face. Her words are a slap. His eyes, they shift, and she can feel the heat of his anger. His words slice and wound: tit for tat. She deserves it, she knows, but she won’t let him see, so she leaves with a parting gibe.  Her tears are hot on her cheeks as she flees L. A.

The end

November 2010

ares, rosebuds

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