Recap and Dsicussion for 5 x 13 - The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father

Jan 08, 2018 23:41

Recap and Discussion for 5 x 13 - The Corps is Mother. The Corps is Father

And more telepath crap. Seriously, I hated Teeps from day one and this episode will make you hate them all the more, as we see them to be pretty much the same as White Supremacists are in our world today.

We open on Earth at Psi Corps headquarters.

Bester meets his 2 new trainees: Lauren and Chen.

He mentions that B5 is not nearly as important as it thinks it is.

We switch to a young man babbling nearly incoherently to himself. He has a B5 brochure in his hands. When he leaves the room, we see another man dead on the floor.

Bester and his Psi Coplets watch two telepaths in an encounter exercise. They must learn to resist a scan for about an hour since most rogues can only deep scan for about 45 minutes. He says P12 must be able to track down rogue telepaths and be careful not to harm them.

You will have noticed the signs all over the place by now:
• The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
• Protect the Family.
• Obey
• Trust the Corps
• Maternis, Paternis

Brainwashing much?

As they begin to watch a propaganda film, they are interrupted with the news about the killing. Bester comforts the dead man’s girlfriend and assures her they will find who did it. The victim was a student of Bester’s.

Lauren shows up at bester’s door to offer herself to him. I wanted to gag. Then she gets the Telepath supremacist talk from Bester. I wanted to gag more. She asks how he came to be in the Corps and he tells her his parents died when he was a baby and he was found on a random DNA sweep. Creepy little Lauren asks about his wife and he makes some crude joke. Finally he turns her down.

Asst. Director Drake comes in and tells him that Harris (the killer) has gone to Babylon 5 and he wants Bester to go after him. He will take his baby PsiCops. He stresses that it is important that the outside world not know about any problems within Psi Corps. Also, Harris was a P10 training to be a moind shredder.

Harris is a in a bar on B5 and gets in a card game.

Bester and his coplets leave the Psi Corps mothership in hyperspace and go to B5. Bester mentions that there are many of these ships there for when they are needed.

Harris wipes up at the card game. A man is watching him as he leaves.

Zack is not happy to welcome Bester to B5. He asks if he’s there to kill freedom fighters, pull the wings off flies or perhaps annex the Sudetenland, a direct reference to Hitler. Bester says they are looking for a murderer who killed a PsiCop and Zack as him how is that a bad thing.

A second man follows him and accuses him of cheating. He goes wacko and kills the guy with his mind. The other man is still watching.

The Drazi tell Bester where Harris is holed up and while he goes to get the station security, Chen convinces Lauren to go into the room. They run into a second dead man. Bester thinks Harris is stripping abilities from the dead as he goes. He send the boy to the casino and while he is waiting to send Bester a report, the man who watches Harris (Bryce) kills Chen.

Bryce and Harris are partnering to make money so they can leave the station. Harris tells Bryce he doesn’t know what happened to him.

Bester is looking at the papers on the floor as Psi Corps and sees 2 handwritings then he looks at video of Harris seemingly changing personas and decides that Harris is a multiple personality and has one P12 personality as well as a P10 one.

Bester and station security catch Harris and Bryce. They are sedated for transport back to earth. Bester lets the girl space the mundane on the way.


Alfred Bester: He was dead before we got here.
Zack Allan: Yeah, they told me. But I never let the facts get in the way of a good grudge.


1. Did you notice the signs?
2. Did you notice how similar Bester’s comments are to modern racist comments?
3. I’m sorry but the girl showing up to seduce Bester made me want to gag… What did you think?
4. Are you glad to be done with this teep crap for a bit?

The Lurker’s Guide to Babylon 5:
The Babylon Project:,_the_Corps_is_Father

the corps is mother the corps is father, season 5

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