1st Rabbit Hole | Dream

Sep 23, 2011 03:13

Warnings: None that I'm aware of
Effects: Abandonment? Fear? Loneliness? Why not make this interactive so someone can help her MAKE it a good dream?

'The guy said we had to dream good dreams if we're going to help...not that I care, but Oz might be trapped over there with them!'

Alice curled up in her bed, but she was so focused on dreaming a good dream, she even forgot to tell her Dreamberry to filter it away from everyone. Hopefully no one would make fun of her for it...

The dream started out well enough: Oz and her were having some sort of barbecue-themed picnic on a sunny day near a lake and just having fun enjoying one another's company.
....But then Oz left with a smile and a wave and seemed to fade away as he walked off, somehow out walking her running pace as she tried to catch up. "Oz?! Where are you going?? Come back!"
Alice felt a cold loneliness seep into her core and started when she realized she had last felt this in the Abyss. Looking up, she gasped at her new surroundings--back floating in a strangely empty Abyss. In a quavering voice she called out, "O-Oz? Why did you leave?"

She was apparently wrong about being alone though. Despite the darkness, Alice could hear the imp-like minor Chains closing in, splashing in the shallow water. "Go away, I'm not in the mood righ-AH! You little piece of shit!" Alice hadn't even sensed the Chain's approach but she could clearly see the effects. 'Blood? But it was just a small fry?' She experimentally swept the darkness with her chains...at least she would have if they had had the courtesy to appear. "N-no..." Alice's fervent summons to her scythe proved fruitless as well and the Chains just giggled at the meat in front of them.

She could have sworn one of the monsters whispered, "Yay, a picnic!"

somarium, !moon: cycle 83 - side b, dream, alice (pandora hearts)

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