Nov 05, 2007 09:12
It's hard to believe that this time last year I was like, "Oh, what? Bandom? I hate Pete Wentz. The singer is so much hotter, why don't people talk about him ever? I'd probably hate bandom too. Just another place where my favourite person is the least favourite. Plus, the psychotic Wentz fans. They probably have icons of his dick, blech." Hahaha. How wrong I was.
Also this time last year, I successfully executed a Holiday Card Plan of Awesome. This year: Holiday Card Plan of DOOM. Because I'm not giving holiday options this time. You will take what you get, and the massive amount of glitter inside it, and LIKE IT and BE HAPPY goddammit. eta: Last year I made cards with little fuzzy snowmens on them. Possibly this year they will be more Solstice- or Chanukah-y (because that is what I celebrate, zomg crazy earth-based Jew-ish person that I am). My default winter holiday is not Christmas, and when I say "holiday card," I really do mean "almost generic winter holiday." Ie, light festival. Ie, Solstice.
Poll Holiday Card Poll of Doom
The end.
PS: First use of holiday icon! HUZZAH! That photo might be my favourite wtf crack photo ever. Because it makes NO SENSE AT ALL.
(fandom) lolcultverse