Title: Twilight Soldier
Rating: T
Summary: Dark Angel/ Twilight Crossover. X5 Bella/Edward. No Pulse. After escaping the harsh treatment at the hands of a secret government organisation known as Manticore, X5-472 has tried to settle into life as an Ordinary with varying degrees of success. Going by the name Bella, which was given to her by the CO of her unit, Zack, she comes across the Swan family and is soon adopted by them.
Years later, after an Eyes Only broadcast revealing the possibility of her location being compromised, she decides to go to a small town called Forks. There, she meets Edward Cullen. They both have their seeming impossible secrets, but that doesn’t stop them from being drawn to each other. However, when Bella’s past finally begins to catch up with her after ten years on the run, she finds that her life just got even more complicated.
Masterpost ****
Chapter 3: Edward Cullen
The second day in the new town began as much the same as the first. When Bella woke up in the morning, she made a list of the groceries she will need to get on her way home from school. Charlie didn’t have much in the pantry or cupboards. Several minutes after she had finished compiling the list, her adoptive father made his way down the stairs.
“Morning Bells.”
“Morning. I will be going shopping after school, I think, so I will be late getting back.”
“Sorry, I haven’t got anything in awhile.”
“I noticed,” Bella told him, amused. “Don’t worry, Charlie, I will take over the shopping and cooking from now on.”
“Thanks Bells. The money is in the top cupboard by the stove.” Charlie said, pointing to the cupboard he described.
Bella opened the draw and found the money, kept to together with a silver money clip. She grabbed the money from the clip and put it in her purse.
Soon enough, it was time to go for her second day of school. She timed it so she got there a few minutes before the first bell, to ward of anybody who didn’t take the hint from yesterday.
She noticed all the cars were parked in mostly the same spot as yesterday. Ordinaries, she discovered over the years, liked routines. So she too, being as adaptable as she was, parked in the same spot as the day before.
The first half of the day was tedious, like yesterday, except nobody approached her to become friends. It seemed like her plan was working. When the bell finally rang for lunch, she decided to go to the cafeteria today.
When it finally came for her turn to be served, she ordered a burger and chips, as well as a bottle of milk. It contained tryptophan, which supplemented the tablets a little. Taking pills in the middle of the cafeteria and under the scrutinising eyes of her peers would spread unsavoury rumours. And I know exactly who was the type to do spread them, she thought as she watched Lauren and Jessica take their food tray to one of the middle tables, which already seemed to be reserved by Michael Newton, Angela Webber and Tyler Crowley.
Mike was leaning over his tray slightly, hands gesturing minutely as he talked to Tyler about some game, from what she could gather. Mike had the baby-faced look going. His blond hair seemed to always be gelled into spikes. On the whole, his body language gave her the impression of puppy-dog innocence.
Tyler was nodding in agreement to whatever comment Mike had just said. His tan hand reached out to grab the can of soda as his eyes locked onto those of Lauren and Jessica as they approached the table. He ran his fingers through his dark hair in some kind of flirtatious technique of the Ordinaries, Bella suspected.
When the girls sat down, Angela, the quiet one, greeted them as she pushed her glasses up. They all settled into a comfortable conversation. That is, until Lauren saw Bella looking and shot her a sharp I’m-better-than-you glare.
The group at that table were all the popular kids at Forks. And Bella had angered its key members. That couldn’t be helped though. Besides, she could take anything they dished out and more.
After paying for her food, she picked up the lunch tray and sat on an unoccupied table to the side of the cafeteria. It was also conveniently located a couple of tables across from the Cullens. She discreetly looked over. They were all looking off in different directions. They each had a tray of food, which sat untouched despite it being a while into the lunch break.
Strange, Bella thought, why buy something if they weren’t going to eat it, or even touch it for that manner?
Suddenly, the shorter girl of the group picked up her untouched food and walked with a quick, dancelike step and dumped the contents of her tray in the bin and the tray on its place on top of the bin. She then danced back to her seat, next to the blond male. She grabbed his hands.
They must be boyfriend and girlfriend, then, she deduced.
“Can you smell her now?” Edward was asking them.
“Yeah, and you were right.”
“It’s a little fuzzy,” the pixie like one said.
“Are you sure, Alice?” Edward asked, frustrated.
“Yes.” Alice stated.
“That’s weird. What’s with the little human?” the muscular boy said.
“I don’t know,” Edward said through forced teeth.
Bella frowned, turning away from them. They were suspicious of her… but, why? She had done nothing to warrant that.
Though, she had her suspicions of them. They didn’t behave like any Ordinary she knew. Maybe they were from Manticore after all?
They had biology next, so Bella resolved to catch a glimpse of the back of Edward’s neck to see of he had a barcode. That way she would now for sure. They could have escaped from Manticore, like her and her siblings did and were trying to fit in with the Ordinaries. It was hopeful thinking and she couldn’t afford to be that blind. She needed proof one way or the other.
The bell went for class and Bella stood up, pushing her seat back. When she looked over at Edward’s table, they were already gone. That was fast!
After putting her tray back, she made her way to the biology classroom and sat in her designated seat. Edward was already there. As she pulled her chair back, she looked over at the back of his neck. No barcode. Not even a trace of it.
Bella slumped back into her chair when she sat down. They weren’t from Manticore. She sighed. She didn’t know if she should be relieved or disappointed.
Her questions remained unsolved.
Why were they so different?
She needed more information. She would talk to Charlie tonight and see what he knew. They were bound to be the talk of the town, given all of their appearance. And as Police Chief he would be the perfect person to ask.
“Good afternoon, class,” Mr. Banner said as he began the lesson. He explained that they were to be doing a lab today. The slides were out of order and working together with a their lab partner (the person sitting next to them) they had to separate the slides of the onion root tip cells into the phases of mitosis they presented and then label it accordingly. No cheating by using textbooks and he would be coming around in twenty minutes. “Get to work,” Mr. Banner finally finished.
“Ladies first, partner?” Edward asked. Bella turned to him. He was looking at her with a crooked smile on his face. His forehead the only thing revealing a hint of the frustration she had seen earlier in the cafeteria.
Bella shrugged. “Sure.”
Chapter 3b >>