Animal Crossing :: Secret Science Theater (Part 1)

Feb 01, 2013 20:05

Here's something that's been sitting on my computer for a while that I finally finished up in January. While I'm waiting for it to be posted on
, you'll get to read it early from following my creative journal. :) So here we go, the Sonic gang MSTs melodramatic "Animal Crossing" fic.

Title: Secret Science Theater
Author: Streak the Hedgehog/Shamanic Shaymin
Fandom: Animal Crossing (Original) Sonic the Hedgehog (MSTing party)
Genre: Romance/Angst/MST.
Rating: R
Warnings: Crude humor, sexual innuendo. Wangst overload and bad language in the original.
Ships/Characters: Totakeke/Mabel (Original), one-sided Sonic/Amy, implied Rouge/Knuckles/Shadow, Tails (MST)
Finished: No

Original: Here.


Sonic: The blue hedgehog with an attitude and the hero of his main series. "Animal Crossing" is too slow-paced for his style of gaming, but as long as he's trapped MSTing badfic, he's here to help a friend in need!
Tails: Sonic's best friend is a yellow two-tailed fox with a talent for mechanics. Very mature and intelligent for his age.
Knuckles: A red echidna who is the last of his kind (or so he believes) and Guardian of the Master Emerald. Slowly getting a hang of life outside of Angel Island since becoming friends/rivals with Sonic.
Amy: A pink hedgehog who is the self-appointed girlfriend of Sonic. Naturally knows a thing or two about fanfiction and fangirlism.
Rouge: A white bat with a love of jewelry and thievery. A spy and a femme fatale rolled into one.
Shadow: A black hedgehog with red streaks with a complicated history and a darker outlook on life. Another rival of Sonic, he follows his own moralistic code and will do whatever it takes to succeed.



By Streak the Hedgehog

Amy: *singing Mr. Roboto* Secret, secret! I’ve got a secret!

Un-fun legal stuff- I own nothing. NOTHING. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. ...Yah.

Sonic: 'Cept yer mom.

Chapter 1: What should not be told

Rouge: That K.K. has crabs?
Amy: That's not healthy.

Well now... all of this starts on a Saturday night, where K.K. Slider was just hopping off of the train to come to town.

Shadow: Hell, Michigan.
Rouge: Anywhere in Maine. Stephen King wants to write a book about you!
Tails: Silent Hill.
Sonic: Raccoon City! There's a big zombie audience tonight!
Amy: I didn't know Wisp liked Totakeke's music.
Knuckles: *looks around nervously* Ghosts…

He had his usual guitar in hand and waved to Porter. "Welcome back, K.K.!" Porter said enthusiastically. "What's up, Porter dude?" K.K. said, grinning at him.

Tails: *as Porter* Dante from "Devil May Cry" saved us from demons!
Knuckles: *as Porter* Aliens came and abducted Gracie's car!
Shadow: *as Porter* We found a body at the beach today. We hope it didn't come from our island again.
Sonic: *as Porter* Tom Nook and Crazy Redd are rivaling each other in bikini sales!

"Which song do you have in mind tonight, to play I mean?" Porter asked him, the train starting up behind him and leaving.

Amy: *singing* Every night in my dreams, I see yooooooou, I feeeeeeeeeel you~

"Hmm. While, I haven't really thought about it yet. Maybe K.K. Love Song." K.K. replied, shrugging.

Amy: In a romance fic? What a no-brainer!
Rouge: *as K.K.* "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails.
Shadow: You know what else is romantic? "Reptile."

"I see... I don't enjoy that song myself, really, but it's your choice!" Porter said. "Better get down there, I'm a bit late." K.K. said.

Amy: *as K.K.* The fangirls will howl for my pants if I don't show up!

And with that, he walked out of the train station and down to the small box next to the town map and began to practice K.K. Love Song, for no real reason, because he was very good already.

Knuckles: *as K.K.* No way! My guitar string's broken!
Shadow: What a wonderful night this will be.

At that moment, Mabel Able walked near him, going out for a nighttime stroll. The reason she was out was because there wasn't much going on back at her shop.

Tails: Not to mention downcast for losing that last bid on Ebay.
Rouge: *as Mabel* I wish I can get the hentai spriters to quit designing in my shop. Oh well, at least I'm making money!

She heard K.K. playing and looked at him. She had never been able to listen to K.K. Slider in person, since she was always either at the shop or sleeping. she had only ever heard recordings.

Shadow: The Able Sisters must work strenuously at their place to never go out at all.

She quickly went over to him, excitement all over her face. "Wow! I can't believe it's you! I've always wanted to meet you!!" she said, staring at K.K., who stared right back. "Um... would you like me to jam for you?" K.K. said uncertainly.

Rouge: You know, is Mabel looking at a… certain part of K.K.'s?
Sonic: Remember kids! If someone touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable-
Knuckles & Shadow: Don't start.

"Would I ever!" Mabel said just as excitedly, sitting down to listen. "Alright, here it goes. K.K. Love Song!" K.K. said, and started playing.

Amy: *as K.K.* *singing* 'Cause I'd rather spend eternity eating shards of broken glass
Than spend… one more minute… with you~

While he was playing, Mabel didn't really pay much attention.

Sonic: *snicker* Good thing!
Amy: *as K.K.* *singing* I still remember the way that you laughed
When you pushed me down the elevator shaft!

She was paying attention to K.K. She had never seen him before, except in pictures, and she had always kept a very deep secret.

Knuckles: *as Mabel* My sister likes him too.
Rouge: She writes RPS? Scandalous!

She was in love with K.K. She had always admired him... his songs... his guitar... his body... him. It was all she ever thought about.

Sonic: His di-*WHAM!*
Tails: Wh-What?
Amy: You're missing nothing, Tails.
Shadow: Humph!
Tails: Well, it's not like I didn't know Sonic was gonna say something "special" anyway.

She had never let anybody know, of course. They would just make fun of her. She wasn't even the same species as him. But she loved him all the same...

Rouge: O RLY? *snakes an arm over the shoulder of Knuckles and Shadow* If I recall boys, I'm the only bat around. *sly grin*
Knuckles: *wide-eyed* Uh…
Shadow: *scoffs at Rouge* I think you're just shameless.

K.K. finished playing and looked up at Mabel. "How did you like..." but he stopped short.

Amy: *as K.K.* Pizza Hut! My order came.

Mabel was just staring at him, seeming not to have noticed that he had spoken to her or that he had stopped playing. He stared back at her quizzically. "Uh... anybody home...?" he asked, looking a bit worried.

Sonic: *as Mabel* *dark scratchy voice* WE are.
Tails: Poof! It's a Ditto!
Knuckles: No, a changeling!

Suddenly, Mabel shook her head and blushed. "Uh, yeah. great song," she stuttered.

Amy: Liar.

"Is something wrong?" K.K. asked. "Uh... no... not really..." Mabel said, now shaking. "Ok..." K.K. said slowly.

Rouge: *as Mabel* *wary glance* Could I be pregnant?
Tails: Mabel lost the last good spot in line for the next X-Men movie.

Mabel jumped up suddenly.

Sonic: *shoots fist in air* Do the Mario!

"Uh... I should... uh... be getting... uh... back to my... uh...

Tails: Laboratory!
Rouge: Night club.
Knuckles: The Marines!
Shadow: Coffin.

shop..." she said, stuttering worse than ever. K.K. stared as Mabel rushed off in the direction of her shop.

Rouge: "I'm going back home." said Mabel, as she walked back home.
Shadow: "I'm going to sell dead babies." said Tom Nook as he sold dead babies.

K.K. just sat there for a minute before shaking his head and beginning to practice again... "Is Mabel hiding something from me...?" he thought.

Everybody: No.

He knew her name because he had heard about her before while jamming for a kid in Derfum once. All the same, K.K. couldn't help thinking that Mabel might just maybe like him.

Knuckles: The Biggest Mystery since why the dinosaurs became extinct.
Tails: Did anyone else read that as "Darfur"?

Mabel was back at her house, in her room, (which had pictures and posters and all sorts of things featuring K.K. Slider) crying.

Amy: Including K.K. cigarette lighters!
Tails: K.K. PEZ!
Sonic: K.K. Underwear!

She was so embarrassed... she never wanted to see K.K. or anyone else ever again.

Amy: *as Mabel* Oh no, my life is so horrible! Wait… is that the ice cream man?

She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, how much she adored him, how much she just wanted to

Shadow: Ship him off to sea and laugh when the seagulls eat him.

live with him forever... but she couldn't. No. He would just think she was

Knuckles: Gracie.
Sonic: Britney Spears.

an idiot. But... maybe she... could try... Yes.

Amy: *as Mabel* Quick Sable! Hand me my Spidey suit!

She thought, standing up, tears still streaming down her face. I'm going to go tell him that I love him. And she marched out of her room, back to find K.K. Slider...

Rouge: …Who apparently started a harem.

K.K. had been pondering ever since Mabel had left.

Tails: The meaning of life?
Knuckles: Whether there would ever be world peace?
Sonic: Nah. Just wondering what sticker to put on his guitar.

He was bursting to say that he liked Mabel; wanted to get to know her more; he had never felt like this before. He felt all fuzzy inside, something that had never happened before.

Rouge: That's what your little musician on your crotch is telling you.

He wanted to know what it would feel like to be next to someone...

Shadow: *cramped in his seat and cranky* Come on over.
Tails: I hope he isn't claustrophobic.

to not wander all over the place, singing to people for free and being... a loner. Yes. He was alone, all the time. He never had anyone to be with, not even a partner that helped him sing or anything.

Sonic: Oh, he's got a partner all right! In our circles, she's called "Mary-Jane"!
Shadow: Sometimes it's important to work alone. K.K. probably had as many partners as Henry the VIII had wives.

He sighed, while a grumpy animal walked away, having been ignored after requesting that K.K. sing to him.

Amy: Should've shaken his shoulder or something.
Rouge: *as Grumpy Animal* Drat! So much for trying to show K.K. my pencil shavings.

Then Mabel ran up to him, panting. K.K. stared at her.

Sonic: *as K.K.* Hey! You got something on your face!
Shadow: *smirks* I hope you like spiders.

"Uh... hey," he said, a bit uneasily. Mabel blushed again as she remembered why she had come.

"Uh... hey..." she also said.

Knuckles: *as Mabel* Has anyone seen my wallet?
Amy: *as Mabel* Have you seen Trevor? He's my pet anaconda!
Shadow: *as Mabel* Hold this, will you? I'm running from the cops.

"So, why are you here again? Only one song per night," he said, grinning slightly, "but if you want to stay here and keep my company or some-"

Everybody: Hot lovin'?

he began to say, but Mabel had run up to him and pressed her lips softly against his, holding him close to her, while K.K. just stared at her with wide eyes, struggling to get free.

Amy: *as K.K.* Cooties!
Tails: *as K.K.* Crap! What if my mom sees this!?
Sonic: *as K.K.* Wait! I'm gay!

To be continued...

mst, fandom: sonic the hedgehog, rating: r, character: knuckles the echidna, character: amy rose, character: npc, character: sonic the hedgehog, character: shadow the hedgehog, character: miles "tails" prower, character: rouge the bat, fandom: animal crossing/forest

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