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Comments 4

rojo3131 July 22 2012, 19:16:41 UTC
You have me absolutely hooked on this! Can't wait for the rest and to know how on earth did Watson ended up like that.


azuhra August 5 2012, 02:15:58 UTC
I'm glad! About the hooking you part. I love a good story and if I can manage to spin one, its made my day.


capt_facepalm August 5 2012, 00:50:48 UTC
Empty water glasses can be dull, but not in this instance.
However, those water glasses which are either half-empty, or half-full... those are the ones that can give you real trouble!


azuhra August 5 2012, 02:17:39 UTC
Damn those metephorical glasses of water! Determining your perspective on the world like the egotists they are.

Er, lol. Yes. Water glasses.


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