Me! I signed up for 150k in 2015 and I'm already way past that, I miiiight go for 300k for 2016, I'm not sure yet. Surely that's not too crazy. it? *g*
Well, I've signed up for 250K the last two years - I blew that number to smithereens in 2014 and wrote 400K, but I'm going to miss the goal by about 20K this year. (With reason, though.) Hence why I'm taking a drastically lower goal this year.
And it's not like they ban you from the group if you don't meet your goal, or force you to take a higher goal if you drastically overshoot your previous one. But if you're using their tracking spreadsheet (and I love their tracking spreadsheet), having the higher goal would definitely help keep you on track.
I think my main concern is that I hate to not meet a goal, but that a year is an awfully long time to plan for in advance! At least for me, I have no idea what I'll be doing by the end of 2016. But I think I'll risk it, 300k, here I come! ;D
Thanks for thinking of me! Word count isn't how I function; I imagine it's a major difference between fiction and nonfiction. I will cheer you on! I think I function by breaking down writing tasks into smaller goals and then meeting them. When/if I function. ;-)
Probably. But I will say that I don't write to hit the word count, either - well, not exactly. I write the scenes that need to be written, and use the word count as a "Look how productive you really were!" sort of thing when I feel like I haven't been productive at all. I'm not going to hit the goal I made for 2015 this year - I'll be about 20K short - but considering what was going on in RL, I think 230K is still a pretty good showing, and I'm not sure I'd be happy with what I'd written if I didn't have the word count to make me feel better about it. (My brain is weird and twisty like that.)
It's because I totally let the housekeeping slide! I would take a picture to show you the pit that is my house but that would involve cleaning it so that I could find the camera.
(Nah, just kidding. I know where the camera is. It's on the other side of the pit.)
I've been strictly a lurker on LJ for the past couple of years, but I'm in. I managed more than 275k in 2015, and the second half of the year was far more productive than the first half. I've signed up for the 250,000 word pledge.
I published four novels and a novella this year, with a fifth novel just over halfway written. I plan to finish it and do another four novels in 2016. Who knows, maybe at some point they'll actually start to break even and stop hemorrhaging money! :-P
Comments 8
And it's not like they ban you from the group if you don't meet your goal, or force you to take a higher goal if you drastically overshoot your previous one. But if you're using their tracking spreadsheet (and I love their tracking spreadsheet), having the higher goal would definitely help keep you on track.
(Nah, just kidding. I know where the camera is. It's on the other side of the pit.)
I published four novels and a novella this year, with a fifth novel just over halfway written. I plan to finish it and do another four novels in 2016. Who knows, maybe at some point they'll actually start to break even and stop hemorrhaging money! :-P
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