ST Recap: Tomorrow is Yesterday - also, a momentary squee regarding comic books and a mini-contest

Feb 16, 2012 21:03

First, and most importantly:

OMG, FLIST. Why did none of you tell me about the Star Trek/Doctor Who comic book crossover? Bad Flist! Go to your rooms!

(Also, OMGWANT. Actually, I could make the argument that I need this comic in order to fully do justice to the Star Trek Rewatch. Yes. Absolutely. that sounds reasonable. Who wants to mail ( Read more... )

star trek recaps, doctor who

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Comments 16

crimedoc1 February 17 2012, 02:19:00 UTC

IT'S????? try "its" instead


azriona February 17 2012, 13:53:05 UTC
Yes, indeed! Who would you like on your bookmark?


crimedoc1 February 17 2012, 20:41:14 UTC
Me? Really?

Um.... something Dr. Who, please (note icon - grin). The TARDIS perhaps. Or Ten. Or Rose. (or all of the above but that's far too much for a single bookmark!) Surprise me, please! :-)


(why is there so much grammar!fail in this world???)


azriona February 17 2012, 23:11:29 UTC
Because they don't teach grammar in school anymore - which is a shame, because diagramming sentences was one of my favorite things. I was a total nerd.


fishface44 February 17 2012, 02:47:31 UTC
I had no idea about the DW/SNG mash up comic! Details on IDW site: "This eight-issue series will be written by Scott and David Tipton, the authors of critically acclaimed Star Trek: Infestation, with a helping hand from longtime Doctor Who writer Tony Lee, and will feature fully painted artwork by J.K. Woodward (Fallen Angel ( ... )


azriona February 17 2012, 13:56:10 UTC
See, I'd think it would be the first way, because there is far more sci-fi that doesn't involve time travel than there are stories about time travel that don't involve sci-fi. That is, I consider time travel to be a subset of sci-fi. (I may be logicking me out of the argument, mind.)

And by all means, yes, if you'd like to pick me up a copy of the comic book, I can supply you with the address. And send something awesome in return, because unfortunately it's a slight pain in the butt to mail things to where we will be, as it involves customs forms and standing in line at the post office.


fishface44 February 17 2012, 16:46:23 UTC
I don't mind-post office is nearby and besides, you completely deserve the comic books because of Cute Baby Monday & your awesome Star Trek recaps! Please feel free to remind me in May-the spirit is willing but my yak brain is Very Tiny. :)


azriona February 17 2012, 23:12:43 UTC
Like mine is any better with Mommy Brain Rot? I'll remind you if you remind me. :)


kaffy_r February 17 2012, 04:18:39 UTC
Lord. It's. It's. It's.

(I know I'm not the first to say it but ... jebus chrysalis on a lizard ... yes, trying to train myself not to curse like a stevedore, but grammarfail may make me break my vow ....)


lostmoon71 February 17 2012, 07:10:02 UTC
Awesome icon! :-)


azriona February 17 2012, 13:57:58 UTC
Incorrect usage of apostrophes tends to make me cry, because it's such an easy thing to keep straight. Frankly, I blame MSWord and those little green squiggles, because half the time it doesn't know what's right, either.


crimedoc1 February 17 2012, 20:38:35 UTC

(now if I could just get my students to appreciate it)


lordofthechaos February 17 2012, 07:28:07 UTC
Summary: When the U.S.S. Enterprise is thrown into a time warp, it ends up orbiting Earth in the 20th century. However when the Enterprise accidentally destroys a fighter plane, Kirk must think up a plan to return it's captain to Earth without being discovered.

Actually, there are two. 1. The time warp is not orbiting the earth, the Enterprise is. 2. It's is not the it it wants.



azriona February 17 2012, 13:52:31 UTC
Very good! But since I've already awarded the bookmark, you'll just have to get laid instead.


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