It's Not Heaven (But We've Got Seven Minutes)

Jun 13, 2014 22:57

Title: It’s Not Heaven (But We’ve Got Seven Minutes)
Author: nicorobin
Length: 5k
Pairing: Chorong/Suho, past!Chorong/Woohyun, side!Bomi/Kyungsoo
Genre: canon
Rating: PG-13 for sexual innuendo

They were practicing the dance routine for their next comeback when the manager came into the practice room with a sullen expression. She slipped out earlier, receiving a phone call, and Chorong stopped practicing to address her. “What’s with the expression, Unnie?” she asked, walking to the bench and chugging down a bottle of water. She’s not that thirsty - she’s hungry, but water had to be enough.

“I have bad news…,” their manager said, frowning, “EXO-K will have their comeback a week after us. You’re going to promoting at the same time with them.”

Chorong immediately spurted all the water inside her mouth and Naeun gave the leader disapproving look - Chorong’s trademark look, actually - while Eunji snorted at her reaction. Bomi was pretty obvious but Namjoo nudged her and Bomi coughed, trying to cover her excitement. Hayoung only blinked, glancing at Chorong hesitantly.

“I know, it’s suck,” thankfully their manager was completely oblivious about Bomi bouncing on her heels or the real reason behind Chorong’s pale face, “But let’s hope you can win several times before they come back.” She almost left the room again but then their manager remembered, “Oh and even worse,” Chorong looked up immediately - because what’s worse than promoting with the trend idol that would definitely swept the music chart and beat them?, “Infinite will also have their comeback after EXO-K.”

This time silent fell upon them before Bomi burst off laughing, falling down to the floor. Their manager stared at her with a shocked face and Eunji smiled patiently, “She just lost her mind with the information, Unnie,” but she made sure to kick her best friend when the manager wasn’t paying attention.

Bomi didn’t stop laughing even after their manager left and Chorong lost her composure when she heard Bomi’s choked words, “Two…, ex-boyfriends! … Together…,” so she threw her bottle towards their main dancer, hoping it would stop her from having a laughing spasm.

It didn’t.


Now they’re on the second week of their promotion, and Chorong put on her earphones as soon as they climbed up to the van on the way to the music station. Eunji claimed the back seat and it didn’t take long until she’s on the dreamland - she’s been running on caffeine since yesterday because of her musical - while the two maknaes playing games on her side. Naeun tried to read the scenario for her upcoming drama and Bomi… Bomi was typing furiously on her phone, giggling every now and then when she received a response. It didn’t take a genius to find out who’s she’s texting and for some reasons it annoyed the hell out of APink’s leader.

“Yah!” Chorong yelled and snatched the phone away from Bomi. “Stop it! You’re disgusting!”

Bomi looked startled at first, but after two seconds she’s already grinning again. “Would you rather hear me on the phone and moaning his name instead-”

“YOON BOMI!” she slapped Bomi’s arm hard without a mercy because they promised not to talk about that - the accident where Bomi walked in on Chorong when she’s on the phone with… a certain someone.

“Unnie!” Eunji groaned from the backseat, apparently got woken up by Chorong’s yell. “Can you please keep the voice down?!”

“… Sorry, Eunji-yah,” the leader murmured her apology and Bomi wiggled her eyebrows at her, taking back her phone from Chorong’s hand. Chorong glared at her but Bomi already fixated on her phone again.

“Woah, daebak,” Hayoung’s voice took their attention and they didn’t need to ask what awed the maknae. It was the long, endless queue of fangirls outside the music station, all carrying EXO banners. Today was EXO-K’s comeback stage.

“Ah, ah,” Bomi pointed at one specific banner, “Oppa!” she sighed wistfully. “I want to hold your banner too!”

“Put your hand down, Bomi-ah, they can see you,” Chorong hissed, grabbing Bomi’s hand to stop her from pointing. The last thing they needed right now was a scandal.

“Unnie,” Bomi rolled her eyes obnoxiously, “The windows are tinted black, I can flash my boobs and they won’t notice it.”

“Really?” Namjoo leaned forward from the back seat, looking interested with the idea.

Bomi thought about it for a while. “I don’t know, should we try?” she asked back, and Chorong could only exhale deeply, massaging her temple and cursing her luck to be the leader of the band.


One look across the waiting room and Chorong could tell they’re missing one member. God damn, Yoon Bomi! Of course it was Bomi - Eunji was sleeping like a corpse, Naeun managed to get Hayoung to practice her dialogues with her, and Namjoo was memorizing the song she’d be featured in. They were waiting for their turn to record their performance.

Chorong glanced over to the door when someone walked it but it’s not Bomi, it’s their manager. She quickly turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, pretending to deep in her sleep. But it didn’t stop her manager to bother her.

“Chorong-ah,” the manager touched her shoulder gently, “Chorong-ah, do you know where’s Bomi? We’ll be recording in fifteen minutes.” It looked like their manager had no remorse at all wakening Chorong up - okay she’s not really sleeping but that’s beside the point - and she stared back when Chorong glared at her. “Why is she always missing lately?” Chorong could still hear her mumbled to herself when Chorong walked out to search for her member.

It’s the third day of EXO-K’s promotion and Bomi took her time to the fullest, always disappeared whenever they had spare times between recording.

Chorong walked with firm steps, knowing exactly where Bomi was - or at least she had several guesses. She put on a smiley face, though, bowing politely and greeting every staff she met on the way, whether they acknowledge her or not. It’s better now days after they won several music shows.

She’s a little bit nervous that she would meet him, but there’s no sign of him at all and Chorong forced herself to relax. She did, however, walked pass EXO-K’s waiting room and she almost yelled out in frustration because the paper stuck on the door said ‘EXO-K & Infinite Waiting Room’.

Chorong quickly flew away, continuing her search of Bomi. She didn’t want to think about what would happen inside the room at all. It’s not her business. Not anymore.

On the end of the hall she turned around to the corner where there’s a small storage room. Just when she’s about to knock on the door, it opened and her main dancer stepped out, wiping her mouth with her thumb carefully so she wouldn’t smear the lipstick too much. Her cheeks were flushed healthy deep red and there’s a faint smile on her lips.

“Oh, Unnie!” Bomi stepped back, startled when she spotted Chorong outside her make-out spot.

“Yah you crazy b-” the curse was already on the tip of her tongue, really, but then Bomi’s boyfriend came out from behind her and Chorong stopped herself.

He looked handsome, but tired - his eye-bags were very prominent and Chorong remembered he’s shooting a drama right now. His plump lips looked swollen and more reddish than the usual, and he’s fixing his shirt and Chorong didn’t want to know why he did that.

“Noona,” he noticed Chorong’s presence too and greeted her immediately, “Good to see you, it’s been a while,” Kyungsoo was always so polite and it wouldn’t be fair if Chorong ignored him - he’s not the asshole, his leader was.

“Hey, Kyungsoo,” Chorong tried to smile back. “Yah,” she turned to Bomi, “It’s almost our time for recording, don’t you see the time?”

“Ah, I’m sorry, Noona. We weren’t aware of the time…,” Kyungsoo bowed his head a little. He turned back to his girlfriend, “I’ll see you later?” Bomi nodded, smiling cutely and Kyungsoo smiled back, patting her head.

Chorong wanted to puke and die from the cheesiness - or maybe she’s just jealous because her own relationship was already ended while Bomi and Kyungsoo were still lovey-dovey.

“Good luck with the recording, Noona.”

Chorong sighed. “Yeah… You too.” That’s all she could say and she curled her fingers around Bomi’s wrist, dragging her back to their waiting room.

Thankfully the rest of the members had more responsible than the Weekly Idol’s MC - most of them were ready to go, only Hayoung that still had a stylist applying more powder on her legs. One of their stylists looked at Bomi and quickly yelled, “Yoon Bomi! What happened with your lipstick! Did you secretly eat? I thought you’re all on a diet!”

“Eat…?” Bomi furrowed her eyebrows, but then there’s a naughty smirk on her face. “Well…, you can say it like that,” she glanced at the others and winked secretly.

Naeun shot her a disapproving look - Chorong’s trademark that slowly become her trademark - and Eunji just rolled her eyes, uninterested with Bomi’s sex life. Namjoo, on the other hand, widened her eyes before she started to cackle, clapping her hands.

Chorong opted to keep quiet.

She had no right to tell Bomi what to do - or don’t - because it used to be Chorong who got scolded by their stylists.


Kyungsoo entered their waiting room and he quickly noticed the presence of the other boy group inside it, apparently their recording had finished. He bowed and greeted them, “Hello, Sunbaenim,” because even though his hyung - Minseok and Luhan - was quite close with some of Infinite’s members, it’s not the same case with EXO-K. It’s actually even worse than acquaintances for their leader and Infinite’s main vocalist.

“Hey, Kyungsoo-ssi,” some of them greeted back, the others just gave him a nod.

“Kyungsoo!” a stylist came to him with a scowl. “Where have you been? And…,” she took a step back to take a better look at Kyungsoo, “… Why is your lipstick much redder than before?”

Baekhyun decided to be the shit he was by saying, “Because APink’s lipsticks are red, Noona! And I bet that’s not the only place he got redder~”

There’s a satisfied smile on Baekhyun’s face when Chanyeol laughed his ass off after his comment. Sehun in the corner tried hard not to laugh but failed, startling the sleeping Jongin beside him. Meanwhile Junmyeon had an unamused look on his face, glaring at Baekhyun who avoided his glare.

Kyungsoo smirked a little but said nothing, letting the stylist fixed his make-up.

“… So it’s true?” it was Infinite’s leader who asked, and Chanyeol and Sehun shut up immediately. EXO-K’s members turned their attention to Sunggyu, who’s looking at Kyungsoo. “You’re dating Bomi?”

They were all aware that APink and Infinite were quite close, being neighbors, went to the same salon, and even had a show together before. Not to mention the history between their members. Kyungsoo glanced at Junmyeon before he replied carefully, “Yes, we’re dating.”

He didn’t voice out his question but it must be showed in his expression because Sunggyu smiled. “It’s alright, I just heard it the other day and curious. Good for you, Bomi’s a nice kid.”

Kyungsoo nodded.

For a moment no one said anything, only the stylists fussing around the idols on their charge.

“How did you meet her?” Suddenly Woohyun asked, leaning back to the couch, eyes unmoving from Kyungsoo. Before Kyungsoo could answer, however, he already continued, “Let me guess, you met her through Chorong, right?”

“Woohyun-an,” Sunggyu’s voice was low, warning Woohyun to stop.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Kyungsoo could see Jongin massaging Junmyeon’s shoulder warily. “… Yes,” Kyungsoo answered.

“Ah…, Chorong likes to do that,” Woohyun nodded. He was smiling, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “She likes to go on double dates, and she often takes Bomi. … Hey, Howon,” he turned to Hoya and Hoya shot him a threatening look but Woohyun was having none of that, “Remember that one time when we went to the movie? When you said you’re going to the toilet but you left with Bomi and never returned until the next morning.”

Hoya gritted his teeth and he turned to Kyungsoo, grimacing, “Sorry.”

Kyungsoo’s poker face didn’t change. “… It’s fine.”

“But it’s probably because I’m too noisy?” Woohyun hadn’t finished. “I can’t help it, Chorong is so good with her mouth-”

Junmyeon shot up from his seat, fuming, with Chanyeol and Jongin followed suit, quickly holding their leader back. Baekhyun and Sehun exchanged look, ready to get up anytime now. Kyungsoo could hear the stylist in front of him muttered, “… so much drama…”

Woohyun was also already on his feet, provoking Junmyeon more, with Sungyeol and Myungsoo to held him back. Dongwoo only sighed loudly while Sungjong shot a dirty look at his hyung.

“That’s enough, Nam Woohyun!” Sunggyu shouted, and he nodded to Hoya.

“Come on, Big Guy,” Hoya pulled Woohyun roughly, “Let’s talk outside.” He half-dragged Woohyun out of the room, the main vocalist still threw a challenging look at Junmyeon until he’s outside.

Sunggyu stepped up to Junmyeon after Woohyun and Hoya left, “Leader to leader… I apologize on his behalf.”

Junmyeon let himself go from Chanyeol and Jongin, fixing his suit. “Leader to leader… You have a real asshole there on your group.”

Infinite’s leader raised his eyebrows at Junmyeon’s harsh remark but then he just smiled, amused. “I heard from Chorong your group also has one.”

Junmyeon didn’t have a comeback for that and he sat back down, angrier than before.


“Are you out of your mind?” Hoya shoved Woohyun to one empty stall in the bathroom. It might be weird seeing two boys inside one stall - wait, actually it’s not that weird - but Hoya preferred no one see them if Woohyun decided to be an even bigger ass and Hoya needed to punch some sense onto him.

“He deserved it,” Woohyun scoffed, looking nothing near guilty. “He broke Chorong’s heart.”

“Well yeah so did you,” Hoya scoffed back, having enough of his best friend’s antic. Woohyun seemed stunned with his words and he sobered, sitting down on the toilet seat. “And what the hell, did you need to drag me into this? I had nothing against Kyungsoo! Woohyun-ah, this is not a competition between our groups. This is your own problem.”

“… Sorry, got carried away…,” Woohyun mumbled, looking down to his shoes.

“I hope you’re being like this because we’re Chorong’s friends and we hate seeing her got hurt, not because you still have feelings for her, because if you do…,” Hoya didn’t finish his sentence.

“No…,” Woohyun waved his hand, “It does suck seeing her with another man, but I’m glad because she’s happy,” he sighed. “But then that Kim Junmyeon made her cry and I…”

“Listen, if you regret it that much,” Woohyun lifted his eyes to meet Hoya’s, “I’m sure Junmyeon also regret it so much for hurting Chorong.”


“What do you want,” Chorong grunted at Bomi, who’s poking her head to her room that night. They just got home and they took turn showering - it’s Namjoo’s turn now.

“Well…,” Bomi slipped herself in and plopped down to Chorong’s bed. “I got messages from both Kyungsoo Oppa and Howon Oppa about what happened earlier on their waiting room… It’s very interesting, I must say.”

Chorong narrowed her eyes at Bomi before returning to her phone; she’s surfing the internet mindlessly. Why on earth her related searches on Naver were still ‘Chorong Suho’ and ‘Chorong Woohyun’? She needed to change it. Even ‘Chorong Jungkook’ would do at this point, even though she never talked to the kid before. She’d greet him the next time they meet. On public. With a chest bump. Surely that would make a headline and replaced her previous related searches.

“I know. Woohyun told me.”

“He did?” Bomi raised her eyebrows. “Hmm…, did he also tell you that he told Kyungsoo Oppa about me fooled around with Howon Oppa?”

This time Chorong glanced, genuinely surprised. “Really?”

“Yeah, but Kyungsoo Oppa is not mad,” Bomi shrugged. No one was truly innocent in this industry, anyway - except Hayoung, Chorong protected her like a mother-hen. “But that was a really dick move.”

“Sorry… I’ll talk to him later.”

“Thanks, Unnie, but actually, that’s not the reason I’m here. You see…,” Bomi had a soft smile on her face and Chorong didn’t quite like it. She preferred the noisy, troublemaker Bomi. “… I talked to Kyungsoo Oppa, and he thinks… He thinks Junmyeon Oppa is still likes you,” Bomi ran her fingers through Chorong’s hair now, “… and I know for sure that you still care a lot about him too.”

“I’m not!” Chorong shook her head stubbornly.

Bomi tried her best not to roll her eyes. “Of course, you already over him, that’s why you like to browse for his recent photos, because you don’t think he’s hot with his blond hair at all.”

“I-I-,” for a second Chorong looked like she wanted to deny it, but Bomi’s knowing look made her give up, “How did you know?!”

“Unnie, do you think I only care about my life? We care about you too, you know, not only me, but all of us. Hayoung even asked me what she could do to cheer you up. You’ve been moping around since your break-up with Junmyeon Oppa.”

Chorong went quiet, she didn’t realize that her sour mood affected her younger members. “I didn’t know… I’ll pay more attention to you guys, tell Hayoung not to worry about me. I’ll… I’ll be fine soon.”

Bomi patted Chorong’s head for a while before she left the leader alone with her own thoughts.


“Again? Seriously, where does Bomi go every day?” their manager had her hands on her hip when she scanned the waiting room and there’s no sign of the long haired girl. “Don’t tell me… She has a boyfriend?” she narrowed her eyes suspiciously and looked around the girls, looking for tell-tale.

“Ahahaha!” Namjoo laughed immediately as if the idea was funny. “Bomi Unnie? Dating? Who wants to date her after seeing her at Weekly Idol?” That was completely untrue; she got more popular and received more calls recently. But they were banned from dating since their gaming rumor with EXO broke out - which proven to be false, still their agency preferred to play safe.

Chorong was glad that Namjoo took that acting class.

“I’ll search for her,” she sat up before their manager could ask more. She wanted to take a rest but Eunji was sleeping, as always, Naeun was concentrating on her scenario, and there’s no way she sent Hayoung and risked her getting exposed to Bomi’s activities with Kyungsoo.

Chorong looked up and down to Bomi’s usual make-out - and maybe more - places but she couldn’t find her, she even went back to their waiting room to check just in case Bomi already returned. She hadn’t.

Finally she gave up and dragged herself to the person that should be facing the same problem as she was. Thankfully, EXO-K shared a room with VIXX today.

VIXX was good.

VIXX was nice, VIXX was cool, and most importantly, Chorong had no ex-boyfriend in VIXX.

She knocked before opened the door, and heads were turning to her when she poked in. “Um…,” her eyes quickly found Junmyeon’s. “Do you happen to know where Kyungsoo is…?”

Junmyeon looked a little bit surprised that Chorong was talking to him - she’s been avoiding him since their break-up. Baekhyun had to jab him in the side to make him snapped awake, “Oh. Um, sorry, I also don’t know.”

“Ah, … okay…”

Chanyeol was not good at keeping his voice low, even when he whispered to Junmyeon, Chorong could still hear him clearly, “Hyung, you fool! Go look together with Chorong Noona! This is your chance!”

Junmyeon’s eyes widened and he stood up. “Ah, right. Rong-I mean, Chorong,” the VIXX’s members snickered for Junmyeon’s slip, “We can look for them together. Our rehearsal is after you, so…”

Chorong didn’t want to, but she didn’t have much time left and God knew how much touch-up Bomi would need after she met Kyungsoo, so she nodded slowly. She pretended she didn’t see the shit eating grins EXO-K and VIXX had on their face.

They walked together down the hall, but keeping some distance between them. Of course staff knew which idol dated another idol, didn’t mean idols flaunted their relationships.

“I already searched for them on this floor’s storage room, and then the bathroom below, also the stairs on the end of the hall…,” Chorong recited the popular dating spot for idols.

“Ah…,” Junmyeon stopped in his track for a second and Chorong stared at him confusedly. “Did you…,” he hesitated, “Did you search the empty room on fifth floor?”

“… What?” now Chorong was the one who stopped walking and Junmyeon did, too, looking at her guiltily. “You told them our-?!” She stopped herself because no, there’s no such thing as our anymore. Chorong slapped herself mentally.

“I’m sorry!” of course Junmyeon caught her words and he quickly tried to explain, “Kyungsoo said he’s looking for a new place and I-That’s the place that came to my min… I know that’s our place, but I thought… I’m sorry, Rong…” He took Chorong’s fingers gingerly and for a moment Chorong let him because his touch was burning but also comforting and Chorong wanted to throw herself at Junmyeon’s embrace.

“It doesn’t matter,” Chorong pulled her hand back. She swallowed down. “… It’s just a room.”

Chorong saw the fallen expression Junmyeon had and he looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t, nodding silently in the end.

They took the stairs to the fifth floor and Junmyeon lead, to the familiar room where they used to meet, stealing times between recording. It’s not romantic, of course it never romantic for idols that dated on music station, and it’s not perfect either, but the adrenaline rush because they didn’t have a lot of times and the needy kisses exchanged were something to remember.

Finally they arrived, and Junmyeon glanced back at Chorong one last time before he knocked on the door. “Soo?” There’s no answer, so Junmyeon tried to turn the knob. It worked and he pushed the door open.

It was an abandoned room, with a small meeting table, two chairs, a small window on the opposite of the door, and that’s it. That’s it, because there’s no other thing inside - no sign of Bomi and Kyungsoo either.

“I guess they’re not here-”

Before Junmyeon could finish his words, someone shoved him inside with Chorong, and Chorong stumbled on her heels, falling directly onto his arms. Luckily Junmyeon caught her on time, balancing both of them. The two exchanged surprised look with the sudden proximity but then they heard the familiar sound of the locking door.

“Hyung!” it was definitely Kyungsoo’s voice outside. “I’m really sorry, but it’s Bomi’s idea-”

“Hey! It’s our idea!” Bomi protested, “Our, as in, the kids too, Unnie, so please think twice before you kill us, you don’t want to go solo, right?”

Kyungsoo chuckled lightly at his girlfriend’s words. “Anyway, Hyung, we’ll come back later, you have… thirteen minutes!”

“Do Kyungsoo! Open this door right now!” Junmyeon tried to shake the door’s knob but to no result.

“Ssshh, Oppa, the staff can hear you! Just, you know, keep it low like you guys used to do?” she’s definitely teasing and Chorong closed her eyes, plotting Bomi’s death in her mind.

“Yah Do Kyungsoo! Yoon Bomi!” Junmyeon shouted again, but it was clear the couple wouldn’t change their minds, so he turned to Chorong. “I swear I don’t know anything about this. Sorry, I’ll make Kyungsoo pay for this later.”

His ex-girlfriend only exhaled. “Don’t worry about it… They said they’ll come back in thirteen minutes, so… Let’s just wait,” she looked at one chair reluctantly before taking her seat there. Was it the same chair where Junmyeon sat and then she’s on his lap and they…?

Junmyeon took the other chair beside Chorong, and Chorong looked the other way around.

The silence was unbearable, and everywhere Chorong landed her eyes on she just got images of what she used to do with Junmyeon there.

Junmyeon liked to press her against the wall, kissing her neck and complained of the powder there because he couldn’t lick and tasted her. So he nibbled her ear instead, swiping his tongue on her earlobe and making Chorong let out tiny whimpers. She couldn’t see it but she knew Junmyeon always smirked when he’s succeed at making Chorong let out those noises - which was every time. And then Chorong would have her revenge by palming Junmyeon’s crotch and she would rub his bulge slowly. Junmyeon would rest his head on her shoulder and begging her to stop teasing him.

Sometimes Junmyeon laid her on the table - the same table that’s in front of them right now - and he’d spread her thighs, settled himself between them. He liked to kiss Chorong’s inner thighs, and it’s a good thing Chorong usually had skirt as her stage costume because Junmyeon hated shorts due to its ‘uneasy access’.

But Chorong’s favorite part was Junmyeon’s quick peck on her lips before they parted with a whisper of ‘See you later’. And then when Chorong just one step away, Junmyeon would pull her back to give her two, sometimes three, more pecks. Then he grinned, saying, ‘I really really like you, Park Chorong’ and it’s enough to make Chorong smiled until she could meet him again.

She sighed loudly without even realizing it and rested her forehead on the table’s surface - it’s probably unhygienic but she couldn’t bring herself to care at the moment.

“… Rong,” Chorong flinched slightly when Junmyeon called out her name. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly and Chorong felt even more tired.

“I told you, Jun, it’s not your fault-”

“Not for this,” Junmyeon cut her off, “For… everything. For us.”

Chorong felt a lump on his throat and a knot on her stomach.

“Rong…?” Junmyeon hand found its way to Chorong’s and this time Chorong didn’t push him away. “Please look at me.”

Hesitantly, Chorong raised her head, looking at her ex-boyfriend. She regretted it instantly, because as soon as she stared at Junmyeon’s eyes, all those memories and feelings she tried hard to forget came back in a wave.

She remembered his encouraging messages every morning that made it easier for Chorong to be APink’s leader, to be an idol that had to smile every time to entertain their fans. She remembered the sweet nothings he whispered to her ear when they took a stroll along Han River with fingers intertwined, pretending they’re a normal couple even though it’s three in the morning and they wore hoodie and mask and Junmyeon’s sasaeng fans followed them, taking pictures that they knew wouldn’t be release unless Junmyeon did something that ‘betrayed’ his fans. She remembered how she felt belong on his arms, the way he held her tight whenever he could, like she’s the most precious thing to him and he would never let go.

But he did, and Chorong was left alone, broken, mending her shattered heart once again that Junmyeon fixed.


“Rong, I’m sorry for hurting you… I was stupid, I didn’t think enough and I let my ego ruined us,” Junmyeon was pleading now, holding Chorong’s hand to his forehead. “ Just… give us one more chance, please.”

With those words, Chorong’s wall crumbled down.

She couldn’t deny that she missed Junmyeon, she missed her man, she missed him so much it hurt. And it’s scared her how much she liked him, the power he had over her, that he could broke her heart with the simplest thing, anytime he wanted.

But Junmyeon’s eyes were nothing but sincere, and Chorong wondered, maybe, maybe she also had the same power to break Junmyeon’s heart.

Maybe he liked her as much as she liked him.

So she pulled her hand from Junmyeon, using it to stroke his cheek instead. He leaned in instinctively to her touch, missing the way Chorong’s skin felt against his.

“Junmyeon…,” Chorong said the name as if she said it for the very first time again.

“Chorong,” his voice cracked and Junmyeon held the back of Chorong’s neck gently to pull her closer, closing the gap between them and locking their lips together.

Their lips fit into each other perfectly and Junmyeon sighed into Chorong’s lips because he missed this, he missed her, and now he had her back on his arms and this time Junmyeon swore he wouldn’t be an asshole like that Nam Woohyun guy - or like who he used to be.

He tilted his head to give him a better angle so he could kiss Chorong deeper, and Chorong parted her lips, giving Junmyeon’s permission to slip his tongue inside her mouth.

What started as a slow, lingering kiss, turned into heated, passionate kisses and Chorong didn’t miss the tent forming on Junmyeon’s crotch because of their make-out. She broke away from Junmyeon, panting hard, long enough to asked urgently, “How many minutes?”

Junmyeon’s breathing was still more even than her, damn that seven years of training, “I don’t know… Seven?” he asked back, cocking one eyebrow.

“… Seven minutes is enough,” Chorong smiled playfully at his boyfriend, giving him one last peck before she went down.


There’s no Kyungsoo or Bomi that showed up to pick them up, but when they checked, the door was no longer locked - they must unlocked it when Chorong and Junmyeon were… distracted, and the pair walked back to their own waiting room, this time with a promise for a late night call.

Bomi grinned happily at her entrance and Chorong tried to glare at her but she knew she owed the brat, so she chose to ignore her instead. Hayoung, on the other side, looked at her with hopeful eyes and Chorong smiled at her, assuring the maknae that she’s good now.

She’s more than good.

“Chorong-ah! Bomi already came back minutes ago, where were you?” the manager asked her. “… Woaa, what happened to your knees? Why it’s dirty, did you fall?”

They all looked at Chorong’s knees that blackened a little, like she’s just kneeling at dirty floor or something.

Bomi was laughing again and Naeun stared at her, judging, while Namjoo stared at Chorong for two seconds before she raised her thumbs, chuckling. The ruckus woke Eunji up, who looked around confusedly, and then there’s Hayoung, who’s awake all the time but looked as confused as Eunji.

Chorong looked away from Hayoung’s questioning look - she preferred their maknae didn’t know what she did to EXO-K’s leader in the span of seven minutes.


t: oneshot, p: woorong, f: pinkfinite, c: chorong, c: kyungsoo, c: bomi, c: junmyeon, f: exopink, l: 5k, p: kyungmi, r: pg-13, p: surong

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