The First Time - X-Men - Logan/Rogue - #13 Kitchen

Sep 14, 2006 12:03

TITLE: The First Time
AUTHOR: Demona
SUMMARY: Rogue's first time.
NOTES: Set AU after X3: The Last Stand

"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend." - I do not own any of the characters in X-Men, the movie. They belong to Marvel, 20th Century Fox, etc. The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Previous Chapters:
Prompt# 21 - Banana - “It Outta Be Illegal

A/N: This is AU post X3: The Last Stand. The only thing that I'm going to be using from that movie is Rogue getting the Cure. The movie, including Rogue getting the Cure, was a bit off for my tastes... And I'm not going to say anything else about that.

Prompt# 13 - Kitchen - “The First Time”

Her first time wasn’t what she thought it would be, but she would have never wanted anything else. Rogue always imagined her first time would be on her back in a bed with some boy fumbling around as he tried to figure it out, faking it as he went along. It was perfect in her mind because she knew nothing different. It was the way all the girls from her hometown had envisioned it, and their mothers before them.

When she was young she had crushes on all the boys in school and all the boys had crushes on her. She was beautiful, funny, popular, and untouchable for most - even back then - for entirely different reasons. When she kissed Cody and her mutation kicked in, Rogue stopped imagining her first time because she knew no one would want to touch a mutant freak.

Logan had changed that. He had touched her, knowing he might die, in order to save her life. Logan had awoken those dreaded dreams of her first time. They rose to the surface of her mind and refused to go away.

Her first time wasn’t at all like she planned. It wasn’t in her bedroom. She wasn’t on her back on her bed. A clumsy, overexcited young boy wasn’t above her fumbling around. Instead she was in the kitchen of Xavier’s School. Her first time wasn’t what she thought it would be, but she would have never wanted anything else.

Her bare back touched the cold stainless steel refrigerator and a half-growl from Logan brought her out of her musings. “Where’d you go, darlin’?” Logan asked as he touched his free hand to her cheek. Rogue sighed, contently, at the touch of his hand. She just knew she would never get used to the Cure.

Rogue shook her head against his hand. She turned her face into his hand and traced a line across his palm with the tip of her tongue. His mouth was on hers almost instantly, lips crushing hers and his tongue licking her lips to gain entrance. She returned the kiss with the same aggression. She briefly wondered if all that aggression was hers or something left over from touching Logan.

Her skirt and panties were torn down off her body, joining her top and bra in the floor, while she was in a lust driven daze. Logan stepped back away from her for a brief moment to pull off his own tee shirt and step out of his jeans - no boxers. And she took in the full view of him standing completely naked and excited before her. She had done that to him. Her insides tightened in anticipation of what was coming next. He was pressed against her almost immediately. The cool surface of the refrigerator at her back had goose bumps popping up along her body in direct contrast to the heat of Logan pressed intimately against her front. She felt him, hard, hot, and thick as he pressed against her stomach.

He kissed her against, threading both hands into her hair and holding her steady. She wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the hairs at the base of his skull. She needed this man more than she had needed anything else in her life. She raised one leg, sliding it up along his thigh, pressing them further together.

A moan escaped her as he thrust against her. It wasn’t enough and she whimpered. “Logan, I need you, now Logan,” Rogue whispered against his lips.

He broke the kiss and reached for the condom package he had set on the counter minutes ago. He tore the package and Rogue watched with hooded eyes as he rolled the condom on. He looked back into her eyes and she gasped at the intensity of his gaze. There was something feral in that look that she connected with.

“Last chance to back out, Marie,” he whispered, barely audible above their breathing in the otherwise silent kitchen.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she softly replied as she reached for him. Her hands touched his bare chest and her long fingers drew invisible messages.

Her words seemed to be enough for him. His hands circled around her waist and he lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around his hips without any prompting from him. One hand slid under her to hold her weight as he pressed them both back against the refrigerator. He kissed her, distracting her as he positioned himself. He broke the kiss, catching her eyes as he started to push inside her.

The pain broke through the haze and she frowned slightly. He kept pressing into her until she bit her lip to hold back a cry.

“You doing okay?” he asked, stilling his motion.

“I’m fine,” she lied and forced a small smile to her face.

“I can’t even help heal you, help erase the pain.” The frustration was clear in his voice. He would have touched her, suffered from her power’s pull and given up part of his healing ability to keep her from hurting, even from this.

“I’ll trade a little pain for this, Logan. I’d trade it any day,” she firmly told him, and rocked her hips slightly, pushing him further inside her.

Rogue’s first time wasn’t what she thought it would be. It was awkward and clumsy on her part, controlled and deliberate on his. She let him take the lead and choose the pace. She didn’t complain as her back repeatedly knocked into the refrigerator, even though she was sure she was going to be bruised in the morning. She tried to remember every moment, every kiss, every sound, every slide of flesh against flesh, and every feeling as it transpired.

His strokes became hurried, uncontrolled and deeper as he neared his climax. She felt him straining to hold off, straining to give her what he thought she needed.

“Logan, Logan, Logan,” she gasped in time with his thrusts in his ear and then bit down on his earlobe. He shuddered and came with a growl. The claws on his free hand sprung free and ruined the freezer door next to Rogue’s head. The claws didn’t even cause her to flinch. Logan held himself pressed tightly against her, mini-tremors raced through his body, as he tried to catch his breath.

She laughed, she couldn’t help it. He pressed his forehead to the cool door on the opposite side of her head and grunted.

“How are we going to explain the ruined door?” Rogue asked as she buried her face in his neck.

“Don’t worry about it Marie,” he muttered which only caused her to giggle further.

Her first time wasn’t what she thought it would be, but she would have never wanted anything else.


A/N2: Yes, I know - not too smutty, but I tried and this what came out.


pairing: logan/rogue, work in progress, fiction, character: wolvernine/logan, fandom: x-men, challenge: 50smutlets, character: rogue/marie, verse: a little more than lust

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