I've actually been doing a lot of traditional-art stuff lately, but, yeah, scanner's still defunct, plus, I've been playing more P3P than anything else. But here's a small art post, anyway.
Does anyone have a plurk? If you do, feel free to add me! It's mostly been me flailing about P3P thus far, but I'd like to have more than one person I know online in my circle there! I've actually been making an effort to post there every day, so... yeah! :U
In other P3P related news, playing this game is making my love of Ryoji resurface like a
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If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any questions that you dislike with a new question. -Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Hasn't been too long since my last post, but I opened up commissions, like I've actually been meaning to for a while. Check it on DA, if you're interested!