Тонкий аглицкий хьюмор

Apr 30, 2006 21:23

Nathan and Ari are taking a bath. Nathan plays with his "big kid" toys, while Ari is content with foam letters that stick to the walls - he is just learning his ABC's. I wash him first, wrap the little giggly bugger in a big fluffy towel and carry to his room. Upon returning, I find Nathan swimming in the bathtub, with him bum sticking out of the water, and letter U stuck between the butt cheeks. He sees me, becomes aware that I noticed the letter, and asks, mischievously, "Are U in my butt?"
I take the letter I, stick it to his foot, and answer, barely able to contain a chuckle, "No, I am on your foot".
Don't know why we found it so funny, but we laughed ourselves silly.
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