EDIT ON 9/30 - Sign-ups are now closed - writers have been sent their assignments and instructions. Looking forward to all the great fic that we'll see!
Day Five of Party Week is here! Fanfic Exchange Sign-ups
So, our thing today is kicking off a fanfic exchange. Here’s how it works. If you can commit to the exchange, sign up by commenting here with the requested info. The commitment is that you will eventually write a fic for someone, and someone else will write one for you. I will match you up behind the scenes and give you your assignment. Writers will have 3 weeks from the day you receive your assignment to complete your fic, and we ask that all fics are at least 1,200 words.
Please only comment here if you’re willing and able to do this! If at least 5 people sign up, we’ll do the fic exchange. Please sign up before September 29. I will do the match ups as soon as possible after we close the sign ups.
If you want to participate, please provide…
- Name
- Email
- Ratings you are willing to write and read (Feel free to either use the G through NC-17 rating system, or the rating system on Archive Of Our Own)
- Genres you are willing to write and read (drama, crack!fic, romance, gen, action/adventure, PWP, etc)
- What would you like to see in the fic that the other person writes for you? This is your place to request/prompt what you’d like. Feel free to use one of the existing prompts
from the kink memes, if you want.
- What do you definitely NOT want to see in the fic the other person writes for you? What are your squicks?
- Any other special requests?
- Are you able to pinch hit, if someone drops out?