Today I went to work to eat lots and LOTS of delicious food, and sing carols with the entire staff. Now I'm preparing for snow (glovebox had 4 ice scrapers wtf?) and hoping these sniffles go away soon.
So much to do today! Went from an unsure feeling last night to warm and fuzzy this morning. I'm confident I can get everything accomplished that I need to today. With the help of coffee. Lots and lots of coffee...
holy Jesus on the half shell, it's time to get some work done! Also, 21+ only bowling alley pleasantly surprised me last night with it's lack of idiots. Talk about weird...
!!! "Particularly notable are the wooden-faced and billowy-bodied ancestor props..." A positive review about my props in MULAN! Yay! Read the rest here:
Well, thankfully my scratchy throat is just due to some allergies with the bunnies last night. But they are SO CUTE how can you not snuggle them as much as possible??