B2MEM 2011 Day Twenty-one, West and East: Across So Wide a Sea

Mar 22, 2011 13:35

Today's Challenge:  The words West and East are often used in the works of Tolkien. Write a story or poem or create an artwork that uses these words as the central focus, whether as cardinals, regions, or as metaphors.

Hanky Alert, I fear...

Across So Wide a Sea

At sunset Gimli hobbles, very slowly, outside;  Legolas tucks a rug about him and they sit gazing East, as they have so many times.

“Do you ever wonder…?” the Elf asks softly.

Gimli grunts.  “’Tis Men’s Age, now. My folk are dwindling, just like -”

He breaks off;  both know Legolas still hopes against hope that his father will one day bring West the last of his people.

“And if Mandos does keep a special Hall for Dwarves - well, I’ll soon be finding out.”

No more words;  they need none. Together they watch the light fade over the vast, empty Sea.


b2mem2011, writing, fic, drabbles

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