Well... [gulps], after another round of tweaking, and complete rewrites of the first few chapters (thank you again,
green_maia for the re-beta!):
the eight-years-in-the-making Epic LoTR Beta Fic, Amid the Powers and Chances of the World, is Beta no more - I decided it's Really Finished and switched its status at the
Henneth-Annun Story Archive to General,
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What I think I will probably do, when the first one of those is postable at HASA, is create a new "story" to hold vignettes as individual chapters, and then use the HASA alert list on P&C one more time to invite people, if they'd like to, to sign themselves up for alerts to the future vignettes...
(Wow, the Returnverse has its own icon! Wishing now I had the Photoshop skills to create an appropriate one for Legolas and Rowanna...)
What I clearly need is someone to get hooked on the story who's an avid Photoshopper (or even better, can draw - I would so love to have some illustrations!)
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