Corneroffandom Chronicles: Dreamwave Wrestling 2016

Aug 24, 2016 21:48

So. I made my way back to Lasalle a few weeks ago. I'm very behind in this recap, things have been busy here between the charity stream, and just general day to day things. But here we go, so it was decided this trip to Lasalle would be a little different. Instead of just one night, it'd be a weekend vacation, because of everything going on, a break from reality was needed. Left on Saturday afternoon, after getting a little lost, made it to the hotel. Messed around for a couple of hours before leaving for Knights of Columbus. Mick Foley had been announced for months by this point, but they had added Santino Marella to the card three weeks prior. I already had my autograph/picture tickets for Mick, but not for Santino, so when I got up to the table to register, I bought a photo ticket with Santino.

The line to meet them both was already sprawled from one side of the building to the other, and I seriously considered giving it up and getting in line to get my seat and meet Mick and Santino at intermission like I did Ricardo, but ultimately ended up staying in line. I got into line around 6:05 and by the time I finished meeting Santino and Mick, it was 6:50. The show was starting at 7, so yeah cut it close. It was so hot in that building, haha. I ended up behind a couple and their two sons, so I observed as the woman talked with Santino's handler, or whatever they call the people who take care of tickets and things to autograph and such. Likewise, Santino was sitting there listening to them, and finally I made my way over and handed my camera and the ticket to the people who needed them to take my picture, sitting down on a chair next to him to have it taken. Santino was surprisingly quiet but nice, greeted me with a "Hello, how are you?" and I responded that I was fine, how was he? and he said he was fine. We sat there for a second, waiting for the picture, and I asked, "How's your neck doing?" and he told me that he can't wrestle anymore, but it doesn't hurt. He sounded so sad about it, I immediately felt bad for asking so I said a bit awkwardly that it's good that it doesn't hurt, then once the picture was taken, I told him I enjoyed watching him in WWE, it was nice to meet him, we thanked each other, and I got up and took my camera, getting back in line for Mick.

The family in front of me were still getting their things autographed and pictures taken so as I approached the table, Mick noticed me and asked if we'd met before, when I said no, he snapped his fingers and made a tsking kind of noise. I took that opportunity to put my book down near the guy in charge, and Mick looked back at me and said he had to finish up with the family in front of me, if that was ok-- which I wasn't trying to cut in line or anything, just trying to get everything together because there were signs all over saying to have what you wanted autographed and your camera ready so I didn't want to take much time since the line behind me was still pretty long, so I quickly nodded and stepped back to wait. Finally the family finished up and left and Mick told me to go on ahead and sit down next to him, so I did after handing over my camera to the guy taking the picture. I had written a letter for Mick beforehand so I told him so and gave it to him and he teased me if I put a lot of thought into it, and I said yes as he put it into his pocket, and then the picture was taken and I was trying to collect my things so I could go for the next person in line to come up when Mick realized he hadn't autographed my book. He then asked how to spell my name-- and I was so distracted trying to collect my things and my thoughts through, you know, that mind numbness that I always have to fight through when I meet people that when he asked if it was spelled Amie, I said yeah... so I have a book autographed to "Amie" but that's ok, that's so typical of me to not be paying attention properly that things botch, haha. It's still cool, whatever.

So once that was done, I got out of there and went upstairs to where the event will be held. I got a soda and, in an attempt to calm down, bought myself some Airheads-- the second best candy to describe me after things of this nature, only behind Nerds--  and found a seat. One of the reasons I was so happy about CWC is because Ariya Davairi and Mustafa Ali were both guys I've seen in Dreamwave, so it was cool to see them in a WWE event, you know. We also had Donovan Dijak and Lio Rush on the card. Little Guido too. It was a fun night, Fire Ant and Silver Ant vs Mike Hartenbower and Waylon started the night off. The Ants were more entertaining than I expected, and were beaten partially because Hartenbower and Waylon used Raid on them, haha.

Before intermission, Mick was introduced to the ring and talked for a few minutes before heading out to timekeep Suge D vs Joey Ryan, who came out with the DDT Ironman Heavyweight title. Joey proceeded to insult Mick and Lasalle and pretty much anything, so Mick decided he'd change things up-- instead of sitting by idly, he'd referee it instead. But a match of this importance needed an outside referee, so he introduced Santino to the ring. After some shenanigans with Mick, Socko, Santino and the Cobra, Suge beats Joey and becomes the new DDT Ironman Heavyweight Champion, but Santino knocks Suge over with the Cobra, rolling him up. Santino then becomes the new DDT Ironman Heavyweight Champion, but Mick sneaks up on him and tries to roll him up just for Santino to kick out. We have a show off between Socko and the Cobra until they agree to call a truce and hugs, just for Joey Ryan to recover and roll Santino up, regaining his DDT Ironman Title and running to higher ground. Afterwards, Mick comforts Santino that he's proof of how it doesn't matter how long the title reign is, what matters is that people will always remember it, and Santino does the trombone in victory before they hug and leave.

After intermission, Ariya wrestled Dijak and spent most of the match complaining that he's a cruiserweight and shouldn't have to wrestle heavyweights, just to defeat him anyway. Amazing, haha. A few matches later, the main event was AR Fox vs Mustafa Ali and they had a crazy match with a lot of insane spots on the apron. Mustafa retained his title and the event ended around 10:20-ish. Really fun night. Have to do it again sooner than later.

But my weekend wasn't over-- after some food and sleep, woke up the next morning and ate breakfast at Denny's before heading to the mall to walk around FYE a bit, and then go to the movies to watch Suicide Squad. Despite critic comments and everything else, I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait to get it on DVD, it was just fun all around. Did a bit of looking around at Big Lots and then Walmart, and ate supper at Culvers before heading to the hotel pool for some swimming. I haven't been in a pool in about 20 years, so that was kinda cool. I need some practice before I really get comfortable doing much more than floating around, but ya know. It was fun anyway. The next day woke up and ate a quick meal at McDonalds before heading out to this state park to walk around trails and look at waterfalls. Once done there, headed home to find my Halloween skirt and my Zack Ryder trading card waiting for me in the mail.

Had a really good, relaxing weekend, and I didn't make a complete fool of myself to Santino and Mick-- excluding the misspelled name, so yay. Haha.

corneroffandom chronicles

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