harry potter drabble: "it's the magic (of christmas)"

Dec 25, 2011 19:30

because i'm in the mood, some christmasy fluff for all h/hr shippers =D

also, here's the pic that ispired it all, i did it myself:

it's the magic )

character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - ootp, ff: harry potter - au, ship: harry/hermione, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, rating: g, character: harry j. potter, ff: drabbles, rating: pg

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Comments 7

shrek2be December 26 2011, 19:30:57 UTC
It was a nice little ficlet. It's always refreshing to have Harry take the initiative once for physical affection and is quite similar to what I've pictured canon Harry to be in terms of romance:A shy,awkward boy who has never been exposed to physical affection, much less romantic affection. Which is why Harry kissing Ginny in the middle of the common room in front of everyone is extremely OOC.Not something I'd ever imagine Harry to do . You know its a sad day when you have amateurs like me starting to dissect and understand Rowling's characters a bit better than her.H/Hr and H/L are intimate relationships.


ayumi_nb December 27 2011, 23:38:53 UTC
i'm glad you liked it and yeah, it is sad indeed, but i guess we all already know how awful Rowling handled intentional romance (as she said that whatever happened with h/hr was UNintentional), the OCC was needed if she was going to have her OBHWF


shrek2be December 28 2011, 04:50:29 UTC
You know, even OBHWF shippers in their fanfics write better stuff than what was shown in the books and have a somewhat better understanding of JKR's characters than JKR herself.
Rowling would rather choke than admit she had written H/Hr unintentionally and as a far stronger relationship than OBHWF.


cassandra_elise December 26 2011, 22:59:09 UTC
Very cute, both the picture and the ficlet. :D


ayumi_nb December 27 2011, 23:39:10 UTC
thank you


mmefleiss December 27 2011, 04:27:41 UTC
Very cute! I loved it.


ayumi_nb December 27 2011, 23:39:21 UTC
thank you =)


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