harry potter drabble: "happy christmas, harry"

Dec 12, 2011 23:16

an early christmas present for me... and for all those h/hr fans out there =D

Title: "happy christmas, harry"
Beta: no one
Rating: PG
Words: 300
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione
Theme/Prompt: harry100 theme #9 - christmas
Warnings/AN: this is set pre/during/post-DH, also i made a little twist to an scene that should have had that twist, because i think ( Read more... )

character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - au, ship: harry/hermione, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, character: harry j. potter, ff: harry potter - dh, themed comms: harry100, ff: drabbles, rating: pg

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Comments 15

ladybluestar December 13 2011, 02:31:32 UTC
Very nice and I like the idea of Harry correcting the wrongs of his past in this way.


ayumi_nb December 13 2011, 02:51:11 UTC
it's the way it shuold have been


madderbrad December 13 2011, 07:21:18 UTC
Yeah, the two of them, in front of his parents, that could have been epiphany time. The only reason we're given why it *wasn't* is just 'because'. Which isn't enough even for fictional relationships like the OBHWF pairings.


varon22 December 13 2011, 12:10:53 UTC
Never thought of the grave scene that way, but yeah, it SHOULD have been more of an epiphany for Harry. -_- And yeah, just "because." Pfft.


ayumi_nb December 13 2011, 16:44:29 UTC
i really don't know what the JKR was thinking when she tried to make us believe they were "meant to be" like brother and sister (and if so, damn, i want a brother like harry)


varon22 December 13 2011, 12:12:15 UTC
I love the idea of Hermione giving Harry a kiss on the lips on Christmas. So sweet! And I keep forgetting they went through the KISSING GATE. Thanks for including that tiny but precious detail. ^_^


ayumi_nb December 13 2011, 16:45:56 UTC
the kissing gate aspect of that chapter always got me thinking, ya know XD, it was too precious to let it pass


aina_hhrdanem December 13 2011, 18:00:24 UTC
very nice and yes god all the freaking signs were there I really thought something would happen then!!!


ayumi_nb December 15 2011, 05:51:00 UTC
we all did, ahh, but alas, the author needed to have her OBHWF


marenkp December 13 2011, 23:35:23 UTC
Lovely! I especially liked this part--

"You're seventeen and on the run, feeling so very grateful Hermione chose to stay (with you)."


great job!


ayumi_nb December 15 2011, 05:53:03 UTC
glad you liked it, and yeah that line XD, i thought it over, and really, even in JKR denies, hermione DID choose harry over ron there, as she's done several time over the series, no use denying it XD


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