harry potter drabble: "master of words"

Dec 02, 2011 18:20

I'm back to the HP fandom, god, I missed writting about this fandom, and of course, my fav ship =D. So here, have a short drabble...


Title: "master of words"
Beta: no one
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione
Theme/Prompt: harry100 theme #6 - flattery
Warnings/AN: post-hbp, 7th year AU
Summary: In which Harry tries to use an ( Read more... )

character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - au, ship: harry/hermione, ff: harry potter - hbp, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, character: harry j. potter, themed comms: harry100, ff: drabbles, rating: pg

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Comments 6

madderbrad December 2 2011, 23:17:30 UTC
I see you picked an icon that accompanies the plot of this piece. :-)

Very nice. Always good to see Hermione make the first move. "To everyone's utter shock".

So, does this make Snape Harry's favourite teacher? :-)


ayumi_nb December 3 2011, 00:08:37 UTC

So, does this make Snape Harry's favourite teacher? :-)

haha, i didn't thnk of that, but hey, if Potions gets him some serious snogs, why not?


varon22 December 3 2011, 01:41:55 UTC
Yes, the icon IS love :) Lovely little piece too :)


ayumi_nb December 3 2011, 02:02:48 UTC
thank you! =D


marenkp December 3 2011, 15:00:22 UTC
I was so happy to see more H/Hr goodness from you. Thanks for writing this adorable drabble.


ayumi_nb December 3 2011, 17:17:08 UTC
hey, no, thank you for reading it =D


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