I think if I could, I would find you and we'll fall in love

Sep 05, 2009 02:34

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Love is a dream.
Dreams are goals that require faith more than  what resources we have.
Time, perseverance, tears.


My dream is you. Love.


(For a second, I'm thinking I am posting this in the wrong blog. Please listen to the song-- it's a piano instrumental. What is it called when piano instrumentals make you cry? Maybe, because I have dreams ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

anybody_whoever September 5 2009, 13:36:24 UTC
reminds me of a quote my sister gave me. something like 'you are not old until regret takes the place of dreams'. something like that..


runturtlerun September 7 2009, 23:10:24 UTC
Someday I know
someone will look into my eyes
and say "Hello
You're my very special one ."

stephane stephanie! the science of sleep!


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