This is one of those times when I should be getting into entertaining details.

Mar 22, 2010 03:22

My weekend was fairly awesome. Got no sleep, shot high school kids in a laser tag lock-in all night, flirted with a cute girl, hung out with two of my bestest buds and did some teamwork hair dyeing. I suppose it could have been better. (If I hadn't failed at getting the_remodeller to laser tag, but I suspect she's even more annoyed about that than I am. I'm just ( Read more... )

desperate housewives, for the pretty, i have an unhealthy obsession with hair, the good wife

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Comments 1

celluloidtears April 6 2010, 08:43:01 UTC
Dana's magical hair? YES. I think about this on a, oh, I don't know, probably hourly basis, at least. Julie's pointy face and head tilt? Love them both.

Is the show mediocre? Fo' sho'. Oh the things I will put up with for attractive, adorable lesbians...


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