My Joseon Prince (1)

May 16, 2014 17:03

Title: My Joseon Prince
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Time travel, Supernatural-ish, Genderswitch
Summary: Two people from the same world, yet different time, running away from their own world to find something, found each other, instead.


Classic music from the strings of the gayageum, along with the pleased chatters and hand clapping of the royal family and their guests, reverberated around an open area in the Changdeokgung Palace, where the most famous and respected people in the country gather for a feast. A group of gisaengs or female entertainers helped keep up the vibrant mood, dancing gracefully and playing musical instruments under the starry sky. The servants were busy attending to the guests’ needs, running here and there.

The banquet was a homecoming celebration for the family of the Princess Cho Ahra, who had just arrived from a long learning journey from China. The princess and her husband, Lord Choi Siwon, gorgeous and the epitome of gentlemanliness, son of one of the highest generals, were followers of Confucius’ works and philosophy. They spent a year learning his teachings in the wise man’s homeland, bringing their only son, Prince Choi Kyuyong, with them. It was a very fulfilling stay for the couple.

Two low wooden tables parallel to each other were prepared for the officials and their other halves wherein they knelt on a mat. Separating the two tables was a longer and higher one reserved for the royal family.

It was a rare, yet stunning sight to look at; the royal family usually was never complete in a festivity like this. At the centermost, there sat the Queen Dowager, still as beautiful and elegant as before no matter how much she had aged. The King and Queen were on both sides of the eldest member of the family, a huge smirk was on the King’s face, while the Queen, the gentle and reserved woman as she was, had a small polite smile. Next to the Queen, the Princess and her spouse were seated. Lastly, the Crowned Prince, young and handsome, was beside the highest man in the country.
Sumptuous and bountiful dinner was served for everyone; the trademark palace dishes made by the palace cooks, along with rice wine - a feast would not be complete without it. The officials’ children were also invited for Prince Kyuyong’s sake, but another place was allotted to the playful little ones.

Amongst the merriment, there was a lone unnoticed person seated next to the King. Throughout the entire dinner, he had been ignoring everyone, he had been lazily playing with his food, and he had been watching the performers with disinterest. But because everyone seemed to be having the night of their lives and he didn’t want to spoil his sister’s banquet, he just stayed on his seat and pretended he was with them.

As he took a sip of the rice wine, he caught sight of a gisaeng giving him a subtle seducing smile. He knew that smile. Gisaengs have perfected that action. Besides, it was not the first time he was shown something like that.

Having been born a perfection - being the crowned prince - Cho Kyuhyun had received flirtatious looks from gisaengs and young ladies who are introduced to him by their father who are usually in a high position in the government. He had seen the most beautiful in land, yet no one caught his interest.

Since he was the successor to the throne, he was pressured to find a crowned princess who would assist him in ruling the kingdom in the future. His parents initiated the searching for potential young ladies a year ago, when he was seventeen. He had let them facilitate everything for he was not interested. He believed he was still too young to get married, though the King and Queen were bounded for each other when they were merely thirteen.

He didn’t know why the choosing of the crowned princess was postponed. Nevertheless, he was very thankful for it. He was still not ready. Actually, he would want a girl who is not too demure that she can’t even hurt a fly. His eighteen years of life had been boring - studying and preparing for his reigning. He doesn’t need a boring wife.

Then again, that would be the most impossible thing for women at Joseon were raised to be gentle, polite and respectful to men. It is for the reason that they would follow everything their future spouse will tell them to do.

His parents weren’t really his ideal couple. The King loved his concubine more, while the Queen has a secret lover, who the family only knew. The King didn’t mind, as long as she does her duties.

See, this was why he wanted to marry the lady who will capture his interest and heart. He wanted to end up like Lord Siwon and the princess.

But that is not possible. He is the Crowned Prince, the future King of Joseon, and therefore, he was cursed to suffer a boring and pathetic life.

He was thankful, though, that his bubbly nephew pulled him away and brought him to one of the quieter places in the palace: in front of the King’s library. He saw his assistant, Kim Ryeowook, and his royal guard, Kim Youngwoon, follow them, but they stayed at a distance where he and his nephew wouldn’t be heard.

“You have some matters to tell me, Young Prince?” he knelt to level his vision with the five-year old prince. The younger was wearing a blue robe similar to his. The differences were the size and the emblem on their robes to distinguish their position in the palace.
Kyuyong giggled and bounced lightly on his heels. The boy’s carefree personality was what made Kyuhyun fond of him. It was something he was deprived of during his childhood.

“Uncle Prince,” he had allowed the young boy to call him that despite the protests of the Queen. “I believe I am attracted to a girl.” Kyuhyun chortled seeing the shy expression on the kid’s face.

“Is that so? How does she appear, then, my prince?” he asked with interest. He had never talked about his love life with his father, so he was curious on how it feels to like someone.

“This girl is adorable. Her eyes are round and beautiful, Uncle Prince! I am certain Uncle Prince will like her for me.” Kyuyong described this girl with so much enthusiasm and dreamily that Kyuhyun felt envious of it.

“How is she called?”

To his slight amusement, his nephew pouted. “I do not know, Uncle Prince. I was not given the chance to speak with her for her mother had to take her away.”

He stood up and patted the young prince’s black hat, deciding to console the boy regarding his puppy love issues. “I am certain you will meet the young lady for another time.”

“Do you think so, Uncle Prince?” Kyuyong asked with sparkling eyes, making Kyuhyun nod, smiling.

Then, loud clapping of hands was heard from a distance and he realized that the music had stopped. The festivity must have been coming to an end; therefore, he had to go back.

He held Kyuyong’s hand and walked towards his two servants; however, in his periphery, there appeared on the side an old male shaman, his robe light blue and white in color, as well as his large hat. Judging from the sudden appearance and seriousness on the man, he knew he was there for a serious matter.

“Ryeowook, bring the Young Prince back to the Princess. I will be heading to my chamber.” He commanded in an urgent tone as he had let go of Kyuyong’s hand. The servant nodded and bowed at the Crowned Prince before leading the boy back to the banquet.

Kyuhyun told the shaman to come closer, which the latter did. Youngwoon immediately stood on-guard. Once the old man was in a short distance, the Prince recognized the other as the highest in position in their temple. He is Park Honsu, the most respected shaman of this time, and was known for having the ability to see the future.

He need not ask what the shaman’s business was; he knew this was important so he had led the elder to his chamber, telling the court ladies to not let anyone in, even the King and Queen. But before he had settled on his seat, he told a court lady to call for Scholar Tan, his advisor.

He sat behind his table, placing his hands on his bended knees, eyeing the seemingly calm shaman, whose hat was now perched on the side. He was not worried that there was a dirty trick hidden under the shaman’s sleeve. The man was one of the most trusted men of the King; therefore, he would not do a thing such as treachery for it was against their beliefs and practices.

“State your purpose.” He said, looking straight into the pointy eyes of the shaman. The old man, who was kneeling on the mat, bowed slightly and kept his gaze on the floor. “My Lord, your loyal servant is of your presence out of good intentions. As you have been knowledgeable of my ability, my Prince, I believe the information I have for you would be of benefit to you, my Lord.”

Interested, Kyuhyun leaned closer, frowning a bit as he gaped at the scroll handed out to him by the religious person. He accepted it and unrolled the parchment. The characters scribbled on it were confusing.

“Hope, courage, trust, knowledge and love?” he read what was written on the parchment before looking back at the shaman. “How do these terms relate to this matter?”

Shaman Park calmly gazed back at the Crowned Prince’s eyes - he was in no way allowed to do that, but he needed to let the royalty feel the truth and urgency in his words. “Crowned Prince, a revolution will ensue. At a day when all of you are not aware; at a time when all of you are vulnerable, unguarded.”

Of course it alarmed him. He had once heard the King Kyujong and the military forces head talk about the possible uprising. They knew General Kim Jongil had been leading it, and the old man do have lots of followers. That was why he had no idea why the King had invited the general to the banquet.

Kyuhyun had once confronted Lord Jongwoon, first son of General Kim Jongil and was considered as the Prince’s greatest rival. Jongwoon just laughed at him and said that he was pathetic for thinking that way. Obviously, the man was covering up for his father. He should have punished the disrespectful bastard.

“When would this take place?” He had to know. He could not let his guard down from now on. He had to tell his family and protect them. Joseon would be in worse hands if the Kims were to overthrow them. He kind of admitted that his father was not really the desirable King.

The shaman sported a gloomy look and shook his head. “I can only see the happenings, Your Highness. However, the extent of my abilities does not include knowing the answer to ‘when’ questions.”

Letting out a loud sigh, Kyuhyun placed the scroll on the table and waved a hand to dismiss the informant. “I would be in gratitude for you for this honorable deed. Do you still have more to say?”

At this Shaman Park brought out a small red pouch and gave it to the baffled Crowned Prince. The eighteen-year old prince pulled off the strings and took out a long gold chain. His eyebrows nearly met as the image of a phoenix was revealed to be attached on the chain.

“A necklace?” Don’t phoenixes symbolize new life?

“A talisman, to be exact, Your Highness. It will bring you to the place where you can search for the important things you, My Prince, needs to be the greatest King you are supposed to be.”

“How do I know what to search for? How does it appear?” The Crowned Prince was getting impatient. As much as he loved analytic and strategic games, he does not need to play guess with an old man when his family and country were at stake.

“My deepest apologies, My Prince, but I could not say a thing. You may punish this lowly servant for not fulfilling your command, if you wish,” Shaman Park said, his head and hands on the floor. “Unfortunately, I am not permitted to press further.”

Kyuhyun clenched his fists and slammed it on the table, yet the shaman did not flinch. “OUT!” he yelled while pointing at the doors, which the court ladies immediately opened for Shaman Park to take his leave.

He could punish the shaman for the mind games if only he was not given any important information and warnings. He had to move, quick.

“Scholar Tan!” he shouted as he marched out of the room, snapping the sleeves of his robe. The advisor instantly appeared next to him, bowing while trying to catch up to his hasty steps. “My Prince.”

Tan Hankyung, tall, good-looking and half-Chinese, politely replied. The moment a court lady informed him that Shaman Park was with the Crowned Prince, he knew the old man had bad news. Judging by the Prince’s behavior, his thoughts were correct.

“I shall be paying a visit to the King. You inform Lord Siwon to-”

Screams were heard from the court ladies.

A masked man, clad in all black outfit - robe and pants, suddenly appeared from a window using his sword and swiftly forced his way to the crowned prince. The assassin was too fast that Hankyung almost did not see him and it was fortunate of him to be sharp and fast enough to protect the Prince by using the hardbound book he had brought as a shield from the sword.

Kyuhyun stood there frozen, gawking at Hankyung and the intruder. Suddenly, the shaman’s word rang in his ears. “At a day when all of you are not aware; at a time when all of you are vulnerable, unguarded.”

So that’s what the shaman meant.

Youngwoon rushed in front of the scholar in a flash and snapped one of his swords on the weapon of the masked man. “Scholar Tan, get the Crowned Prince out!”

Hearing this, the assassin’s eyes went wide and maneuvered himself away from the royal guard and went to attack the crowned prince, who was being led by the scholar with the other servants to a secret escape route, but Youngwoon was quick to disarm the stranger.

More royal guards have arrived as more assassins in the same outfit came out. Youngwoon took this chance to sneak out and let the others take care of the black clad men whilst he ran after the crowned prince and Scholar Tan. So, he thought, this was the night their military head had warned them which will take place soon.

He ran as fast as he could, attacking the revolutionists that came his way. He swore to himself that he will protect the crowned prince, even if it would cost his life.

Kyuhyun and Scholar Tan headed towards the forest, each of them on their horses. Youngwoon caught up soon, tailing the two. Kyuhyun wanted so bad to turn the horse around and go back to his family. He wanted to check if they were being protected and well. Yet, Scholar Tan and Guard Kim wouldn’t let him do that.

As the three gentlemen delved deeper in the forest, more galloping horses and men shouting were at hearing range. Figuring those belong to the attackers’ side, they grunted as they snapped the rope on their hands for their horses to run faster.

To say Kyuhyun was scared was an understatement. He feared for his life. He feared for his family. They may not be the best family one could have, but they still occupy a large part in his heart.

And as much as he trusted his servants’ capacity and loyalty, he couldn’t help but think that this may be the last night of his life. It was an unfair battle; three against who-knows-how-many-they-are. They just knew the men chasing them were larger in number due to the loud sounds they made.

He couldn’t even focus on Hankyung’s directions to their hideout. He couldn’t even make up the words Youngwoon made as he devised a plan to lure and escape from the rebels. All he could hear was his heartbeat.

In the midst of his worrying, one thing he managed to remember was the talisman.

“It will bring you to the place where you can search for the important things you, My Prince, needs to be the greatest King you are supposed to be.”

He reached for the pockets beneath his robe, only to panic when he couldn’t find the necklace. Weirdly, he noticed something cold lightly bouncing around his neck. A small solid thing was also hitting his chest. Grasping the one on his chest, he gasped after seeing the phoenix image on the talisman he was looking for.

He couldn’t remember wearing that.

But he doesn’t have the time to ponder about it. He grasped on the image tight and closed his eyes for a silent desperate prayer; a prayer to help them get through this.

In less than a second, he could hear no horses, no yelling, no slapping of the leaves; only heavy rainfall.

It was dark.

There were a few tall lamps giving a bit of light to the unoccupied place.

It was raining hard.

Though he cannot see anything drop on his blue glossy robe for he was beneath something tall and a tube-like thing attached on it.

He stood up and stepped out of the shelter, not even minding how the rain drenched his entire body. He looked around, unfamiliarity hitting him.

In what place am I at as of now? What do you call this place?


-i did some research, of course. Haha. Changdeokgung Palace, gayageum and gisaeng do exist. Gisaengs are pretty familiar to those who have watched historical dramas.
-How's the first chapter? Don't worry, he will meet Sungmin soon ;)

genderswitch, character:siwon, genre:angst, character:kyuhyun, character:yesung, character:kangin, character:hangeng, fic:myjoseonprince, character:ryeowook, length:chaptered, pairing:kyumin

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