Title: Battle of Pride Pairing: KyuMin Genre: Angst, Romance, Family Life, AU Rating: PG-13 Warning: Genderswitch Chapter Summary: Some people really don't give up.
Nooo...such a cliffhanger, did sungmin and hyunsung are kidnapped by kyu's dad? They just got together again and now this happen? When will they be happily together? Please update soon...
- You are such a cliffhanger Ayen!! XD - What will Younghwan do to them? >< - Hope Min and Hyunsung are safe~ - Kyuhyun! Please save them~ Fighting Kyu! - Let them be happy and complete!
Can't wait for the next chapter! 8D even in Shades >;)
Comments 3
Please don't let something bad happened to Sungmin and Hyunsung :(
5 sentences with 6 words each :)))
- You are such a cliffhanger Ayen!! XD
- What will Younghwan do to them? ><
- Hope Min and Hyunsung are safe~
- Kyuhyun! Please save them~ Fighting Kyu!
- Let them be happy and complete!
Can't wait for the next chapter! 8D even in Shades >;)
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