Title: Battle of Pride Pairing: KyuMin Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship Rating: PG-13 Warning: genderswitch Chapter Summary: Sometimes, we have to be in the most desperate and serious situation before we confess our feelings, right?
I'm so happy!! Ayen! I, Jessamine, is so happy~ You updated Battle of the Pride!! Just seeing the title makes me squeal~ *____*
So glad that they're together again! At least complete family~ Min is so understanding.. and Kyu!! At last! You said you're feelings!! Though it took you long enough to say it -______-. YOU LOVE HER!! /squeals!!!/ :"">
I should calm down~ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ..... 😝 I hope EunHae will be fine soon~ even Siwon is so kind :)
Can't wait for the next~ even the full moon!!!! XD Fighting Ayen!
OH I MISS THIS :(( But I'm so happeh everything's pretty fine. hihi. The confession was cheesy (I would have wanted you to insert some cheesy Kyu) Wahahaha. anyways!!! I really do adore this story. Sorry wasn't able to comment on the past, because it was just a rushed reading time maybe.
FINALLY!!! Kyuhyun confessed, and I must say that was the most romantic confession I've read... Hoping that nothing would stand in their way now... please update soon~
Comments 32
Honestly ayen! I've been waiting for this all day!! I don't know why but I have a feeling that you'll update this lol! :p
I'll do something first... later~
You updated Battle of the Pride!! Just seeing the title makes me squeal~ *____*
So glad that they're together again! At least complete family~
Min is so understanding.. and Kyu!! At last!
You said you're feelings!! Though it took you long enough to say it -______-.
YOU LOVE HER!! /squeals!!!/ :"">
I should calm down~ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ..... 😝
I hope EunHae will be fine soon~ even Siwon is so kind :)
Can't wait for the next~ even the full moon!!!! XD
Fighting Ayen!
Yes, you should calm down... take a deep breath... then exhale...
Thank you so much, Jessa!!! ^3^
Can just eunhae be together :((( HAHAHA
Cant wait for the next update.
I'll try updating as soon as I can :)))
anyways!!! I really do adore this story. Sorry wasn't able to comment on the past, because it was just a rushed reading time maybe.
LOL cheesy Kyu here too? IDK I'll try. ^^
It's okay! As long as you like my story!
I will try. Thank you :)))
but..it wont go smoothly..i think lol
Let's see... hehe~ =)))
Hoping that nothing would stand in their way now...
please update soon~
Let's see~ thanks for reading!
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