Title: Cheesy Kyu (2) [Ambitions]
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Fluff, romance
Rating: PG-13
Length: Drabble
Summary: [Cheesy Kyu series] Kyuhyun can be cheesy any time he wants to. A cheesy!Kyu doesn't choose when or where he will strike... especially to his bunny.
[Ambitions] Kyuhyun and Sungmin are browsing thru their high school yearbook, when a question suddenly popped out from Sungmin's mind.
Other Cheesy Kyu moments:
Losing You Sky Inspiration Mirror Park Call Sungmin pointed to a neat-haired spectacled boy, chuckling at the recognition of his former classmate, "He is our student council president. He really is strict when it comes to the school policies, but he's really nice to me!"
Kyuhyun, his roommate, snorted, crossing his arms while throwing dagger looks to the picture of the slightly attractive boy, "Maybe he likes you," The pink lover knows that his boyfriend is jealous, and he is used to this cute side of the younger... well, the magnae will get jealous with just a touch of someone on his head!
"No, Kyu, we're neighbors," said Sungmin, forcing himself to stop from rolling his eyes as he flipped to the next page of his High School yearbook. Seconds after, he got no response from the younger, so he looked up from the book to glance at his lover, giggling when he saw the other pouting at the wall.
He didn't notice that he landed on the page where his description is at. The first thing he saw was the word "Ambition" on it. He wrote there that he wanted to be a musician, and it really happened.
He shifted his gaze to Kyuhyun, who is still sulking beside him.
"I'm horny,"
Kyuhyun snapped his head to his boyfriend, wide-eyed, and this made the older laugh his heart out, unconsciously closing the big book.
"I'm just kidding, Kyu!" he almost yelled, lightly hitting the arm of his lover, who just frowned and glared at the older, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
Sungmin then took a deep breath before talking, "Anyways, change of topic," he chuckled inwardly when Kyuhyun crossed his arms and long legs, his thin lips still formed into a pout. "What is it that you want to be again? Your ambition?"
This time, Sungmin got pissed with the maknae's action. So, he threw the heavy book to his bed and moved to stand up, but a firm hand stopped him.
"I want to be yours." Kyuhyun said with a dorky grin.
"Shut up!" Sungmin half-heartedly said, swatting his lover's hand before turning to storm out of the room, a deep blush crept up his face, a shy grin formed on his plump lips.
Another Cheesy Kyu... More cheesiness from Kyu soon~!!!