Title: Safe From Harm
Artist: Massive Attack
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Spoilers: Miniseries through to S3.04 (Exodus)
Characters/Pairings: President Roslin
Format: DivX
Size: 38.3 MB
Summary: Laura dreams
Big big thanks to
laurashapiro for betaing.
DivX (Right click and Save Target As)
Lyrics )
Comments 42
Excellent use of atypical images: "Known Cylon Agents", the wall of photos, the boots.
I love the push-in on Laura at 1:28 -- great synch with the music.
Great editing on the "I was lookin' back to see" section -- matching the eyelines, etc.
I really liked the whole thing, those are just some particular favorites. I love the idea of Laura vs. The Cylons, and the female vocalist with the intense guitars really worked for me.
I'm so glad that opening worked, it's one of the rare times where the real thing looked just like my brain!vid. I knew I had to finish it as soon as I laid those clips on the timeline. I also realy enjoyed being able to use stuff like the boots and the mug shots, the show is full of those those sorts of things, it's a real gift. That and the characters, I love Laura her strength and her steeliness, how that developed over the course of the show and Shara Nelson's vocals really seemed to express that quality.
Well done!
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