butterfly’s new Gunn vid set to ‘Sunset Boulevard’ from the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical sung by John Barrowman is a remarkable character study that weaves elements from the show, the movie and the series to make one exhilarating whole.
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Rec'd it on my LJ, for those not on your flist..
I'm unfamiliar with the Sunset Boulevard musical, so thanks for your explanation and commentary!
The more time goes by the more I appreciate how wonderfully done these shows were. And yes, there was something particularly stylish about Angel.
Speaking of vidding could I ask you a big favour? Would you be prepared to do a beta on a Willow vid I've been working on? It's a look at Willow and magic and the scoobies and Tara to the Lou Reed song Perfect Day. "You're going to reap just what you sow," or what the real price for bringing Buffy back became. I mean I'd very much appreciate your opinion on it but it really would be a big favour and obviously I'd quite understand if you were busy or it doesn't sound your kind of thing. :-)
I will say though that that song choice sounds terrific. I'm actually more familiar with the Duran Duran cover which I like better as it has a more dreamy mellow tone to it, but that's just personal taste.
I'm not quite finished with the first draft and the family descend next week so after writercon (panel envy) would be perfect. Viewer's reaction is exactly what it needs, I've a terrible habit of trying to say too much too telegraphically and ending up with chunks of stuff that would need pages of footnotes to make sense to anyone not me.
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