Madness and Theory of Mind

Mar 12, 2005 13:06

Reading some articles about brain disorders, as you do, I had some thoughts on River and the basis for her madness in Firefly.

Spoilers for Earshot (BtVS) and Ariel (Firefly) )

firefly, science

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Comments 6

azdak March 13 2005, 07:21:54 UTC
I really want to read this, but I haven't seen FF yet and I don't want to be spoiled at all. Hopefully my package of shiny DVDs will arrive on Wednesday, so one I've got up to Ariel I'll revisit this post (I read the first para in the hope that it would be neatly divided into Earshot and Ariel so I could just read the Buffy stuff, but no such luck;-) It was enough to make me want to read the rest, though!)


aycheb March 13 2005, 14:15:00 UTC
Oh God sorry! Come to think of it although the plot point spoiler is for Ariel, there is a very brief description of one scene from Objects in Space as well. Still I envy you getting to see the whole series from scratch. Hope you enjoy.


azdak March 13 2005, 16:55:43 UTC
No need to apologise - I stopped reading as soon as I realised the danger, so I'm still completely unspoiled!


peasant_ March 27 2005, 17:32:37 UTC
Madness seems to be a very common theme for ME and JW to play with. I would love to know if he has some overarching theory he wishes to explore, or a reason for the frequency ( ... )


aycheb March 28 2005, 22:59:31 UTC
I remember you doing a good job of writing an autistic character in Prelude and Fugue (is this a world record for very late feedback ( ... )


peasant_ April 14 2005, 05:17:46 UTC
I remember you doing a good job of writing an autistic character in Prelude and Fugue (is this a world record for very late feedback?).

Thank you. I just found out you have autistic children yourself so I am so pleased you liked my portrayal of Henry. (this is probably a world record for late response to feedback.)


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