traditions/kink bingo fill

Nov 05, 2012 00:01

Title: Traditions
Pairing/Group: Nakamaru Yuichi/Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki
Rating/Warnings: R
Word Count: 1504
Summary: Some traditions are more fun than others.
Notes: Written not only for the spanking / paddling square of my kink_bingo card, but also for Koki’s birthday. >:3

Koki is on edge; it's his birthday, and he's seen the way Junno and Nakamaru have been looking at him. The way Kame and Ueda smirk when they catch sight of all of the predatory looks made in Koki's direction make him wonder what exactly is in store for him, other than their regular presents game. Work passes in a flash, and Koki can't exactly refuse when Junno drapes an arm over his shoulders and guides him to his car. Nakamaru is already waiting there.

"Happy birthday, Koki," they both say in unison, just like those creepy twins from that one movie with the scary hotel.

Koki grins, hoping that he doesn't look spooked. "Thank you."

The drive is silent after that, and Koki isn't surprised when they pull up in front of Junno's building. Nakamaru gets out and opens Koki's door, and Junno goes to park while they go upstairs. Neither of them say anything; Koki is pretty sure he knows what is going to happen once they unlock the door.

Nakamaru opens the door, holding it open for Koki like he can't do it himself, and then shuts it once they're both inside and kicking their shoes off. "Make yourself comfortable," Nakamaru says, as if it's his apartment they're at. "I'll bring you a drink."

Koki nods, nestling into one corner of the couch. He thinks it's the best one, all overstuffed somehow; usually there's a scrap over who gets to sit there. It's only fair that he gets to have it with no scuffles involved.

“Here you go, birthday boy.” Nakamaru returns with a glass of ice water. Koki had been hoping for something a little stouter, but there’s probably a reason. It seems like Nakamaru knows what Koki was thinking, because he laughs a little as he adds, “There will be plenty of time for that later.”

Koki’s about to ask what the plan is when Junno throws open the door. Nakamaru rolls his eyes at the grand entrance, but Junno ignores that in favor of crossing the room and standing in front of Koki once he’s dealt with his boots.

“Your presence is requested in my bedroom,” is all Junno says before turning and walking down the hall. Nakamaru glances at Koki, and then shrugs and follows Junno. Koki sits there for a second, then hastily sets his glass on the coffee table in front of him and trots after them. The both of them are waiting when he enters the room.

“Drop your pants, Koki,” Junno says, looking smug. “It’s tradition, you know.”


Nakamaru sounds a little impatient. “You heard him, lose your pants. Do you need help?”

“N-no,” Koki mutters as he unbuckles his belt. He lets the weight of it pull his jeans down, and with one look at the way Nakamaru’s eyebrows arch up, Koki pulls his boxers down too. “Now what?”

Junno steps in front of Koki, his hands trailing down Koki’s arms as he looks down at him. Then his fingers catch the hem of his shirt, and Junno pulls it up and over Koki’s head. “Up you get, hands and knees.”

Koki does as he’s told and climbs onto the bed, but not after jumping a little at the way Junno smacks his ass. “Just a preview,” is all he says, still smug. His hands pull and push Koki, leaving him with his face buried against a pillow and his ass up high, like he’s on display. Koki clenches the pillow even tighter when both Junno and Nakamaru make appreciative sounds; his dick twitches in anticipation and he can feel himself flush. He’s actually surprised he’s got enough blood to spare for that.

Nakamaru wanders into his line of sight and begins to speak. “You’re going to count for each smack.” He reaches out, touch gentle as he cups Koki’s face. “This is okay with you, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” he whispers. He clears his throat, and tries again. “Yes, Yucchi. It’s tradition, you know.”

Junno laughs a little at his earlier words being echoed, and joins Koki on the bed. He sits to the side, grinning all the while as he lightly drags his fingers along Koki’s back. “We’re going to take turns, Koki. Just keep counting it out for us.”

“Okay,” Koki says, barely finishing before a hand crashes against him. He nearly chokes, but manages to gasp, “One!”

Another palm makes contact, this time from the opposite side. It must be Nakamaru. “Two,” Koki gasps. Three, four, five and six come in rapid succession, and Koki feels like he’s on fire. It doesn’t mean he can’t keep up, though. He makes it to ten; then Nakamaru and Junno stop.

“Your skin is so pink, Koki.” Junno sounds like he’s having the time of his life. His fingers trail gently along Koki’s flank and hip and the backs of his thighs; it feels so good that Koki doesn’t even try to hide the contented noise he makes.

“Tell us how it feels,” Nakamaru orders, still standing to the side. Koki can see the bulge in his trousers as he idly palms himself.

“Good. It feels good, the surprise of the sting and the way you both let your fingers linger.”

“Go on,” Junno says as he squeezes a handful of Koki’s ass.

Koki squirms a little, and ends up arching into the touch. “I want you to keep going.”

Neither of them reply; Koki jumps when Nakamaru’s hand comes down on the cheek Junno isn’t occupied with. He doesn’t need any prompting to resume his count. “Eleven!”

Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen pass, and Koki can really feel the warmth spreading. He also feels how hard he’s gotten, and he hopes they’ll help him out with that once his spanking is over. That would be a nice gift.

He almost forgets to count, but a sharp slap to the back of one thigh gets him back on track. Koki spends sixteen through twenty getting his thighs worked over; it gives him a bit of a respite, and a lot of teasing from hands being so close to where he’d really like to be touched.

“We’re almost done, Koki,” Nakamaru murmurs, still methodical in his ministrations.

“Twenty-one,” he says instead of replying properly, and Junno still sounds amused. By now they’re up to twenty-five, and Koki is so ready to get to the main event.

Twenty-six is slow and lingering, and twenty-seven even more so. Koki thinks he’s done, and begins to stretch out when what has to be Nakamaru’s hand slides to the small of his back and holds him in place as Junno hits him one last time, crowing, “And one to grow on!”

That one kind of hurts, and Koki hisses in pain. He forgets quickly, though, because Junno is soothing what has to be a handprint with gentle kisses. Koki is very okay with this development. Nakamaru’s fingers are stroking his back gently, and Koki can’t help but whine when he feels the bed shift as Junno flops down, taking his kisses with him.

Nakamaru laughs, and urges Koki to move over some; Junno somehow loops his arms around Koki’s legs and pulls him right over to straddle his chest. The angle is a little awkward, and Koki is sure whatever this is won’t work. His ass still stings a little, but he wrestles out of Junno’s grip and switches their places, shoving Junno down the length of his torso to where he most wants to be touched.

The sheets are cool, but they feel warm against Koki, hot in comparison to Junno’s mouth. Koki fists both of his hands into Junno’s hair, unable to decide if he wants to watch Junno swallow him whole or if he wants to watch the way Nakamaru’s gaze goes heavy-lidded as he slips a hand down his pants. In the end, the stimulation is too much and Koki closes his eyes.

Both Nakamaru and Junno are making dubious noises, and Koki is sure that if Junno does it one more time in conjunction with his moans, he’s going to come, and hard at that. Koki bucks his hips a little and tugs harder at Junno, and isn’t disappointed when it spurs Junno to suck him faster.

Koki can’t stay quiet, and neither can Nakamaru as he lets a filthy moan slip out. His eyes fly open for a second, and the sight of Nakamaru losing his composure is enough to send Koki over the edge. Junno drinks him down, humming happily as he does it, and Koki can’t process anything more.

He groans when Junno slinks back up to press a kiss to his lips and shares the last lingering hint of Koki’s orgasm with him. Koki feels sated and content, and he doesn’t even feel the urge to shove Junno away when he whispers against his ear and punctuates his words with a lewd hip thrust.

“Once you've recovered, Koki, let’s celebrate my birthday early.”

rating:r, kuntting around, fic, kink bingo, ntt(tnt dynamite), 12

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