take him down a peg/kink bingo fill

Aug 07, 2012 19:54

Title: Take Him Down a Peg
Pairing/Group: Kaga Ranmaru/Mayuzumi Machiko, Legal High (or, Taguchi Junnosuke/Aragaki Yui)
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, pegging, toys
Word Count: 2723
Summary: Machiko's a firecracker.
Notes: Fill for the pegging / strap-ons square.

Machiko is kind of trashed, to put it lightly. That’s how Ranmaru is spending his evening-- making sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble. He’s about to tell the bartender to cut her off when she drops a bomb.

“Ranmaru-kun. I want to fuck you.” Machiko’s gaze is level as she delivers her declaration, and he’s nodding along. Then she really surprises him. “No, I mean I want to fuck you, in the ass.”

Well, that was interesting, to say the least. Ranmaru wonders if she’ll remember this conversation in the morning; once he drops her off at her flat he has some shopping to do.


Ranmaru makes his purchase in the early hours of the morning; he knows a guy who knows a guy whose shop is open at all hours. He doesn’t much care about whether or not it’s discreet; he just has a schedule where sleep doesn’t really figure in-- ninja spying and document forging and various side jobs don’t leave a lot of time for sleeping, and it’s boring anyway.

Once he gets home, he wraps the package up nicely. He won’t worry about when he’ll see Machiko next, since he usually sees her at least once a week when he drops by Komikado-sensei’s for his payment and meals. He’ll just wait until then to remind her of what she’d so emphatically told him.


It isn't that long between Ranmaru's next meeting with Machiko; he sees her just a couple of days later. He pulls her aside, out of earshot of Komikado-sensei and Hattori-san, and propositions her. To be fair, though, she had started it.

"Machiko-chan," Ranmaru says, grinning brightly. "I've got a gift for you." She looks surprised and pleased, and he forges on. "When you're free, come by my place. I'll text you the address."

It probably isn't the best time to tell her exactly what the gift is or what it’s for, so he waits. He'll see her soon enough.

Ranmaru gets a short message later that evening; he's glad he stayed home so he has a chance to put away his less-savory projects. Machiko only needs to know the bare minimum of what he actually does with his time.

The doorbell rings, and Ranmaru hastily places the package on his coffee table. Machiko looks a little nervous when he opens the door, and Ranmaru smiles down at her as he offers to take her bag and blazer. She accepts, and Ranmaru hangs them neatly beside the door. Machiko follows him to his living room, which is mostly overrun with monitors and computer equipment. The couch is soft though, and clutter-free.

"Can I get you anything to drink, Machiko-chan?" Ranmaru prides himself on his gracious host skills.

"No, Ranmaru-kun," Machiko says. "I just want to know what you got for me."

Ranmaru nods, then takes a seat next to her. He leans forward to snag the corner of the box and hands it to Machiko, slinging his other arm around her shoulders. She grins at him, fully at ease around him after working with him over the past several months, and carefully begins to open the paper. Apparently Machiko is the careful sort that likes to reuse wrapping paper.

Finally, Machiko finishes with the paper and carefully slides a fingernail along the edges to cut the tape. Ranmaru can't keep the silly grin off of his face when Machiko lifts the lid. He holds his breath.

Machiko looks at the contents of the box, and then at him. This goes on for a few moments. "Um," she says delicately.

Ranmaru simply waits.

"May I ask why you bought me... um, this?" Machiko holds up the harness Ranmaru had picked out, supple black leather with silver buckles. The back of it even had faux corset laces, which Ranmaru had thought was cute. She looks flustered as she puts it back in the box; it seems like he'll have to remind her of their conversation.

Ranmaru tones down his grin and gets straight to the point. "Do you remember the conversation we had the other day? While we were at the pub?"

Machiko nods, and he continues. "Well, I was about to ask the bartender to cut you off, but then out of the blue you told me you wanted to have sex with me. Your exact words were actually that you wanted to fuck me in the ass."

"Oh." Machiko has that look on her face, the one where she has epiphanies, and blushes deeply. "I... vaguely recall that."

"Good! We can wait, if you'd like; if you want me to I can bring all this over to your place. I've been wanting to try sneaking into your building for a while now."

Something he'd said must have been extra funny, because Machiko's shoulders begin to shake with suppressed laughter. Ranmaru takes that as a good sign, and stays quiet.

"You'd really let me?" Machiko asks, dabbing at her eyes with the back of her hand. She's gotten over her laughing fit, and Ranmaru nods.

"Yeah. I think it would be fun, don't you? I've always wondered what it would be like." Ranmaru is telling the truth; usually he gets through life with half-truths and an easy smile. "Whenever you're ready, Machiko-chan. Just let me know, okay?"

She nods at him, then neatly closes the box. "How about tomorrow evening? You can even sneak into my building with your gift."

Machiko smiles and jots down her address for him; she excuses herself and thanks him, adding that she needs to get home to straighten things up. Ranmaru walks her to his door, relieved that Machiko hadn't hit him or yelled at him. He's got some straightening up of his own to do.


As promised, Ranmaru sneaks into Machiko's apartment building, package tucked into one of the inside pockets of his oversized hoodie. He breaks his personal record for running up six flights of stairs, though he pauses for a moment before darting out into the hallway. He slows to a casual walk, grinning as he stops to ring Machiko’s doorbell.

She answers promptly, looking a little flustered, and invites him inside. Ranmaru hands her the package so he can kick his boots off in the entranceway, and then follows her into the living room.

“Machiko-chan, are you nervous?” he asks, reaching for one of her small hands. She simply nods, and he continues speaking. “Everything will be just fine, so relax.”

“I’ve never done this before, though,” Machiko says, and Ranmaru squeezes her hand.

“Then let’s fix that,” he says. He stands, then pauses. “Which way to your bedroom?”

That makes Machiko laugh a little, and eases her tension, it seems. Ranmaru dutifully follows along as she guides him to her bedroom. It’s simple and understated, soothing pale colors everywhere, and he stands still when they stop next to Machiko’s bed.

He simply waits for her to make the first move, grin less manic. He shrugs out of his hoodie, and Machiko takes over, pulling his v-neck t-shirt over his head. She drops it on her nightstand, and then places Ranmaru’s hands at her waist. He takes that as invitation to unbutton and remove her blouse and unfasten her lacy bra.

Machiko’s cheeks are flushed but her gaze is firm as she looks up at Ranmaru. This time he pulls her hands to his belt buckle, and she easily undoes it and opens his fatigues. She glances down and blushes a bit more deeply when she realizes he’d skipped underwear, and Ranmaru can’t help but shrug. Slowly, he moves his hands to the fastening of Machiko’s trousers, flicking the button open easily.

“Ready?” he asks, hooking his fingers in the waistband of Machiko’s trousers and panties. She nods, and yanks his pants down far enough for the weight of everything in his pockets to drag them the rest of the way off. Ranmaru is much more gentle as he eases Machiko’s clothes off.

They’re both standing in Machiko’s room, fully naked. Machiko’s gift is innocently resting on the bed, but before he tears into it, Ranmaru gently trails his fingers along the side of Machiko’s face. He can’t resist running his hands along her sides and breasts and hips, and she threads her fingers into his hair to pull him down for a kiss. “Let’s get started,” she says, to the point.

Ranmaru steps back and opens the box. He pulls out the harness and and dildo. Machiko blushes when he holds it up and grins at her; the dildo is a little intimidating, double-ended and a ridiculous shade of purple. Ranmaru had figured that a little less realism would be best, and finishes slipping it into the harness. He puts it aside in favor of urging Machiko to lie back on the bed.

She settles back, pulling Ranmaru to join her. He obliges, careful as he straddles her, and nuzzles along the side of her neck. Machiko arches up when he presses kisses along her jaw to her lips; they kiss for a few moments before Ranmaru pulls away. "You ready?" he asks, pausing to flick his tongue against her nipples.

Machiko gasps, clenching her fingers in his hair to hold him in place. "Yes."

That's all the encouragement Ranmaru needs to trail the fingers of one hand down the length of Machiko's torso and to her thighs. She parts them, granting Ranmaru access; he strokes his fingers along her opening. He slips one finger in easily, marveling at how wet she is, and he groans.

Machiko is warm and wet around his fingers, and he slowly pushes them in and out. "Go faster," she whispers, and Ranmaru does, sliding another finger in and pressing another kiss against her throat.

Ranmaru thumbs her clit, shocking a moan from Machiko and causing her walls to flutter around his fingers. He keeps going, working her to orgasm. Her hips roll beneath him as she gasps, and Ranmaru keeps going until Machiko bats at his wrist.

Ranmaru pulls away, laughing. "You ready for round two?"

Machiko bites her lips and nods, eyes sparkling. He leans back and reaches for the strap-on, then rolls to the side, off of Machiko. She pouts up at him; Ranmaru stands and grabs one of her ankles, playful as he hooks the harness around it. Gently, he slides it down her smooth legs, pausing to slowly press the sharply angled end of the dildo inside her. He adjusts the buckles, smoothing the straps as he pulls them tight.

"How does that feel?"

Machiko squirms as his fingers linger and tease, and she nods. "It's good," she gasps.

"Perfect," Ranmaru murmurs, leaning down to nip at her bottom lip. "How do you want me?"

Machiko furrows her brow, and Ranmaru continues speaking between kisses. "Doggy style... I could ride you, but I might squish you a bit... Maybe face to face? I'm pretty flexible."

She looks intrigued at that, and Ranmaru flops down beside her. "Face to face it is, then," he says, and reaches for the box again. He pulls out a bottle of lube and puts it in Machiko's hands, wrapping her fingers around it. He remembers one more thing and paws through the tissue paper in the box, making a triumphant noise as he finds the bullet vibrator he'd picked up on the way over and makes short work of the packaging.

"We might as well go all out, Machiko-chan; have as much fun as possible," Ranmaru adds. "Want to turn this on right now?"

He rolls over to better sneak the vibrator between the dildo and her clit; Machiko squeals a little when he lingers and twists it on. "Come on, let's go," he murmurs.

The cap of the bottle pops open, and Ranmaru lies back and spreads his legs. Machiko settles on her knees between them, smirking as she nudges his thigh with her phallus. She slicks the fingers of one hand, placing the bottle on Ranmaru's chest. Tentatively, Machiko trails them down his cock and along his balls; she drags it out as long as she can, tracing the edge of his rim before finally sliding her finger in him.

Ranmaru sucks in a breath and lets it out slowly as Machiko continues pressing her finger in and out. It feels sort of strange, but good, and he mutters, "More, Machiko-chan."

She adds a second finger, speeding up as she fingers him. Now Ranmaru's the one biting his lip and gasping; Machiko seems to be reveling in his noises. It's kind of a fun role reversal.

Before he knows it, Machiko has three fingers in him; he’s ready and can’t wait anymore. Ranmaru grabs for the lube and Machiko’s free hand. A bit of it dribbles onto his stomach, but enough of it makes it into her hand. She’s clever, and spreads it along the dildo.

Ranmaru helps her line up, and manages to keep breathing as Machiko presses in deeper than her fingers had gotten. It’s hard and unyielding and really hot to be beneath Machiko. She presses against one of his legs, and it takes him a second to realize she wants him to prove his flexibility; he hooks his arm underneath his knee, wriggling a bit in a wordless hint for Machiko to move.

She takes a deep breath, rests one hand against his shoulder, and pulls out. That feels just as strange as it had when Machiko had pressed into him, and Ranmaru lets out a surprised gasp. For a second, Machiko looks concerned; she squeezes his shoulder and when he nods, she presses back in.

It’s slow going at first, since Machiko seems like she’s still a little unsure of herself, and also like she doesn’t want to hurt him. Soon enough, though, she’s going faster and faster, sometimes a little shakily. Machiko thrusts as deep as she can and pauses to kiss along Ranmaru’s collar bones; it’s maddening to be able to barely feel the vibrations of the bullet tucked inside Machiko’s harness.

He lets go of his leg, stretching out and rolling his hips. The movement makes the end of Machiko’s dildo brush against a spot that has him seeing stars. Ranmaru moans, squeezing Machiko’s hip. “Can you hit that spot again?” he gasps, and Machiko nods.

She looks determined as she speeds up against his rocking hips, and he smiles when Machiko twines their hands together. It only lasts a moment, because in the next instant she wraps his hand around his cock. Ranmaru is shocked at the way she casually orders him to touch himself, and he has enough coherence left to congratulate himself for a brilliant follow-through in the back of his mind.

Every time Machiko hits that spot within him, Ranmaru’s vision blurs; it’s the most delicious feeling, and he strokes himself faster. “Machiko,” he breathes out, “may I finish?”

“Only when I say,” is her reply, and with every thrust into him she seems to be grinding against her end of the dildo. Ranmaru slows his hand, waiting for her command; finally Machiko stills on a downward thrust and her mouth falls open in surprise. Her fingernails dig into his skin as she gasps and utters a single word: “Go.”

Ranmaru jerks himself, still full as Machiko leans over him. He looks up at her flushed skin and heaving chest, and the way she grins down at him as she wiggles her hips while she’s still buried in him is what sets him off.

When he opens his eyes again, Machiko is grinning as she carefully pulls out. It feels weird this time, and Ranmaru can’t help but laugh a little. She hands him a few tissues from the bedside table and flops down beside him, her purple cock standing straight up as she catches her breath and pulls the vibrator from under her harness.

Ranmaru can’t help it when he says, quite honestly, “That was the best idea you’ve ever had, Machiko-chan. Next time, how about at my place? I’ve got some things I’d like to try.”

rating:nc-17, fic, kink bingo, 12

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