Title: WANTED! GIRLFRIEND - Chapter 3
Authors: ayakanishi and swimmer_chen
Starring: HSJ and OC's
Rating: PG-13
Genre: friendship, love, romance
Disclaimer: i only own the plot
Author’s Notes: this is a collab fic between ayakanishi and swimmer_chen
Summary: JUMP the most popular boy band in japan and probably even in the whole world. Girls all
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Comments 18
Aya yawned for the nth time and this time, she accidentally bumped into someone, her kouhai Izu, *i'm already getting hyped up, and grinning like mad* XD
A graffiti of her name and also Sayuri's. She smiled, "Can I see this?" omgomgomgomg!!!! see??? I love you guys so much!! hahahah XD (i squeeled again XD)
"You've got potential," thank you~ ahahahha XD >///////<
huwaaaaaahhh!!!! Aya's gonna get stalked by Seru!!!!! uwaaahhh!!!!!
Meanwhile to where Aya was. She reached a 15-story building, an apartment and went to the ninth floor. She rang the doorbell and a tall man opened the door for her, Akanishi Jin. i knew it >w< nyahahha XD *gets more excited* XD
She was cut off when Jin suddenly pulled her into an embrace, "I was worried, I was thinking of picking you up at your school," omgogmomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *can't comment properly.. too hooked* OuO
"HEY! LOVE BIRDS!! Go find a ( ... )
This is bad!!!! bad bad bad!!! i feel bad for him cause he's crushing on her, yet she likes Jin D:
It's okay Taiyou *pats*
I'm on Taiyou's side ;D
Uwaaahhh Aya is so mean D:
she should try to be a bit more comprehensive towards the conflict ^-^
either way, I'm liking this ^^
moving on~
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