Title: Imagination Hiatus
Pairing: OnKey
Rating: G
Genre: Crack-ish fluff.
Summary: Four drabbles that don't really have any connection with each other. Yeah I know my summary sucks
The utterly tacky cover with the photo of the muscled blonde man with the raven-haired princess smiled up mockingly at him. )
Comments 60
Good luck bb <3
i was feeling like crap, but then i saw this http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt271/weareshining/SHINEE02/2yn30w7.jpg
and i can die happily now T_T
OMFG&^%$#W$%^&^* IT"S BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!! &^%^%$%$%&^
that possesive hand, uh, kibum, I love you <333
be back later to read and comment <3
you have neorago in your mood theme *_____*
Idk which one my favourite is tbh, though I think I enjoyed writing Roses the most ;)
Cuddle is ugh, so cheesy XDD
Novel is based on experience LOL! I used to love used to? secretly still do kekeke reading those types of books though the covers always make me cringe with embarrassment. xD
YES! YOU NOTICED! XD And tis Heechul ohohoho~
I especially loved the iii.Cuddle and iiii.Novel
The two boys were fast asleep, but even in slumber, Kibum's arm was firmly around Jinki's, practically screaming he's mine, back off.
OMG. So like Kibum. ♥
Thanks for reading :)
the first one was literally sweet~~ and I love how Jinki would not excuse himself when what he'd be doing would result to Kibum's happiness :DD It's just like when Kibum smacks his arm whenever he laughs. Jinki doesn't complain... he never did... not even once! hahaha XD brain is starting to process some fic
ahh!! I can totally imagine how the rosebushes were wrecked apart!! hahah!! But I can't see Jinki doing that O__o I don't even want to see his hands full of scratches... wahhh~~ But it was cute still :DDD and that definition of Valentine;s Kibum said... I thought my brain restarted before I understood the words. hahaha XD
AHAHAHA!! He's Mine! Back off! I love it!!! and I can see Jinki's smugly smile as he slept. hahaha!!! I can see it!!! I wanna give Jinki a hug too!!! *bricks*
OH YEAH!! SWEET AND SEDUCTIVE!!! Jinki show meeeee!!!! hahah XD *gets bricked again*
totally loved this Unnie!!! ♥
*hugs you*
I just got Kibum's description of Valentine's from somewhere else, I didn't make it up ;p
I wanna give Jinki a hug too ;( *sneaks a hug and runs from Kibum*
ilu Jellie <333 *hugs chu too*
each of them is soo sweet! and lovingly!
i speacilly like the "cuddle" one...i find that one the cutest!
Thanks for reading :)
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