Title: Gantz vs Yatterman
Pairing: Sakumiya
Summary: A cross over between Nino’s Gantz and Sho’s yatterman.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3:
Sho awoke with a start, blinking stupidly at his surroundings as he tried to remember where he was - his garage.
“And they said I was the one who’s spaced out,” sighed Ohno, handing Sho a
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Comments 9
Looking forward to the next update :)
I love how Yatterman and the Gantz team aren't on friendly terms. Oh and how Sho is daydreaming instead of working and how Nino got interested in the convo, "not because it had anything to do with Yatter-red or anything" ;)
Aiba is just a bundle of energy and Ohno, of course loves to fish XD
Thanks for sharing ♥
And looks like they're going to meet again soon! *excited*
Looking forward to the next, thanks for sharing! (^ ^)
Ah, actually I don't really ship juntoshi, but I don't mind if it become another pairing :)
Once again, thank you (^ ^)
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