This spork is brought to you by your old friends
axmxz and professor
hortensio axmxz: We can has reunion nao?
hortensio: We can has, indeed. Hint-hint to Messrs. Fry and Laurie.
Story Or Series Title:
Dark LadyFandom: Harry Potter
Culprit Author's Name:
Rommie03 Full Name (plus titles if any): Hailey Lynn Dumbledore
Full Species(es): Sueora dumbledorensis
Hair Color (
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Comments 5
(I shall naturally read the sporking, too, but for a moment there I thought LJ had to be glitching and randomly displaying old posts...)
So, wait, is this the copy-paste from 2007, or is this new? Either way, wow. That's one hell of a Sue. I'm still wondering about the four bathrooms. What could any single person possibly want with four bathrooms? Will all four bathrooms feature in the story? This is a Chekhov's gun that I really don't want to see discharged...
the Dumbedore-raised spawn of Dumbledore, Dumbledore, Voldemort and Dumbledore?
Spam, spam, spam, spam...
Looking forward to the fruits of this reunion, whatever form they may take!
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