HMD - July Edition!

Jul 28, 2010 23:21


aka HMD.

STEP ONE: You simply post ONE (1) comment with all your characters listed. We really don't care if you use your personal journal or your character journal. Just post your characters. Make sure they're all there!
STEP TWO: THEN, you scroll around and comment on other people's characters. What do ( Read more... )

jess, !how's my driving, !modpost

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Comments 273

greasemunkygal July 29 2010, 03:22:41 UTC
Saeru | Metaplot, NPCs, Applications, Page management
Jess | Player Relations, Applications, Advertisement, HMD, AC
Stupei | Graphics, Applications, wank prevention, character updates, General

Nella | Monday Plot Post, Worldbuilding
Alex | State of the Game


AHAHAH By now it's just a running joke with me not to log in. greasemunkygal July 29 2010, 17:19:59 UTC
*spoooooky sounds*/you don't know who I am~~~~~/

I'm seconding Pepper-mun! The events (humanized and the festival) (do they still count for this HMD? I think so) were awesome and beautifully executed. I know that I personally had a blast.

Thanks for being awesome and making this place such a great game!


inferiordude July 29 2010, 19:23:23 UTC
I'm pretty damned excited to be here, first of all.

Secondly, way back when I helped make and design this place, overtime I admittedly grew dubious and overtime discouraged. It had nothing to do with players; it was a personal thing. Inevitably, I chose to drop modship, then eventually playing here altogether.

The only reason I could regret dropping modship is because I didn't do so properly; I threw the game into the laps of those unprepared. However, from that decision came about obviously a great set of mods and staff. You guys, I've heard nothing but GOOD things since you took it over. For that, I am extremely proud for how lucky this game is to have you guys taking care of things.

I apologize for how I left the game to your hands. I commend you for your work and sheer love for this place. Thank for you for all you do.


sniperdusk July 30 2010, 03:26:53 UTC
Okay, for all of you mods there: don't be stressed out. You all have a ton of (totally different) characters, but then you also all are so thorough in all the little details and upkeep for this game. If an Event starts a day late or whatever, it's okay! Please get the proper time for RL stuff and don't think of building Axiom as an strict obligation. You all are very accessible and pleasant as it is. The game isn't at risk of dying anymore, so there can be a slow day or two (which there...probably won't be cuz everybody else will probably fill in personal plot like they have been.)


JESS greasemunkygal July 29 2010, 03:23:58 UTC
Mikaela Banes | ... )


JESS not_your_gun July 29 2010, 03:48:07 UTC

You still play awesomely, and I'm sorry we've both been kind of occupied lately and unable to play as much as I'd really like to play with you. You know my opinions on Mikaela and BA and Bonecrusher, but I'd really like to add that your Alice is ADORABLE, and the way you write her dialog is very, very impressive--she's got great run-on sentences, and brings up interesting topics.

Neytiri is spot-on, too, and I wish she was easier to involve with things because I love seeing her interacting with the Nexus from the tail end of the evolutionary scale.

Mostly, at this point, I just want to see more of you, and I really hope life doesn't burn you out cause I miss playing with you. <3


Re: JESS greasemunkygal July 29 2010, 05:01:36 UTC
I don't know the canons for Neytiri and Alice, but even so, they feel solid and real and consistent to me. Neytiri's reactions to the Nexus are fascinating, and a complete contrast with Alice's. Neytiri seems to be trying to adapt, while Alice is trying to make Nexus adapt to her. It's a really interesting contrast.

Bonecrusher is just a hatefilled ball of adorable rage. Don't ever change, Crusher! *glomp*

Mikaela and Blackarachnia are awesome. I wish I could see more of Blackarachnia, so there you go. You want crit: bingo. More Blackarachnia! I know it's tough--that's a lot of characters to juggle and giving each their say is probably tough!

Each of them is well-differentiated from the others--that's quite a headspace you have there!


Re: JESS greasemunkygal July 29 2010, 16:06:22 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad people are enjoying my little oddballs like Alice and Neytiri :3

Oh don't worry dear anon, Blackarachnia is going to be making an appearance veeeery soon~


caelumtorqueo July 29 2010, 03:26:39 UTC
caelumtorqueo BV Skywarp

teh_koptur TFA Blackout

wreckerverity IDW Verity Carlo


not_your_gun July 29 2010, 04:01:36 UTC
You've been slowly starting to settle in here, and I'm really glad to see it, cause I know it has been rocky for you ( ... )


caelumtorqueo July 31 2010, 13:19:21 UTC
Blackout I think needs to get involved more so I can poke deeper into his character. That's one of my tasks moving forward. I was kind of relieved/amused that the Allspark Almanack II actually backs my characterization--he's a moron to the point where sometimes the other 'cons wonder why they keep him around.

My one for this month has been (obviously, I hope), unf***ing Skywarp. I've toned him down a lot an stripped his tags down so they're hopefully easier to follow. And I'm trying to work some backstory in slowly. I'll definitely work on not trying to project a reaction onto another player in a tag--if you catch me doing it, please point it out! I might be too settled in this bad habit to see it clearly!

It means a lot that people think I've improved. Y'all are much better (as in more experienced) players and I'm so glad that a) people shared their expertise/advice and b) people see that I am definitely taking their crit seriously.

One day I'll be as good as y'all!


calledthemedic July 29 2010, 15:52:07 UTC
Seconding most of what Sae has said - you've done a great job of building up 'Warp and the crew, and I really enjoy seeing Verity snark at people. She's got quite the head on her shoulders and it's going to be fun to see hwe interacting with the nexus more. Skywarp is wonderfully quirky and I love the strange things he requires to make his math work, and you get some really great one-liners with him. Blackout is somehow... adorable. Just adorable.

As a suggestion, I'd really love to see you stop using the words 'fail' or 'stupid' to describe yourself. Just... try going a whole week of posting without saying a single derogatory thing about yourself, or how you play your characters, whether in game [brackets] or in introduction posts on OOC. When you do so, it sounds like you are setting up a certain expectation for yourself that really isn't needed. You're neither fail or stupid, and the game is enjoying having you here! ♥


sound_loyal July 29 2010, 03:39:45 UTC
TFA Optimus Prime like_a_bossbot
IDW Soundwave sound_loyal
TFA Blitzwing highly_unstable
IDW Perceptor debt_to_pay

And Movie Megatron deceptivecon, who is being dropped, and thus, is scarce. And a total asshole.


sound_loyal July 29 2010, 03:47:15 UTC
For some reason I don't think I've ever actually interacted (or if so, not much) with your characters but I have to say how much I LOVE reading them. You do some of the most amazing icon-chains with your TFA characters and Blitzwing is...fantastically crazy.

And I'm going to miss your Megatron. Even though/because he scare the hell out of me.


highly_unstable July 29 2010, 03:52:41 UTC
Thank you. ;~; &hearts I am sorry that we have not interacted more, anon. Perhaps we can do more in the future?

I am sad that Megatron must go, but I really feel as though I am character sitting on him at this point. It is IC for him not to adapt, and even after a year, he refuses to follow the rules and just... behave. |D

Hopefully though, without him, I will be able to focus on some of my more social characters, and interact with more of the game. And crazy Blitzwings are the best kind!


not_your_gun July 29 2010, 04:07:46 UTC

I want to leave you feedback, but...just like Jess...I've got nothing new to say. You play an AMAZING Blitzwing, and I'm glad you're elevating him to full status.
I'd like to interact with Ani!Prime more, but I think that's just been cause we were both so busy preparing for TFcon, so I'm not worried about it. Soundwave is...wonderful. Really. So is your mouth icon. /drools

And Percy I haven't seen much of, but see note of Ani!Prime above.

Really, I'm glad you're in this game. <3


not_your_gun July 29 2010, 03:39:53 UTC
not_your_gun IDW!Megatron (Origins)

iplaywinner Ani!Jetstorm

bymycalculation Dreamwave!Jetfire

art_and_sou1 KH2!Namine


not_your_gun July 29 2010, 11:16:30 UTC
I wish I could see more Namine. What I have seen makes such a fantastic contrast with all of the ego and 'rawr' of many of the mech characters. That's about the most 'crit'like thing I have to say--I think she should be around more. Then again, with her personality, it's probably hard to think of what to do with her!

Jetstorm is wonderful: sweet and funny and poignant without being an angst-bucket. I'm impressed with his range.

Megatron is, of course, wonderful, and that's not just me slobbering on the icons (which are gorgeous). He's about the only Megatron I can see Decepticons following out of respect and not fear. I'm curious to see where he goes, and I hope he doesn't 'leave'!


not_your_gun July 29 2010, 14:58:05 UTC
Thanks so much, anon!

I agree about Namine--I need to get her out and doing more, which I hope to be starting on this next week~ TF-con and coats took all my July time, so I had to put her and Jetfire on the backburner--now that things are calming down, I should be good!

<3 just so glad to hear this, words cannot say.

Oh, man! I'm not sure what you mean by leave, but I don't think I could let him go. x-x He' important, to me, and I really, really am so honored that people enjoy playing with him. Thank you, again.


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