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Comments 110

show_my_cannons July 4 2010, 21:12:33 UTC
Ironhide is armed. He's armed, and he's mad. He hasn't stopped seething for days. His knuckles are bandaged, bruised, and he, quite frankly, looks liable to kill the first thing that looks at him funny.

Luckily, Barricade doesn't seem to fit that bill today. Ironhide's come alone. He shoots the Decepticon a glare, before taking up a stance on the opposite side of the warehouse. Waiting.


namesnotprowl July 4 2010, 22:48:06 UTC
Barricade, in spite of not having been around Ironhide at all and in spite of these bodies, can recognize that somebody is not a happy camper at all. And starting the fireworks early would be... very bad. He opts to keep from antagonizing the Autobot, to save them both some grief.

He throws an even, noncommittal glance at the mech, drawing a line through his personal and universal designation. One down.


brbhatingumoar July 5 2010, 15:09:37 UTC
Bonecrusher does not want to be here. Whatsoever. The only reason he is here is because Barricade is organizing this, and where Barricade goes, Bonecrusher's going to follow.

He's hovering not far behind him, arms folded with a scowl on his face.


namesnotprowl July 5 2010, 18:51:05 UTC
Barricade knows he might have... badgered Bonecrusher into being here, but he's glad that the other man did show after all. It feels slightly safer. Even with Crusher hovering like that. He just has to keep the other away from the Autobots for now, until things are back to normal.

He looks over the rest of the room before his gaze settles and lingers on Bonecrusher. "If you hover any closer you'll be perched on my shoulder, Skater Boy," he murmurs, more amused than anything.


brbhatingumoar July 6 2010, 02:26:09 UTC
He's a little growly about it, but he hates this body and...well, his partner is here and he's sworn to himself to keep the speedy little fragger safe (even if said speedy fragger doesn't KNOW it), so here he is. Growling.

"...Want me t'move?" He grumbles the words, though he has no real intention of moving away. If anything, he takes a step closer.


namesnotprowl July 6 2010, 03:26:14 UTC
He'd have to be blind to not notice that Bonecrusher's been sticking closer to him than usual. Even if it took him a while to actually realize it because he got himself blinded by overworking. But if all of that meant that it got Bonecrusher here, then it's all good.

"Didn't say that. Just noting." He does notice that Bonecrusher has moved closer, though. He doesn't need proximity sensors to hear the inorganic hiss of plastic wheels on concrete, or to sense that so familiar presence stepping forward.


technoorganic July 5 2010, 15:12:14 UTC
Blackarachnia's not looking terribly pleased at all this, but she's considerably less surly looking than probably anyone else. She's good at putting on a sweet smile when necessary, when she thinks it might work to her advantage.

She rests her hands on her hips and watches with a brow raised, waiting for...something to happen.


like_a_bossbot July 6 2010, 17:41:27 UTC
Talking to her was probably not one of his better ideas. Being fully organic, she was likely more angry than she was letting on - He'd seen how suddenly her mood could shift, or... more accurately, how easily she could disguise her true feelings about a situation.

"How are you holding up?"

It seemed like an innocent enough question, looking more at his own feet than at her.


technoorganic July 6 2010, 23:26:21 UTC
She turns, hands curling into fists by her sides.

Oh how she hated that she was like this. More than anything, she wanted to tear someone into pieces for it, get rid of this horrible, worthless and pathetic organic body.

Even being back into her own disgusting body would be better than this existence.

It takes every ounce of self control she has not to snap (or worse) at him.

"Oh, you know me - I'm just peachy, darling. What about yourself?"


airspacecommand July 5 2010, 16:23:55 UTC
Starscream is rather .. cautious about the whole thing. He stands a distance away from, well, everyone else. He hates being in this human body as it is so weak, so easily breakable.

But he's here and that's all which matters.

But something better happen to fix him.


not_your_gun July 5 2010, 20:09:42 UTC
Megatron wouldn't miss this for the world.

Its hillarious, if nothing else, seeing stubborn Autobots forced to be in the same place with Decepticons...

Though he is waiting for someone to realize that having 'all' of the effected citizens here doesn't mean they all have to be alive. Which is, really, why he's set up traps around the place, and has the controller for them in his pocket. They're mostly designed to just hit Autobots, but he's got no qualms against preventing unruly 'cons, either.

...and will likely have arrived in a group, making certain that his cons are here. If this is going to be done, its at least going to be done right.


namesnotprowl July 5 2010, 20:42:00 UTC
Barricade inclines his head in greeting to Magnum as he enters, scratching off names on the list as he does. He knows about the traps... and knows they're as easy to spring on their makers as they are anyone else. Experience is a very harsh mistress. It's part of why he's sticking close to the entrance - he can double-check his list and quickly duck out if the way at the same time. At least he knows that Bonecrusher is here, and that Soundwave is bringing his Megatron; that constitutes the end of his concern for his own group.

Now he just needs to keep them away from Ironhide. And hopefully the rest of the Autobots. There may be no love lost between them, but he isn't going to have a fight caused by his bunch, and he's the only humanized one with a skill for taunting without direct violence.

If all goes to plan, it'll just be one of those eighth grade dances where one group is on one side of the room and the other on the opposite side...

... With barricades of folding chairs between them and firearms aimed at each other warily.


technoorganic July 6 2010, 23:27:37 UTC
Blackarachnia will slide up next to him, eying him critically and inclining her head towards everyone else.

She disregards any bodyguards he may have with him.

"Think this'll work, darling?"


gah, present tense kills me kaon_krusher July 7 2010, 19:24:14 UTC
It is odd to be surrounded by so many humans - so many humans not running around in frantic fear, that is - for even in this multi-species city, this hasn't come up often for Lugnut. He idles at Megatron's side, trying to keep an optic on all of the others he knows. This is a very hard task to undertake, since he isn't quite sure of all the ones he does know, since humans all look the same anyway. Lugnut is only confident in his ability to keep track of his master - who, to Lugnut's vision, is slightly distinguished from anything or anyone else in view - just a slight shift of focus and a more vivid color than all other reality. This was how Lugnut had recognized His previous avian form without question, and this is how he guards Him now even in that otherwise indistinguishable body.

But it is…odd: since on the other end of the room, nearly out of sight between the spiky legs of the Tyran jet, is a human that is registering as not-(not)Megatron as well ( ... )


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