Atermath Log

Apr 01, 2010 18:13

[[OOC: The lowdown being that Magnum fought the pair of evils, lost, got beat up beyond hope of repair, and had to be rescued by those who he'd called in. Any of said people are welcome to come and speak with him, since he...cant exactly make them go away when he can't really move. He could use some cheering up, or you can take the chance to ( Read more... )

† transformers: animated | blackarachnia, † kiss players | glit, transformers: 2007 movie | mikaela banes, † transformers: animated | lugnut, transformers: idw | soundwave, transformers: idw | megatron, † world of warcraft | magatha

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Comments 47

You won't get away that easily, Magnum. Soundwave will always be lurking. :| sound_loyal April 1 2010, 23:58:54 UTC
If they did make the mistake of displeasing Megatron, they would have to deal with Soundwave first.

Then, considering his original attackers, perhaps that was not much of a threat anymore - Soundwave certainly felt the repercussions of his failure in that sense, but he would not allow himself to be disloyal now. He gave his Spark once for Megatron, after all.

He remained at the door of the Decepticon's current chambers, keeping a silent guard.


Creeper. Loyal, wonderful creeper. not_your_gun April 2 2010, 01:18:34 UTC
It would take him a while to notice his quiet sentry....

...though he should have expected it. He can see the hint of blue, out of the corners of his optics, though its difficult to turn his head. Frag. Everything is difficult to do.

Still, if he is close, that means that Soundwave can hear him...

" sorry..." He starts, and stops, having to concentrate a little bit more on speaking than he realized. "...looks like we won't get to have that...oil bath...after all."


... Dammit, I thought I tagged this. /fails as your loyal creeper ;-; sound_loyal April 9 2010, 22:03:14 UTC
Soundwave doesn't budge from his position, but he turns his head to look at Magnum as he speaks. He feels a shock of pain at hearing his voice so quiet, so... weak; it doesn't make sense, as he is not the one injured - but there is a definite pang in his chest, which he cannot explain.

"Apology: Unnecessary."

His visor dims slightly, helm lowered. He had thought that the plan was... in need of tweaking, but he had not expected such an outcome. Not with Megatron leading.

"Oil bath: Will be rescheduled.

Recovery: First priority."


/fails even more at being a diligent leader not_your_gun April 22 2010, 20:07:36 UTC
"I'll manage. But...I'm...still a fool." He stops trying to look over, and just stares up at the ceiling like he's been doing the past few hours.

"...haven't...even...gotten the chance to really appreciate you being back. Looks like...I've got some time, now." It wasn't getting any easier to speak...but he was starting to get used to his limitations.

He didn't like getting used to limitations.

"...this...won't be so bad. I was...needing to get a new body, anyhow. I'm...too far behind, to keep up. But..." He sighed, a static-filled sound of not-quite-working fans and ventilation. " may be some time."

Too much time.

He frowned, not liking that, either. He had plots to plan.


greasemunkygal April 2 2010, 00:47:42 UTC
Mikaela had been in and out of the room Magnum was using for as long as he's been there. Between fixing him, taking apart a Transtech gun with Graham, dealing with Sam's arrival, and entertaining a few guests of her own, she's had her hands full.

Now she slips in again to check on him, giving Soundwave's foot a pat as she moves through the door.

"How're you feeling?" She speaks even as she clamors up onto the berth he was using. He seems to be fairly immobile, so she's not terribly worried about him flicking her off.


not_your_gun April 2 2010, 01:31:55 UTC
He'd object to her coming in...except that there isn't much to do right now but stare at the ceiling, in-between medic administrations on him. He could be fixed.

...he doesn't want to be. Being fixed from this state....that would make him weaker than before. ...and with the blow to his pride that being downed was inflicting on him, he needed every ounce of strength that he could gather. He needed a new body...but...that wasn't happening. Not immediately.

"...I'm not. Glit cut off most of the sensors when I asked him to." He'd sigh, if he could, but he can't, so he doesn't. "...anything interesting that I missed out in the Nexus?"


greasemunkygal April 2 2010, 01:36:21 UTC
Mikaela assumed he would likely object were it not for complete boredom. She knew what staring at a whitewashed ceiling was like, especially for hours on end by yourself. If she can't do the complicated repairs on him, then at least she could keep him a bit of company while she had the free time.

"Making the most of that trick I told you about?" She hauls herself up on him, picking her way around damaged bits, of which there were certainly plenty. She sighs, pausing in her ascent to run her fingers over jagged pieces of metal.

"What were you thinking?"


not_your_gun April 2 2010, 05:17:15 UTC
"...I am. Granted, there's nothing on me that doesn't hurt, so I'm at a loss." He...can see her, though, and knows she's touching him...
Its strange.
His frame shudders, lightly, knowing he should be feeling the touch and...not. Its...infuriating.

This state is infuriating.

"...I could have taken them." He insists...because it should have been true. He had a plan. He even had a backup plan, and...having a backup plan had been all that had saved him, at all.


no_glitter_plz April 2 2010, 19:16:45 UTC
Glit, for one, was no being to accept defeat that easily. The cassette had been disappearing and reappearing intermittently as he tried to track down parts and beg, borrow, purchase, or steal them. Usually this wasn't a problem, but the sheer quantity of replacements meant the cassette was running himself ragged.

He was present at the moment, installing a replacement secondary energon pump with fierce, single-minded determination.


not_your_gun April 2 2010, 21:17:28 UTC
And Magnum would be watching, quietly, having nothing else to do but stare. When new parts went on it gave him better range of mobility, which he appreciated, but he could tell he was running his medic ragged, and that was not the intention--especially when some of the parts he was dragging in were three times his size.

"....Glit, I hope I do not have to order you to take a break." He finally cuts in. "....this may be futile, in the long run."


no_glitter_plz April 2 2010, 22:02:05 UTC
"No, lord," Glit said obediently, swiveling an ear that had been laid back in concentration. It was just good luck that he didn't have to specify whether or not he didn't need to be ordered or didn't agree with the futility of it. "I've been sending a few questions around about the availability of more extensive options." By this time, he didn't need to add anything about discretion. Glit's small but growing reputation meant nobody asked questions, because any given part might be for anyone from a star gladiator to a worn-out nameless drunk in an alley.


not_your_gun April 3 2010, 09:07:57 UTC
"....your resourcefulness never fails to impress." He tried a smirk and failed, watching the cat at work and considering which option he preferred the response to cater to. "...but I would like you to confer with another colleague of ours. Considering I'm already down for the count, it might be time to grab some...extra advantages." It had become habit for him to reach out and pet Glit...
...which, in his condition, was not a particularly laudable attempt to make. But he could still observe him, and reward him, later...

...and there were others who might need a bit of reprimanding, too.

"...Black Arachnia was working on new schematics for me, which should be completed by now. Getting the parts should take...time...but I'm certain we can get her funding them, and I wouldn't even consider having them installed by any but the best in the business, Glit." Which, of course, was the Glit in question.

"...Soundwave has even offered for while we wait ( ... )


agasham April 2 2010, 20:04:42 UTC
Magatha was, simply put, exhausted. She was no healer, and it had taken everything within her power simply to keep such a huge being alive at all. Still, she felt she had a duty to see how Magnum fared, even if she was too drained to assist further.

And so, holding a large mug of water - her internal elements were out of balance from so much healing, and it manifested in a deep and profound thirst - she went to him, with a deep curtsy for his blue and white guardian.


not_your_gun April 3 2010, 03:25:32 UTC
"...." Another guest was...admittedly a welcome thing, although he hated being seen like this. There'd been a few fights that had gone badly, back in the Arena days, but usually it was only the medics who saw him, afterward....

...then again, this was Magatha. In a way...that...was precisely what she counted as, and he owed her a given amount of gratitude for preserving his life. As much as he could, he turned his head to watch her approach, appreciating the respect she provided to his guardian. "I had not expected to see you again, so soon. You're faring well, I hope."


agasham April 3 2010, 18:11:01 UTC
"I am not so young as I used to be," Magatha sighed, not disguising the way she leaned on her staff. "But I imagine I shall recover sooner than you." She pricked her ears forwards. "I wonder if you wouldn't be in better shape if I'd simply let you die and resurrected you." She might be joking, or then again, perhaps not.


not_your_gun April 4 2010, 21:01:14 UTC
Its close enough to being not a joke that he stares, considering it for a long time. " that why Soundwave and Mikaela both came back?"

It would be extremely useful if it was a possibility. "...even so, those two would not have killed me. You would have had to finish the job." Granted, it would not have been hard at that point.

"It is good to see you recovering, however. I should apologize for the setback this will cause...but I would rather apologize that I didn't get this right the first time."


technoorganic April 2 2010, 23:13:04 UTC
Blackarachnia had received Magnum's little summons, and while she was horribly busy, she decided it was in her best interests to see what he wanted, and quickly.

While Blackarachnia does have her own agenda, she is not nearly so dumb as to ignore a summons directly from a Megatron, regardless of what universe they are from.

So, she arrives at the girls shop in a fair amount of time, completely dismissing the brunette in the front who gave her an incredulous look. Bypassing everything else, she slips quietly into Magnums room, peering at him with a mildly surprised look.

"You rang, darling?"


not_your_gun April 3 2010, 05:44:52 UTC
"......" And he glances up, trying to look significantly more composed than he feels while laying broken on a workbench. He recognized the click of those footsteps, and knew who this would be...

"...I could have used your help a little earlier, my dear." It wasn't supposed to come out as a growl, but it did. There was more than a little annoyance at his current state, and a knowledge that some additional assistance out on the field might have made this go more smoothly.


technoorganic April 4 2010, 18:38:21 UTC
"Well, darling - you did seem oh so sure of yourself. Dirge and I had done as instructed, therefore...our presence seemed no longer needed." She comes closer, and leans on the bench by his head, reaching a hand to give the side of his helm a stroke.

"But I do feel awfully guilty about you being like this. Tell me sweetie, how can I make it up to you?"


not_your_gun April 4 2010, 20:44:54 UTC
"Oh, and under every other circumstance...I would probably agree with you. However, in this case, seeing as that you were my backup for my plan, in case such plan should go awry...." He wants to sit up, so badly, and he does not, and tolerates the contact is her.
"...and seeing that said plan did manage to backfire, it would have been nice if you had checked in..."

He trailed off, considering...and...realizing something.


"...However, in the future I'll be sure to specify that in my instructions." Now he looked away, definitely grumbling now. He didn't think he'd have to instruct that, but he hadn't, and he should have. It didn't stop him from considering her still mostly at fault, but he couldn't blame her entirely for this, when it had been up to him. Frag ( ... )


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