
Oct 15, 2009 21:47

Who: IDW!Megs, Kino, Mikaela, Glit
What: Megatron needs a makeover. Or, really, he needs to be repaired almost completely, and so is going to be in one place for a bit...and gets to talk with some humans he's been needing to speak to.
When: Following Magnum's fight with Ironhide and This Declaration.
Where: Swindle's shop, Zone 5
Notes: Separate ( Read more... )

† kiss players | glit, † kino no tabi | kino, transformers: 2007 movie | mikaela banes, transformers: idw | megatron

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greasemunkygal October 18 2009, 00:44:29 UTC
"...Hm." She murmured, pulling her fingers through her hair. Impressed. She supposed that was infinitely better than being angry with her, or thinking she was simply worthless. That's just how she was, though. She'd always been the type to get what she wanted when she wanted it, and took action to do so. Sitting idle was something Mikaela had never been very good at. "Thanks, then ( ... )


greasemunkygal November 5 2009, 18:07:21 UTC
She was quick and efficient and worked rather well under pressure, which was good. If she were to balk in his presence, she'd be more likely to make a mistake. With this kind of work environment, she thrives. She pushed a piece of hair out of her face and chewed her lip in concentration, narrowing her eyes at a stubborn wire.

"Mhm." She murmured along with him until his name was brought up. "What? Him? Oh, hell no. No way. I've seen his methods. No. Not happening."


not_your_gun November 8 2009, 04:27:46 UTC
He noticed that he had started leaning closer again, trying to get a better vantage point to see what she was doing. It wouldn't do to appear too curious, however, so as soon as he realized his movements he stopped, and attempted to look as nonchalant as possible. Especially given her reaction..

"He's tried to pull this information from your head before, then? ....so there is a way."

He gave that thought a longer pause.

"...it seems that for now, it wouldn't be necessary. What you're seeing might just be residual, or useless echoes..."

He paused.

"However, if it became necessary to extract the data in the future...would you be willing if I were overseeing the operation?"


greasemunkygal November 8 2009, 06:30:11 UTC
Mikaela doesn't mind people hovering over her shoulder when she works, though Megatron is a bit...different than her normal customers.

"Not mine." She snaps, tightening something a little tighter than necessary. "Sam's." She leaned back, glaring up at him. "Did he ever tell you what he tried to do to Sam, huh? Have I? He wanted to cut his head open and harvest his brain. How long you think he'd have survived that, huh?" She shakes her head, then gets back to work. "Not letting that happen to me, not while I have a choice." The emphasis on the word has meaning. She wonders if he'll pick up on it.

"You don't have to worry about extracting it. I told you about it for a reason, because I think you're the only one that could use any info I had, because you're the only one doing anything about getting people home." She glances back up at him. "I'll tell you, if you just ask."


not_your_gun November 8 2009, 06:37:22 UTC
"It is unlikely he would have survived for long, although I am uncertain as to the full extent of your medical advancements." Since she was not minding, he continued to peer. "Granted, it is...a subject I am aware that we differ in opinion on. If it were necessary to kill a single individual in order to bring about the continuation of my race, I would. Thankfully, it does not seem necessary at this time." Thankfully he had quite a populated Cybertron to return to. Most mechs here did not seem to enjoy that luxury.

"...that seems such an...inefficient way to transfer specific information, but if you insist." There were certainly...peculiarities to humans, and this was one of them. How they ever managed to convey anything to each other, when they lived such short lives and had no ways to connect to each other was a complete mystery to him. "If you stumble upon any information that does seem useful to our plight, you will inform me?"


greasemunkygal November 8 2009, 07:11:57 UTC
"He wouldn't have at all. Megatron didn't exactly bother to have human doctors around." She growled, though she does look up.

"What if it was you? People wanted you dead to save...say, the humans. Wouldn't that piss you off?" She nods, her face set.

"Of course I insist. I don't really feel like dying here in Axiom. That doesn't sound...fun." She shifts positions, debating on just how much to confess. Between learning Autobot and already somehow knowing Decepticon, she's been poking at those symbols Sam sees when she can. She's beginning to understand them.

She's just not sure how smart it would be to tell him that.


not_your_gun November 8 2009, 07:49:07 UTC
"This is so...although...there seem to be plenty of them here. It might be possible for the information to be extracted, now, without death."

He pulled back at her next question, gazing down at her steadily, surprised that she had the gall to even ask.
It...was...certainly a question...
...but it was also one that his own, personal philosophies had an easy answer for. "If they could capture me, and I could not find the means to allude them, then they would deserve to take such from me." He tilted his head, just slightly, as if seeing her from another view might change his opinion, and then shook it, instead. "...but you are correct. It would still make me furious." There was almost a grin behind the words.

"I am particularly interested in what technology the information might reveal. If you get a chance to write it down, that would also help."


greasemunkygal November 8 2009, 08:35:02 UTC
"Still not doing it." She repeated firmly, reaching back in to finish up.

She waited patiently for his answer, a brow lifted when she got it.

"So...you think if you get captured cause you couldn't get away, you deserve it? Interesting state of mind." She leaned back from her work, looking at it with a pleased expression.

"I...yeah." She'd seen some...interesting things. Being a walking Cybertronian textbook was beginning to freak her out.


not_your_gun November 11 2009, 04:41:52 UTC
"...understood." It was still an option, in his mind, but for now he opted not to press it. Instead, he leaned back in to take a look, gauging by her actions that she'd finished, and eager to see if it had improved the functionality.

"It doesn't mean I would not struggle to free myself. But it seems to me that those who deserve to continue existing work the hardest for it, to make certain they're never in a position where there lives would have to end--whether it is an individual, or a race. You've managed to remain alive, thus far. This indicates a strong desire on your part for life--a strong willpower, if you would."

"You will keep me informed, then?" It was also something he intended to check in with her about. There was more than one potential for the information contained within her head...but he'd need to learn a bit more about the all-spark, himself, in order to make maximum usage of it.


greasemunkygal November 11 2009, 04:50:06 UTC
"Hmph." She grumbled, folding her arms and leaning back. She has a feeling that particular discussion isn't over completely, but at least it is for now.

"I guess...I mean, yeah, I'm still alive." She said doubtfully. "I'm just not sure what...right I'd have to end someone just cause they weren't as powerful as me. Doesn't seem...fair." She tugged at her hair. "Then again...what is, huh?" She gave his leg a pat and edged away, signaling she was done.

"I uh...I will. Yeah." Tell him, don't tell him, tell him...don't tell him...What should she do? "...The uh...any info I give you. You're gonna use it to try to get us home, right?"


not_your_gun November 14 2009, 06:16:34 UTC
"I can see your point. However, it is not as if I go around judging the worth of those around me, and terminating those who do not meet my criteria. There is no need to fear me...so long as one is not standing directly in my way. To Decepticons, its...ultimately fair...but this is because we already realize the consequences." He switched his receptors back on, and stretched his leg....


...that...that was nicer. Hm.

He nodded.

"Of course, Mikaela. It is my ultimate goal, and the only one to which I'm devoting myself while I am here. Everything else is peripheral."
Well, there was the matter of gathering as much knowledge as he possibly could, to help him with his war when he returned, but...really, that could just be considered a part of getting home. Mikaela's rather...unique visions would likely be most useful towards that end.


greasemunkygal November 14 2009, 06:33:16 UTC
She watched him stretch as she thinks about what he said. It was true, they already know and accept the consequences.

"Point." She admitted, scooting out of his way. "...Better?"

She exhaled slowly, the inner turmoil written clearly on her face.

"Well...those crazy symbols Sam sees? 'M kinda starting to be able to understand it. Ever like...try super hard to think of a word and it's at the tip of your tongue and you just can't...remember? That's what it's like. Like 'm trying to remember something from a really long time ago, but I just can't." She'd told him a lot today, and she knows she's putting herself out there with this, and not...in a good way.


not_your_gun November 24 2009, 17:54:14 UTC
"It is much better." The smirk on his face was no small indication of his satisfaction with the work, and he flexed the limb one more time for good measure, before letting it settle back onto the berth. Glit would likely want to examine it later, if he noticed that other repairs had been done (which was an universal constant.)

"I can recall the feeling. Its generally caused by some minor corruption in our databanks...but I'm getting the impression that this is not correct in your case." Mainly since she was human. He considered, instead, what it might be. "...this would mean, then, that you might be able to translate the symbols he produces. And since such symbols are causing such a controversy over their origins, which general consensus seems to indicate are coming from the all-spark...there's quite a lot of power to be gathered from that, isn't there. Quite a lot of...potential...that you have."


greasemunkygal November 25 2009, 00:50:11 UTC
"'M glad." She said honestly, folding her arms as she watched him. She doesn't mind others checking up behind her either; she's confident enough in her work to know they won't find any mistakes.

"It's frustrating." She shook her head in agreement. "No, it's not a corruption in my databanks." She gives the tiniest smile.

"It...yeah. That's what I'm beginning to think is happening. I'm becoming Sam's...personal translator or something. It's kinda freaking me out." She coughs and studies her hands. She's not terribly sure she likes the last thing he said, but it's too late to retract anything she's told him now.


not_your_gun November 28 2009, 03:16:21 UTC
"As Sam is likely becoming a conduit for all-spark energy, it is likely that a conduit is needed to bridge the gap of understanding. ...interesting that it chooses to work through a human, but....stranger things have happened, I suppose."
He sits back, himself, feeling he could use a good rest tonight after all of this activity and surgery.
"Blackout tells me that the all-spark was a source of life for his Cybertron, and I know Malus seeks out some information that it contains in order to continue life on Cybertron. Interesting to think, isn't it, that you may now hold the translations for how, precisely, to play god."

He considered what he just said.

"...I can see why that would worry you. And I...would suggest telling no one else, for your sake."


greasemunkygal November 28 2009, 03:31:40 UTC
She nodded along with what he said; it seemed to make the most sense out of anything.

...That is, if anything was making sense anymore, which it kind of wasn't.

"What's what I've heard from Optimus and the other Autobots, the Allspark is the source of life...it like...creates it. Somehow. Sam told me that in Mission City, when he was running from Malus he was kind of hit by a car and when he fell the Cube got bumped. There was a nearby soda machine that just...randomly got brought to life, along with the Cadillac that had hit him. I mean, obviously he didn't have time to stop and chat, but he definitely noticed." She rubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on. The power to play God? She couldn't have...didn't want that responsibility. Sam was the real key here, him and his symbols, symbols she had a copy of stashed in a hidden place.

"Yeah, I haven't...haven't told anyone anything. Except...except Barricade. He knows I can speak Tyran Decepticon. He....helped me with it."


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