
Oct 15, 2009 21:47

Who: IDW!Megs, Kino, Mikaela, Glit
What: Megatron needs a makeover. Or, really, he needs to be repaired almost completely, and so is going to be in one place for a bit...and gets to talk with some humans he's been needing to speak to.
When: Following Magnum's fight with Ironhide and This Declaration.
Where: Swindle's shop, Zone 5
Notes: Separate ( Read more... )

† kiss players | glit, † kino no tabi | kino, transformers: 2007 movie | mikaela banes, transformers: idw | megatron

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Comments 96

greasemunkygal October 16 2009, 03:41:47 UTC
Mikaela had a feeling that what she was about to do would not go over well with the Autobots, least of all Ironhide. She was frustrated with him, but she could never stay angry with the weapons specialist. She'd gone straight to help Ratchet with him, and directly after, she found herself making her way to the Swindles to help Ironhide's perceived enemy.

With her communications with Barricade and Megatron both, Mikaela occasionally felt like she was leading a double life. She didn't like keeping secrets, not from Ironhide, and not from Sam. She had a feeling if Ironhide knew, though, he'd locked her up in a closet somewhere and never let her out.

"I must be crazy." She mumbled to herself as she jerked the door open to the Swindles, pushing her hair over her shoulder as she entered. "Crazy...deranged...whatever. I've got to be insane, look at me. Helping a Megatron. I've lost my damn marbles." She shook her head, and shut the door behind her. She nodded to a clerk, who pointed her in the direction of where she needed to go. Poking ( ... )


not_your_gun October 16 2009, 04:35:55 UTC
Megatron was 'resting' by the time Mikaela had arrived, many systems shut down in a half-recharge mode but with most of the repairs complete. Not everything was finished, since there were some...additional parts he wished to add, and so he waited, circuitry still exposed, while Kino showed Glit to the supplies that weren't for public consumption.

It meant he did not have much to be paying attention to beyond the movements of the mechs in the hallway outside, listening for tell-tale footsteps to return...

...and hearing a familiar voice, instead.

"Ah, Mikaela. I see that you have made it." His optics came online, their red-glow in the semi-darkness being the only visible indication that he was more than a collection of wires and armor on a medical berth, and awake, at that. "If you were wanting the chance to look at a Decepticon, it seems that has been afforded to you. You may come up..." He smirked, a bit, dangerously, to challenge her. "...if you wish."


greasemunkygal October 16 2009, 04:49:19 UTC
"Did you think I wouldn't come?" She's not being petty, she's honestly curious. She hovers for a moment in the doorway, hesitating only for a fraction of a second before entering completely. The darkness of the room and the redness of his optics created a disturbing ambiance she wasn't sure she liked, or felt comfortable with. It made him seem all the more menacing, even with exposed wiring and circuitry.

"Course I do." She scoffs, making a valiant attempt to not be intimidated. It doesn't completely work, but she does summon the courage to come closer. The medical berth is large and tall, and not something she can easily see over. If she's going to get close enough to do anything, she was going to have to hop up there with him, which would put her in an extremely vulnerable position.

She reaches up, and hauls herself up to sit on the edge for a moment before getting to her feet and facing him directly. She'd....never exactly been quite this close to him before, and she had to admit this was kind of...humbling. She'd worked on ( ... )


not_your_gun October 16 2009, 05:23:53 UTC
"I did not think that they would let you come, no." He chuckled softly, watching her climb without moving to assist. It was her decision to be here...it was her challenge to overcome, and it would be all the more worthwhile if she had to earn it, one slow step at a time. He wasn't meaning her trip onto the surface of the berth, besides.

The lights in the room remained off, conserving power while his normal companions were gone. With how strained relations in the Nexus had become of late, the Swindles did not seem as if they'd waste any resource easily, and it was amazing how much energon could be saved by simply flicking off a light switch.

He, on the other hand...had other methods.

Being originally crafted for work underground provided a few benefits, after all, and he started up the hidden running lights that were nestled in several areas along his frame. Not all of them were still connected after previous upgrades he'd been going through, and several were just burnt out from disuse and alternate activity, but where ( ... )


no_glitter_plz October 16 2009, 03:42:01 UTC
Glit was in his element, snapping at the employees when they failed to do things to his satisfaction and taking the time to monitor each adjustment for maximum efficacy, comfort, and durability. Regularly repairing Lord Megatron was honing his skills like nothing else: where Glit might be content to do merely a very good job on any other mech, he demanded nothing less than his absolute best for Megatron.

The latest employee had retreated, radiating offense at the tiny cassette's vehemence, and the medic was currently occupying himself rewiring a delicate node of sensors with the tips of his claws.


not_your_gun October 16 2009, 05:05:45 UTC
Megatron remained excellently still, though he supposed this was in part due to the useful methods employed by medics to shut down feeling in the areas they worked on. Hook had not always been quite so precise, though he had certainly been meticulous...and, one way or another, Megatron had carried on.

...but now here was Glit, performing repairs on him again, and with a speed and efficiency that never failed to impress him. If the cons on his world had a medic like this....


...what an asset that would be.

"Don't you ever tire of repairing me, Glit?" He smirked a bit, not alluding to whether he was serious or not.


no_glitter_plz October 16 2009, 13:23:08 UTC
And Glit - well, Glit never mentioned his home universe for a reason. Still, the cassette looked up briefly, and cat-smiled, optics squeezing almost shut. "Never, lord. It's a privilege. ...I do get tired of the idiot fraggers who cause the damage, though," he added sourly.


not_your_gun October 17 2009, 19:35:51 UTC
"We have that in common, then, Glit." He almost returned the smile, his good optic settling on a small crack in the ceiling to investigate its pathways nonchalantly.

"Are you needed, back in your world, for any mission in particular?"


kinos_journal October 16 2009, 04:21:40 UTC
Kino had made arrangements for the back room (one of several, really) to be prepared after Blackout left, glad that the other Cybertronian was going to pick up Magnum. She was quite certain Magnum was more than capable of looking after himself but she'd feel better if he had help until he was fully repaired.

When Blackout helped Magnum into the shop, Kino smiled - and then quickly paled at the amount of damage done to the other mech. "I've got everything set up and the room's ready to be secured as soon as you start." She conveyed the important information first, following them to the back. "Are... Are you going to be all right, Mr Magnum?" Her voice was very worried as the mech was settled down onto a berth, Kino quickly climbing up to a counter at head-level to him, frowning at the damage she could see and only guessing at how much more was under his armor.


not_your_gun October 16 2009, 04:50:20 UTC
So...Blackout had been right.

Kino had been quite prepared for this eventuality, and as he was led to the room she had secured for him he acknowledged that she was, perhaps, more of an asset than he'd originally surmised. This was twice that she had helped him, now.

The concern from her was unexpected, however, and he mentally compared it to the other queries he'd received about his health since posting on the network. He'd not considered that there were still creatures that would bother to care...sentiments like that he usually reserved for Autobots, and it was rather obvious that those would never be directed at a 'con. At least, not without significant high grade distortion ( ... )


kinos_journal October 17 2009, 19:38:17 UTC
"Worse or not, that's a lot of damage. It'll be good to see you repaired properly. As for the shop" she shook her head, unwilling to claim credit for something she felt undeserved. "It's just the Swindles'" She tapped directions into her comm pad so that the berth would unlock and adjust to the mech sitting atop it. "They do a lot of emergency work on mechs, and I've watched some of it. It's not hard to understand, as long as I have someone help me with the heavier lifting and reaching things I can't get to." She sat on the counter once the bed - once the berth was set to Magnum's shape. There wasn't more she could do at the moment, it would be up to the medics. "And honestly... I'd been expecting something like this to happen sooner or later. It was a good idea to be prepared ( ... )


not_your_gun October 18 2009, 18:53:45 UTC
"...I could not agree more. It will be good to be functioning at peak capacity, again." And oh, he did enjoy moving, when everything was a harmonized system of smoothly turning mechanisms. He could really like a fight with a worthy opponent, when he had that confidence returned. "The fact that you were interested in helping us says a great deal, however. As does your...ability to thrive, in a world built for mechs ten times your size." He chuckled, and settled into the berth as it adjusted to him.

The chuckle turned into a laugh, however, at the mention of Ironhide. "...a poor Hero indeed. I would have thought the superior morale ground they've created for themselves would have been built upon solid foundations--not upon scraps. But..." The laughter died, sliding into a frown. "...it doesn't seem to be that way, does it. Autobots kill, as readily as we kill. Its all a matter of perspective." His optics turned to her.

"...which I ought to ask. What...your opinion is about them."


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