on a boat in a river [CLOSED]

Sep 16, 2009 21:49

Who: Soundwave (SG) & Bumblebee (Movie)
What: After the fires and riots have calmed somewhat, there's a moment in darkness.
Where: Some alley lmao.
Summary: Could be the end of a boat ride, or they might carry on in the river. Who the heck knows. Fluff.
friend of mine used to say -- kick reason and logic to the curb )

† shattered glass | soundwave, transformers: 2007 movie | bumblebee

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bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 05:28:07 UTC
Bumblebee was lurking in the shadows. Well, the best a bright yellow 'bot could, anyway. He'd been called back to work after the whole business with the fires and saving the students at all. No rest for the wicked, after all. So technically he was on the clock, on 'preventative patrol.' It was more like sitting and looking for people who may or may not be breaking parole. He jumps slightly at the voice, spinning to see--

Soundwave. The Autobot relaxes slightly, shaking his head admonishingly and adding a wagged finger for emphasis.

"Don't sneak up on me like that."


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 07:10:33 UTC
Bumblebee nods emphatically, a mangled noise of affirmation coming from his voice box. What was bothering Soundwave so much that he didn't want to tell Bumblebee? Hopefully nothing too serious, right?


inferiordude September 17 2009, 07:18:38 UTC
Usually, it's so easy to be honest with his feelings. Hiding how he felt is so strange to him, making this whole thing bizarre. He likes being truthful, but he supposes this matter was pushed down due to denial or... something.

In the long run, he really isn't sure what to do with these kinds of feelings and he hates the idea of getting rejected. ...Not that he can do much about it if Bumblebee doesn't want much to do with him in this way.

Still. It's taken some observing of his emotions to really determine that, yeah, he is attracted to his friend.

"S'okay if you get mad or somethin', y'know?" Soundwave rubs his own helm, not unlike a human rubbing their forehead in nervousness. "But, ah. I dunno, been thinkin' on this for a long time. Didn't wanna say anything, since it might get in the way of stuff...? I dunno."

He shrugs helplessly. "I, ah. Look, Bee. I really dig you. Think I have for awhile, you know? An' I mean, different than how I like a friend. Y'follow?"


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 07:25:09 UTC
Oh. Oh. Bumblebee runs a hand over the top of his head, unconsciously mimicing his friend. The Autobot suddenly feels awkward. He likes Soundwave, really, but he's never really thought about things like that. Not that it's a bad idea, but he's never really considered that kind of thing. He's quiet, only nodding in response to the question before the only thing he can think of to say slips out.



inferiordude September 17 2009, 07:28:40 UTC
Funny thing to ask. Soundwave taps is chin a moment, then lifts a shoulder to shrug lazily.

"I'unno, why not? Been gettin' along with you jus' fine since we met, dude. You're fun, got a good processor in that helm o' yers. Yer prolly one of the most selfless mechs I ever met -- an' I got a long list of those, dude."

He sits back, looking up at the sky.

"I can think of tons of reasons."

Soundwave hesitantly glances at his fried. "S'okay. Like I said, you don't hafta do anythin' 'bout it. But I guess it's been on my processor for awhile."


bitchingcamaro September 17 2009, 18:16:07 UTC
Bumblebee shifts in his seat, turning to look at Soundwave with bright blue optics, sizing him up for a moment. He rolls a shoulder, still quiet as he considers. Soundwave was a good mech, friendly, good taste in music. Not unattractive, but...different. Exotic in a way, the construction wasn't what he was familiar with, but similar enough.

But at the same time what was the sense in ruining a good thing? But on the other hand, if he said no things might be awkward as if things didn't work out. And he did like the other 'mech. And, he had to admit, it explained the other's odd behavior lately.

♫ "We could try, oh yeah we could try--"


inferiordude September 18 2009, 02:20:08 UTC
That takes him aback a bit. Try? Really? Soundwave stares at him a moment, incredulous.

"What. You mean it?"

On one hand, it's disbelief. Sure, if Bee said no, he'd just let things be and ... yeah, it would have been kind of disappointing. He does really, really like him. But he would have let it go. The other.

His ember flutters happily.

"Y'don't mind?"


bitchingcamaro September 18 2009, 17:11:49 UTC
Bumblebee's shoulders rise and fall in a small, silent laugh and he reaches out to pat Soundwave on the shoulder, head falling forward to rest there as well. He finds the others slight disbelief endearing for some reason. Then he searches for a song, finds the right one.

♫ "I said yes to your number
And yes to you dating me
Yes we can be together--"


inferiordude September 19 2009, 07:30:42 UTC
After everything that's went on, it's nice to have something good happen. Smelt, he wishes he could smile right now; his ember flares happily.

Soundwave slings an arm around Bumblebee's shoulders.

"Thanks, dude."

There's another concern that rises to his processor, but... nah. He'll talk about it with Bumblebee later.

If he says it now, he'll probably change his mind on this whole thing.


bitchingcamaro September 20 2009, 04:01:33 UTC
Bumblebee leans against Soundwave. Partly from a desire for a bit of physical closeness. And partly just because he's so slagging tired and really just needs to have something or someone to lean on. He gives a pleased little shrug.

"--no need to thank me!"

"It was nothing, really--"


inferiordude September 20 2009, 06:27:47 UTC
"Pff." His digits roam over the top of Bumblebee's helm, sliding over the unique shape lightly.

No, really. He is grateful. For all of the unfortunate events this place and home alike have to offer, this is a bright part for him. Bumblebee didn't have to do anything in response.

"It totally means a lot me, dude. So there; ch'yeah." Soundwave lightly bumps his forehead against Bumblebee's.


bitchingcamaro September 20 2009, 06:35:37 UTC
Bumblebee's optics slip shut for a moment as he rests against Soundwave, content to let the larger 'bot run his fingers across his head. A small, amused noise comes from him as they touch foreheads.

♫ "So happy together--"


inferiordude September 20 2009, 06:43:14 UTC
Good bot. Always has a good taste for songs. Soundwave emits a chuckle, inching his fingers over Bumblebee's helm.

Yeah. He's happy. He's glad he can admit that to himself.

"Slag yeah," he utters in a low tone. "Haven't felt this happy in awhile."


bitchingcamaro September 20 2009, 06:52:13 UTC
"You make me feel--"

♫ "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine--"

♫ "--in the sunshine of your love--"

Bumblebee nestles against Soundwave, draping the other's arms around him as he rests his head against his chest plate, optics closed for the moment.


inferiordude September 20 2009, 07:09:05 UTC
Yeah, this is nice. Honestly, he's trying to remember the last time he'd just. Settled down and held another mech like this, just because he wanted to and not for the sake of comfort -- giving or receiving.

He can't remember for the fragging life of him.

Soundwave holds him, making a pleased sound. "Ff. Even without yer vocalizer workin', you got a way with words."


bitchingcamaro September 20 2009, 07:17:51 UTC
Bumblebee nods quietly, remaining silent as he simply enjoys the feeling of holding and being held, of merely being close to someone like this. Something he hasn't had the luxury of enjoying in such a long time. It's so right and good and relaxing. He feels like he could slip into recharge for a little bit right here.

A quiet sigh.

♫ "Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight--"


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