Sit down, have a drink! [Open!]

Jul 27, 2009 20:10

Who: Kang, Movie!Ironhide, IDW!Jetfire, anyone else that wants to stop by.
What: Hanging out, drinking, and sharing stories. :D
Where: Zone 6, the Blue Deployer
When: Right after this!

Pour me another round, barkeep! )

† dragonlance | kang, !open, † transformers: idw | jetfire, transformers: 2007 movie | ironhide, † transformers: g1 cartoon | chromia

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show_my_cannons July 28 2009, 01:30:41 UTC
He really needed something better to do with his time, besides lurk around in bars. At this rate, he'd have no credits, and no credibility to speak of. But it was either that, or lie around doing absolutely nothing.

And he would never get back to fighting strength simply by laying still, despite what that neon idiot thought. This little drive was already going smoother than the last. With far less effort. He was barely tired when he arrived, and the transformation was far smoother as he stepped inside.

Now to find this... Kang...


jetfyre July 28 2009, 06:30:17 UTC
"Mikaela? She's a very interesting person," Jetfire suddenly smiled. "I've met her only once but talked to her on more than one occasion. I find that we're kindred spirits of a sorts."

But his smile didn't last long as he looked at Kang.

"Are you certain you're the only one? In such a diverse place as this, surely there's someone from your universe?"

As much as Jetfire worried about having the others here when there was a war going on elsewhere, he was glad he wasn't alone. He didn't know what he'd do if he was the only Autobot in Axiom Nexus. It must be doubly hard for Kang, since he was organic as well.


governorkang July 28 2009, 06:43:55 UTC
Kang smiled, taking a drink of his alcohol, "I like her well enough. Smart woman. She helped explain how cars and such work to me."

He spread his wings slightly, bringing to attention his appearance, "I'm... very noticable. On my world, as well as this one. If any others from home had spotted me, there's a good chance they would have run in fear or tried to kill me on sight." The draconian didn't sound particularly bothered by this statement, though, merely shrugging and pulling his wings in tight against his back.


show_my_cannons July 28 2009, 07:03:15 UTC
"You make repairs?" he asked the jet. "I... did not expect that." Then he nodded. "She is intelligent, but has a... habit... of being reckless. And in this place, that is unwise. Hence, her guardian."

He let them talk, studying the organic. "I have not seen any like you," he offered. "I would have been surprised to, and remembered such."


jetfyre July 28 2009, 18:14:36 UTC
"Mm, I'm more of a soldier-scientist than anything else, but I can provide basic field repairs if I have to," Jetfire admitted as their drinks arrived. He took his cube off the serving drone's tray and took a cursory sip. "It's a useful skill to have when in a battle. No, I was talking more about personality, ideals, and morality, from what I've seen of hers so far. We seem to be functioning on the same wavelength, as it were."

He nodded when Ironhide told Kang about not seeing anyone like him.

"I haven't seen anyone of your kind either, though I will keep an optic out, now."


governorkang July 28 2009, 19:41:50 UTC
"She does come off as a bit too trusting. Hopefully her guardian will make sure she doesn't get into any trouble she can't get out of by herself," Kang frowned slightly. He didn't really want anything to happen to her.

"That would be very much appreciated. Others... may have some issues adjusting to this place," he shook his head. He knew very well how draconians were.


show_my_cannons July 28 2009, 20:02:11 UTC
"Hn." Another like the original Autobots. Prime's group had been nothing but scientists at first--including Optimus himself. Maybe things were similar on White-Jetfire's world. "There are many of those in the Autobot ranks," Ironhide said. "And as for the girl... hmpf! She would be wise to heed the name 'Decepticon' before she befriends anything sentient. Again." A pause, while he took a drink. "Arcee is too lenient. Rat... She requires a firmer hand."

He eyed the scaled organic. Certainly looked capable enough. He wouldn't place this Kang in combat with a Decepticon of much power, but even so, he looked as if he could hold his own well enough. "Issues?" he asked. "Such as?"


jetfyre July 29 2009, 00:04:32 UTC
"Oh come now, she isn't that bad," Jetfire said, strangely compelled to defend her. "She may be adventurous, but I doubt she'd willingly associate with Decepticons."

A pause.

"Well, dangerous Decepticons that aren't Soundwave or Cometfall, at least. She did have that one run-in with that 'Barricade', but he hasn't even pinged on my radar lately."

He gave Kang a considering look.

"It seems to be adapting very well. Are you used to machines where you come from?"


governorkang July 29 2009, 01:32:43 UTC
There were those terms again. Kang leaned forward, elbows on the table, "I had talked with Sam and Mikaela before, about this... war of yours. I was curious, though, what you could tell me that the humans may not know. I used to be a soldier myself."

Kang quirked an eyebrow ridge at Jetfire, "I am male. Not an it. And draconians... as a whole, we're not the most peaceful of races. Make sure to let me know as soon as possible if you run into others? I should be able to handle them, make sure they stay out of trouble."


show_my_cannons July 29 2009, 01:40:00 UTC
"She had a pet Decepticon," Ironhide retorted. Sure, it had been a harmless little pile of mismatched circuits, but it was a 'Con nonetheless. He slammed a heavy fist into the tabletop. "And she refuses to allow us to hunt down the one responsible for her kidnapping. Barricade!"

He paused, settling a little before answering Kang's question. "It is not a simple explanation," he said, glancing at Jetfire. "And may be different... wherever we are from." A shrug. "The Decepticons broke from the old ways, their leader became obsessed with power and slaughter... The Autobots stood, and still stand against them."


jetfyre July 29 2009, 02:00:23 UTC
"Did she?" Jetfire's eye ridge raised high in surprise. "How is that even possible? Even the smallest of Cassetticons would be more than a match for her!"

He frowned a little, having heard about the news about Barricade for the first time. Jetfire had thought Barricade had become scarce due to something the Tyran Autobots had done to him. Mikaela asking them not to was strange.

"Did she say why she wanted Barricade to be left alone? A ruse, perhaps?" he asked slowly.

Then he turned to Kang.

"I meant no disrespect, but one cannot be too careful. I once called my manager's boss a male when she was actually female, and well, she got ... offended." Which was the understatement of the metacycle, but he didn't mention that.

He nodded at Ironhide's explanation.

"In general terms, yes, that's pretty much how the war started in my universe as well."

[OOC: I have no idea why I typed in "It" when I meant "You". *hdeaddesk*]


governorkang July 29 2009, 02:19:50 UTC
[OOC: XD No worries, it provided lulz!]

"That is strange, that she'd do that. Perhaps... they came to an understanding of some sort?" Kang was very aware that things were not always black and white. It was part of the reason he wanted to hear more than one side's story about this war.

He shook his head, holding up a hand, "It's alright. I'm not offended."


show_my_cannons July 29 2009, 03:06:30 UTC
"Was small," he said, shrugging. "Smaller than she was. I could have crushed it in one hand." He did smirk however, the expression somewhat proud. "She took a torch to one of its optics. Subdued it quickly."

Another shrug, and an angry contemplation of his glass. "She did not, would not say what happened between them," he growled. "If I should see Barricade... I will find out. However I must." It was a not-so-veiled threat, one he was pleased to make against the 'Con.


jetfyre July 29 2009, 03:26:03 UTC
Jetfire made no comment about the torch to the optic, though he frowned heavily. He did not approve of torture, though perhaps that's not what Ironhide meant. Mikaela didn't seem like the type to harm another being for any light reason. The Decepticon must have attacked her ... probably.

However, when Ironhide spoke of Barricade next, he nodded.

"If you need any help with that, even just to watch your back, you can count me in," Jetfire rumbled. "I told him he shouldn't threaten innocents lest he find himself in a similar situation."


governorkang July 29 2009, 04:45:58 UTC
Kang was impressed. "Remind me not to get on her bad side, then. I'd hate to find out what she'd do to me."

He'd been a little irritated when Barricade had kidnapped Mikaela, but unable to do anything about it. The bozak doubted he stood a chance against any of the Transformers, especially considering the only weapons he had were a battle-axe and a sword.


show_my_cannons July 29 2009, 06:44:37 UTC
It might have been torture, but Ironhide approved of Mikaela's resourcefulness more than anything. He'd heard something of her taking down Frenzy with a saw, and just became prouder of the girl. "Shoot you, perhaps," he suggested to Kang, not bothering to hide his smirk. "Or build something to take you down."

In response to Jetfire's suggestion, he nodded thoughtfully. "We are all Autobots," he said. "It is natural we should band together. Fitting!" He held his drink up in salute, adding a little hastily, "And organics as well."


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