Status Report

Jul 26, 2009 15:30

WHO: Barricade, Blackout
WHERE: Zone 4-ish
WHAT: Barricade feels the need to figure out why Blackout's alive/bring him up to speed on Axiom least, from a Tyran Decepticon point of view.

come on man, you can't be real I'll show you what it is, let the anthem build )

† transformers: 2007 movie | barricade, † transformers: 2007 movie | blackout/sc

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houndofmegatron July 26 2009, 22:55:56 UTC
This was one part of the city Blackout hadn't explored yet, possibly because he hadn't explored it much at all, honestly. He would say it was because he'd been too busy trying to figure out what was happening and how to get back where he was supposed to be; in fact, he was simply too stubborn for it. It felt like an admission of defeat to make any attempt to familiarize himself with this overwhelming place, a concession that he was going to be stuck here ( ... )


reallybadcop July 27 2009, 19:34:04 UTC
"I would rather return to Earth, and to Megatron." And now Barricade touched on what he'd learned since then - "The girl, Mikaela Banes. We have spoken, and she has told me of things that I couldn't possibly have missed - Megatron's revival, the Fallen coming to Earth."

And subsequent death. But he'd save that until he saw Blackout's reaction.

"She believes it to be truth, if nothing else." And how would a human know of the Fallen?


houndofmegatron July 27 2009, 19:47:22 UTC
"As would I, Barricade." Really, that went without saying, particularly when it came to Blackout. There was nowhere he would rather be than at Lord Megatron's side.

"...The Fallen," he repeated blankly. "The insect claims the Fallen came to Earth? That legend?" Not the most religious mech, Blackout had long ago discounted the Fallen's existence as surely as that of Primus, or the firstforged Primes, or any of the other various figures of Cybertronian myth and legend that stories were told about. If he couldn't perceive it--or-them--directly, he wasn't convinced.


reallybadcop July 27 2009, 19:51:31 UTC
"Yes. And that it was tied into Megatron's revival." Assuming that one believed the stories - which Barricade did not, though he had rethought his belief in recent days - it made a certain amount of sense. "I will be 'asking' her for more data in the future."

Again, tone said more than words; Barricade was known through the Decepticons for getting others to tell him information. Willingly. Happily so, even, as they trusted him and why wouldn't they share such things.

"...and that the Prime managed to kill him." Here, at least, he let his disbelief shine through. "I would very much like to find a Decepticon who had seen that."


houndofmegatron July 27 2009, 20:04:19 UTC
"I would appreciate it if you shared anything you learned from her," Blackout said with a nod--all he needed to say. He was, of course, well aware of Barricade's special talent for obtaining information, particularly from living sources.

He still wasn't sure he believed this nonsense about the Fallen, though Lord Megatron's revival was something he could accept without question, no matter what the circumstances.

"...Hn." A flutter of his rotors betrayed his uncertainty, and he had to still them willfully. "As would I. Prime is not to be underestimated, but given the legends about the Fallen's power..." It seemed...unlikely, to say the least.


reallybadcop July 27 2009, 20:11:05 UTC
"I intend to get as much as I can. If that means that I must put my revenge on the Witwicky boy on hold, so be it." And with Blackout here - that actually could work well. Barricade looked over Blackout, considering putting on a 'show' for the humans and Autobots, perhaps gaining more trust in the process...

It was a thought, but it would require some planning.


houndofmegatron July 27 2009, 20:36:11 UTC
"There will be time enough to repay him for what he's done," Blackout said softly, both hands fisting this time, before he forced them to relax and open again. "Human lifespans may be miniscule, but not that much so, I'm sure."

Although there was no doubt Witwicky's was in particular danger of premature termination; Barricade wasn't the only one who'd relish a chance at him, particularly given the information Blackout now possessed about him and the role he'd played at Mission City.


reallybadcop July 28 2009, 03:13:25 UTC
"Plenty of time," Barricade assured Blackout, smirking a little. "I have already informed him that he lives only because I wished his end to be long, slow, and painful."

He most certainly had enough time to finish him off, had he wanted to then and there, but...his reasons for letting the boy live then were far from merciful.

"That said; the boy is under the Autobot's protection, and we are still outnumbered. I have made some allies, but they are not enough - in addition, they have powerful allies as well, and there is the matter of the 'security'. It would be prudent to plan to separate them, and to strike in the lower, less policed Zones...and, perhaps, to focus on what the Megatron has planned."


houndofmegatron July 28 2009, 12:39:01 UTC
"How magnanimous of you," Blackout said dryly. "When that end comes, perhaps you'll extent that magnanimity to me and allow me to assist." He certainly wouldn't object to a chance to pay the boy back for some of his crimes, even though he'd only just learned of them. Using the Allspark to attempt to destroy Lord Megatron was unforgivable.

Shifting again, Blackout looked away, muttering, "I would prefer to make returning where we came from a top priority." He looked back, his expression determined. "If that requires working with this alternate Megatron, so be it. The Autobots and the Witwicky boy can wait."


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