Let's do the Time Warp again!

Nov 02, 2011 00:28

WHO: movie!OptimusOrion, whoever responds to his broadcast
WHAT: Following the events of this plot, Optimus has slipped into a sort of Groundhog Day episode of The Twilight Zone
WHERE: Zone Five, though Optimus's workplace is in Zone Four
WHEN: Backdated to the week before the Halloween event
WARNINGS/NOTES: FFFF- hush about the title! I've got the song stuck in my head! The log will move from log to RP format, and the latter is where it will ultimately end up in the comments. Also, and more importantly, if your character agrees to help Optimus out, they will become stuck in the rift as well. Since this is two days before the Halloween event, I'm going on the assumption that it all simply ends midnight on the 27th, and things therefore go back to normal regardless of whether or not any of them figure this mess out.

It has been two days. Two days and nothing had changed. Not the way the couple across the way argued like they were murdering each other that woke him three days ago. Not the organic boy that was nearly hit by a passing TransTech near the parts shop on his way into work later on that morning. Not the pallet that Rider accidentally nudged that nearly fell on him just as his shift was about to end.

The same words were exchanged - by all except him. The same gestures were made. The same everything.

Everything except the network posts, which had always been few and far in between to begin with.

Two days wrapped into one, and he was more than a little concerned.

It was as though every morning, he woke to relive the exact same day again and again and again.

By the morning of the second day, he had noticed something was not quite right. He had gone about in denial at first, though wary. Ironhide and the others had warned him of experiments the TransTechs - or someone - had been running on the offworlders. Their technology was far beyond even what he had ever known, and given that they had managed to pull his people and others from different universes from worlds and times that Optimus himself had seen come and go, he did not doubt that this was beyond TransTech capabilities.

To test a theory, Optimus left a scratch on the door to his room the second night. When he woke the third morning, the scratch was no longer there.


Mulling over that, he went back into work, stepped in front of the same boy to keep him from getting nearly killed in the street, hung back a second or two longer and watched the same pallet teeter dangerously on one broken prop before restabilizing. Then, he returned home at the end of the day, went to his communicator first thing, and initiated a locked voice broadcast to the network.

[voice | locked to Autobots and allies]

This will be a strange story and an even stranger question, but it seems that I require a little bit of assistance. Lately I've noticed certain... events in my day repeating themselves, precisely. Has anyone else seen this happening to them as well?

transformers: 2007 movie | optimus prime

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