Heaven is a girl that I've got to have

Oct 04, 2011 16:26

WHO: Megamind & Roxanne
WHERE: A nice little place up in Zone 1.
WHEN: Mid-Day.
WARNINGS/NOTES: None at this time.

And she makes me feel better when I'm feelin' bad. )

megamind | roxanne ritchi, megamind | megamind

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neveradamsel October 4 2011, 23:56:12 UTC
She'd gotten to a point where she was looking forward to those little text messages - when she was working and the stress had gotten to a point where she really, really wished that a dirigible and loud music would appear and sweep her away, that little blip on her phone was a welcome distraction. Roxanne nearly always responded to him right away, unless she was in some sort of meeting that didn't allow for cell phone usage, or on a scene, or something to that effect.

She hated to admit it, but she missed him.

And she had wondered if he was ever, ever going to ask her out after he'd picked up his things that day after his arrival.

He'd told her they were...something, when he was from back home but she kept getting the strange feeling he...didn't want to be, here. Then she got the feeling he did. She couldn't read him, not like she could before - it was a strange thing to not be able to predict him at all.

Frustrating, too.

But then he'd finally asked her to meet him here, weeks later, and she'd said yes of course and then here ( ... )


neveradamsel October 23 2011, 17:48:26 UTC
"I'm sure." There was a lot she couldn't get into, so. She doesn't...have a lot of input on that.

"You and me both." She smiled a little and shook her head, then rested her chin in her hand. "I'm ready to be home."

Though she had to admit this little break from reality wasn't so bad.


hvymetalheroics October 23 2011, 18:34:13 UTC
"Me too," Megamind admitted. But he knew his home was a lot different from hers. But she'd live through things and understand, then! How they'd changed. And life would go on for them.

"But here isn't so bad. I mean, there's a lot to learn here. I gave a little robot arms the other day, because he didn't have them," he says, thinking of Wheatley, and things he could talk about. "He was very happy after that. I mean, he'll never win any arm wrestling contests but he could shake my hand afterwards!"


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 02:21:52 UTC
"It's bad enough that it isn't Metro City. I don't want to be here any longer than I need to be," she pulled her cup closer to her, warming her hands on the drink. "But I'll admit, this place isn't too terrible." She tilted her head.

"A little robot? Which one?"


hvymetalheroics October 31 2011, 02:32:18 UTC
"Wheatley! The little round one."

He pauses, thinking of what she had to say, brows furrowing.

"Roxanne-- the City-- I know eventually, you'll live through it, and all, but when you go home, it'll be a wreck in a day. It'll be a long time before it's back on it's feet." He knew he had a part in that, though, but didn't sound proud. "There will be a lot of rebuilding! Renovation!" (ReenoVAHshun,he says.) "For now, here's a bit safer, and - sadly, about as stable."


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 02:40:53 UTC
"Oh, I know Wheatley." ...Strange little bot, but. Pleasant enough, she supposed.

"I don't want stability." She set her cup down and pressed her palms to the table and looked him directly in the eye. "I want my city, my home. I don't care if it's in ruins, it's still my city and where I belong." She didn't look pleased with him though - she knew he played a part in the destruction of it, he had to, and her face reflects those thoughts.


hvymetalheroics October 31 2011, 03:09:03 UTC
For a moment, Megamind is - shrinking in his seat, tearing at his bun with down-turned eyes. But there's the itch of irritation between his eyebrows, and he looks up and says, after a moment, "It's mine too."

He presses his mouth into a thin line, and then it curls just slightly at the edge. "And for once I cleaned up my own mess, and it was hard, but I did it. And I did it for you-- at first."

...be careful Roxanne he's about to start a monologue.

"The rest of the time, I'm doing it for me. Because it's what I chose. It's not what I was given, what somebody told me I was, that I was bad and would only be bad -- but what I decided. And what I did was bad, and foolish, but I learned from it. Every screw up was a lesson, every failure lead to a new idea. The same goes for time with you -- I learned a lot, about all the ways you can screw up time with somebody but-- I also learned about all the great ways it can go right. And I decided -- really decided-- it was what I wanted, and I was willing to learn ( ... )


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 03:29:35 UTC
She regarded him quietly during his monologue, waiting politely until he was finished with that part of it until she spoke again.

"If it's your city, why don't you want to go back to it?" For all his monologuing, that's what she didn't understand. "You invested so much of yourself there - you turned over a new leaf, you changed because you wanted too, but...you want to stay here. I don't get it." Maybe she was misunderstanding - but she just didn't get that.

However, his next words quieted her.

He'd actually apologized to her - apologized for the whole mess he'd started, created, and put her through, and it's this she's trying to wrap her mind around because never, ever in her life has Megamind apologized to her. Time and time again he'd jerked her from her life - from meetings, work, plans, dates, any number of social events - and he'd never apologized ( ... )


hvymetalheroics October 31 2011, 04:00:43 UTC
That intake of breath-- and the sudden exhale? It wasn't too far from the moment when 'Bernard' had said, when she didn't judge a book by it's cover-- that he had been relieved. His eyes dart down again; standing up to anybody -- strange as it may be -- is not easy for someone who has been where Megamind has. Especially without any lasers to distract from how unsteady his hands get, or that his voice might quaver ( ... )


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 04:38:19 UTC
There's the slightest quirk of her lips at his relief - maybe she needed a little bit of reassurance herself with all of this as well - and she lets out a breath she'd been holding.

"What if we don't remember our time here, when we go home?" She leaned in her chair, resting her arm on the back of it. "I mean, apparently we were here before and sent back. I don't remember this place. Do you?"

Though, she has to lean forward again as she digests what he's saying.

"Aren't you proud of the progress you've made back home, though? From what you've told me, you've made a lot of it." That hardly could be considered a failure.

She already has a few ideas in mind about the whole getting home thing, but she kept them to herself, for now. She needed a plan in place first.


hvymetalheroics October 31 2011, 05:52:37 UTC
"I have theories about alternate universes, but I can't test those," Megamind says, resisting the urge to pull out a pen and start making notes on a napkin. "I need more data. Same for the -- whole teleporting mess."

Little does he know what trouble she may get herself into...

"Well, so far it's-- rebuilding! And helping people and digging things out of rubble and ...yes, chasing down some loots and... it's been pretty minor. And that's not -- a bad thing. I just... don't know what's going to happen the next time the next-- Titan rolls into town."

Little does he know he's going to get practice with fighting a superior opponent very soon.

"I have done a lot. And I'm going to keep going. I just-- don't want my first real screw up to be for -- a place I really care about."

He cares about this place, too. But it's not Metro City and never will be.


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 13:43:04 UTC
She nods. That…made sense, as much as it could, anyway. She wasn’t a rocket scientist and while she might be intelligent, she certainly wasn’t on his level. Roxanne was no genius.

“What’s going to happen is that you’re going to win.” She says this with mo small amount of confidence in her voice. “You’re this incredibly determined individual, and if there’s anyone that can more than fill the position of hero, it would be you.” It was just something that would take some getting used to, all things considered. She hadn’t seen his reformation, she hadn’t been through the things he had.

But, she knew that he was the kind of person that didn’t give up, that never let go. Roxanne had faith that her words were true and that it’s something he could more than handle.

“I don’t think you’re going to screw up. Just…be you and everything will be alright.” So long as he’s not literally trying to walk in Wayne’s shoes, that statement was true, too.


hvymetalheroics October 31 2011, 15:34:56 UTC
Yeah.. about that.

He tried that.

Didn't really work.

But he preens a bit as she expresses her faith, and it helps him, truly-- sometimes, you need someone to believe in you before you can believe in yourself.

"I don't think I can be anyone else," he replies. Mostly because he'd tried, and it failed.


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 15:45:10 UTC
“I don’t want you to be.” She responded, resting her elbow on the table and her chin in hand. “Villain or hero, there’s something about you that shines. And covering it up just doesn’t seem fair.” And, okay - yes he’s an alien that’s blue and different from everyone else. That, however, isn’t what she’s talking about.

It’s all internal - the good in him that Roxanne sees after all was said and done. And, she thought maybe she did have it in her to forgive him completely. That would take time, but she can feel the progress slowly being made, even as they sit here and do something so simple as have coffee together.


hvymetalheroics October 31 2011, 17:11:43 UTC
Those big, green eyes of his blink, and he briefly props his chin on his hands, now that they're less sticky, mirroring her movement and pondering her.

"Funny, I thought the same thing about you for years." That there was just something - ideal about her, wonderful and smart and funny and... better then most people. "You could see so much had so much to say -- and okay the purple prose reports on Metro Man were your single weakness, but other then that, you got things. That's part of what made you-- uh, an ideal victim, really."


"But that's beside the point!" Yes, move on from that quickly! "Anyway-- I just-- what I'm trying to say is --" I love you? No, those words die in his throat. They're much, much too scary just yet. He can't say those, even if the moment of realization has punched him in the chest, and he hopes, briefly, that his social ineptitude is a good cover for the stumbling, "--that you make people better. Just by being -- you."


neveradamsel October 31 2011, 17:48:12 UTC
Her face twists at the mention of her reports - she’s proud of those, dammit - but his other words completely sidetrack her and she forgot why or if she was even angry to begin with.

“You-really?” Her brows lift and she scans over his face, taking in the stumbling and general awkwardness that comes along with the ex-villain. “You really think that about me?” Any previous irritation was wiped clean and in it’s place is an incredibly pleased and flattered expression, and maybe just the faintest stain of red on her cheeks.


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