Life always empty, but I will never change [OPEN]

May 09, 2011 00:41

WHO: Starscream, [OPEN] To all! He's taking visitors.
WHAT: Starscream faces down the idea of being one of the first Decepticons to suffer a slow death, rather than a quick blaze of glory. He's waiting his last few days.
WHERE: Starscream's apartment.
WHEN: All day today and tomorrow.
WARNINGS/NOTES: Soundtrack start.

I wouldn't want to live like this forever. But change myself? Never, never!
The very thought sends shivers down my spine. I'm sure everything, everything will be fine...

transformers: animated | slipstream, † transformers: animated | starscream, † dead space | isaac clarke, transformers: 2007 movie | soundwave, transformers: idw | megatron, transformers: animated | dirge

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Comments 94

I like the appropriate music. dontasktrix May 9 2011, 08:39:18 UTC
Slipstream had been around since she brought Starscream and Isaac to the apartment. She'd given them space. It isn't just that it makes sense to let the engineer tend to his work; she doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea, if she hangs around too closely. It isn't like she is waiting like some salvage-bot for the Commander to offline, or she wants his job that badly, but it's isn't like she cares, either! Well, not in a personal way.

She does find it distressing that any of them may fade in this manner. She'd seen it before, when she'd found Starscream's gray shell on the street in Detroit. That had been a rather short time before she found herself in Axiom Nexus. Something around six lunar cycles have passed - depending on the calendar in use - but it isn't like she's forgot! She hadn't cared then, either, except, maybe it had distressed her that the Cyber-ninjas hadn't faced Starscream in combat, but just...accidentally caused him to offline. It- this isn't the way a Decepticon is supposed to go!

The whole thing does bother ( ... )


yee! It is pretty much my theme for him. aircommanderp May 10 2011, 02:05:28 UTC
Starscream, while he is startled, does not have the energy to flinch. He just tuns his so his optic can focus on her. It's dim, the red glow, inset deep into the black of his helm now.

He takes a moment to answer, his voice a low grinding scrape now.

"I've been this way since I came here." He takes a klik to cycle some air through his vents. His seeming placidity is a sharp contrast to her agitation.

"I don't know what they did to me. I tried... examining myself when I had the time, but nothing that I can comprehend. Not the details anyway."

Another long pause.

"I survive much like a xenomorph- what humans call insects..." He admits.

"From my understanding. I am a bundle of programming wrapped in a shell."


dontasktrix May 10 2011, 02:28:47 UTC
Slipstream paces alongside the place Starscream reclines. She processes what he says, and it's offensive to her that such an elite Decepticon warrior - one she allows herself permission to call a loser - should be reduced to some insect!

"But you must have made some plan!" She doesn't allow Starscream time to answer, not immediately, but goes on, nearly at a rant. Her vocalizations and her steps rapid, the flaps on her wings flick back and forth in agitation. "You examined yourself. There was time. You must have a plan. You haven't trusted me in this short time to tell me, of course. But there must be one. A pass out of the Offworlder Zones, or a lead on some artifact that's been smuggled in...."

She looks, finally, at Starscream, standing still as she waits for an answer.


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 02:44:16 UTC
It's shameful, this.

Position. To be trapped in this way. The way she rants at him. It's everything he went over with himself, only concentrated into one sentence.

"There is no plan." He's run out of time.

"The only... possibility is to take a fragment. From one of you." He says flatly.

"I wanted to avoid it, and now I am too weak to offline one of you." he's very plain, as if he's not talking about ripping the life out of one of them to save himself. He knows Slipstream will understand his logic. She is a part of him, after all. He means no offense. It is simply a Decepticon way.


runningerrands May 9 2011, 15:27:37 UTC
It was because he was sparkless.

Isaac found out on his own, when he was researching quietly, typing furiously through his datapad and trying to calculate a solution. But he's exhausted everything he can do, everything he knows. Somehow, Starscream was existing without what they call a spark. Was it something Shockwave did?

Just who the hell was Shockwave, really? What did he want? Was this some kind of sick game?

Isaac sucks in a breath sharply, holding the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. Damn it, he can't believe he's getting upset, but somehow Starscream did end up... growing on him. He got better, over the course of time. Hell, Starscream even appreciated his work. That's more of an accomplishment with the Decepticons than he expected.

But just like anyone else he tries to save, he's dying.
"Are you really going to compare this with me, Isaac?"His grip tightens on the datapad. He stares at the floor; he can feel her breathing against his neck, and he can't bear to look up ( ... )


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 02:18:08 UTC
There's no answer for a moment, but eventually the slow creak of metal marks Starcream's slight shift on his berth.

"Like slag." He croaks.

Slowly one arm dislodges itself from under the tarp that covers him and lands on the floor with a loud clang. Resting palm-up, one of his claws twitches a 'come here' motion, and his digits splay slightly, inviting the human to step into them.

He'd rather have Isaac where he could see him instead of some disembodied voice near the floor.


runningerrands May 10 2011, 03:31:27 UTC
Reluctantly, Isaac steps onto the jet's palm; he doesn't wait. He climbs up his arm, crawling up onto the berth.

This is just miserable, seeing Starscream like this.

"I could... rearrange the sensory nodes further. I don't know how much more effective it could be, but I could try to lessen what you feel. You'd pretty much be numb, though."

He feels helpless in this. Isaac can't save anyone except for himself, per usual.
"Do you call this thing a friend?"


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 03:47:35 UTC
"No... no more. I want to feel something at least." Being numbed completely would be...

No. Not like that.

"Just. Stay with me a while." Now his highest goal is to not die alone.


inursatellites May 10 2011, 02:46:52 UTC
Soundwave touched down. It was without flourish, or loud announcement of thrusters. He was not here to make a show. He was here for a purpose. To maintain a tenuous alliance by virtue of repairs.

If that were even possible.

He was capable of creating and maintaining his lesser units -- Ravage, Rumble. The Reedman drone. The failed experiment that was 'Alice'. In-depth repairs were not beyond his capabilities. But, if these were... then data indicated it was not a total loss.

If he was correct, then his efforts would possibly strengthen the alliance -- such that it was -- once the alternate Starscream expired. And if not... well. He could mine the husk for data.

Soundwave didn't bother announcing himself. He simply let himself into the apartment without a word.


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 03:11:31 UTC
It takes Starscream a good few cycles to realize he's there. When he does, it takes him at least another cycle to turn his head and open his dim optic.

"Hi." He greets quietly, barely lifting a hand to twitch his claws as a sort of half-wave.

He knows Soundwave can't help him, but it's nice to have people try to preserve his life. Odd, how many...

He'd never expected this.


inursatellites May 10 2011, 03:21:06 UTC
Soundwave stands silently still, observing the scene. He cants his head to the side, his optical array dimming as he studies. After a lengthy pause, he steps forward, approaching the downed jet with his usual, impassive expression.

Cables coil out from their housing, winding around his arms, ready and waiting.

"SCANS: PREPARED," he says. To locate the damage, of course.


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 03:51:12 UTC
Starscream just turns his head back, giving silent permission to proceed.

What Soundwave will find is a mech who should by all means be dead. Not withholding information leaves him open, without a spark. His internals beyond repair. He is a shell with programming.

Little more.


endless_avarice May 10 2011, 02:48:30 UTC
Dirge hummed softly as he drew himself a round circle in the glass of the window with his claw. A poke popped it out and he reached in and pressed the unlatching mechanism. Old habits died hard, really. He half expected a blue and white mech to shove him right back out as he climbed in through the open window.

None did, and instead he found himself standing in a room that already smelled like death. Dirge felt his engines kick on, grinding out a low mournful tune. A funeral dirge... His talons tapped out the tune on Starscream's berth as he approached and leaned over the prone form.

"I could try to kill you again, for old times sake?"


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 03:01:53 UTC
"You'd succeed at this point." Starscream doesn't even have to open his optic to see him. He knew-

Who else would enter through the window?

Though he's completely vulnerable now (well, not entirely, Isaac would have at anyone who tried to harm him now). If Dirge really wanted to, though. He could simply end Starscream here. Though pointless as it may be. It is inevitable.

"You owe me a new window." He muses darkly.


endless_avarice May 10 2011, 04:06:24 UTC
Starscream needn't have mentioned the ease at which he could offline him now. It was obvious. Dirge knew it, experienced a small thrill from the knowledge, even. But it was short lived- there was still more for him to take from his creator. Still more he needed. To put an end to a resource that was not yet fully exploited?

Not acceptable.

"It still works perfectly fine. Just...plug it up or something." He waved a hand dismissively. Bending even lower, Dirge put a claw on the other jet's shoulder.

"Quickly now- before you offline. Teach me the rest I need to know to be better."


aircommanderp May 10 2011, 04:27:31 UTC
He laughs bitterly.

"Oh, Dirge."

He grabs the clone by his hand.

"I have one thing for you, Dirge. This will be my most valued knowledge to you." His voice scrapes low, and he gestures Dirge to lean closer.

"Think." He sighs.

"Think about why I hate you so much." He'd let Dirge simmer on that.

"Then you'll understand." What makes Starscream- Well. Starscream.


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