she drives me crazy [OPEN]

Feb 23, 2011 21:15

WHO: Isaac Clarke & YOU
WHAT: After a moment at the Hollow, Isaac decides to go do some. Shopping.
WHERE: Lower zones. It's cheaper there.
WHEN: Thursday, late afternoon.
WARNINGS/NOTES: Isaac's own issues and his foul mouth.

and I can't help myself. )

!open, † dead space | isaac clarke, † alice in wonderland | cheshire cat, † transformers: g1 cartoon | skyfire, dexter | dexter morgan, † halo 3 odst | vergil

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Comments 46

chessurcat February 24 2011, 05:27:44 UTC
Down one of the streets, near several stores, right on a building side a pair of eyes and a rather strange grin would just mysteriously appear.

Like a painting drawn on the building side.

A blinking painting that also seemed to follow anyone who walked on by. Literally speaking.

Some sort of modern art? Maybe.

Slightly creepy? Quite possibly.


runningerrands February 24 2011, 05:30:40 UTC
The grin is unnerving and is somehow familiar. Isaac stops mid-step and peers up at the painting.

He steps back a bit and observes the eyes following him. Then he steps forward.

"...Must be some digital thing," he mutters, shaking his head. Fucking weird robot art or something.


chessurcat February 24 2011, 06:08:33 UTC
"Not a thing, but a cat." The eyes and mouth rotated upside down before popping off the building side and into the air.

Slowly an entire head and body form around it revealing a cat.

A floating cat.

"You are out and about today? So am I, but I could be about and out instead of the other way."

He floated down closer to Isaac and grinned in his general direction.

"Are you enjoying yourself? So many are grumpy around here. They remind me of the flowers. Especially the roses. They complain the most."


runningerrands February 25 2011, 16:17:41 UTC
A cat. This cat. This very, very odd cat that Isaac was sure that he hallucinated before, but very clearly exists.

...Sure, why not. There are sentient alien machines, why not a floating, talking cat?

"Guess it's better here than where I was before." Enjoying himself, Isaac isn't so sure. He's still concerned about Ellie and Stross, but for now, he's. Essentially stuck here until he fixes the portal generator.

"Where the hell are you from, anyway?"


notyourchauffer February 24 2011, 06:05:44 UTC
Even in such a crowded, bustling place, Skyfire sticks out in a crowd with his stark white paint job and massive frame. He hasn't even gone flying since he got here. The skies are full of traffic for the most part, and he just hasn't. Felt like it.

Part of him feels guilty for not making more of an effort to go home, but really. What is there truly to go back to?

Aside from being mistaken for Jetfire... this place is.

It's okay.

Even though he does tend to avoid the public. It's so crowded and busy...

He does have to venture out to get some needed items, however. This is one such trip. He carefully steps around some smaller mechs, collecting a few compressed energon cubes, as well as a few tools to do his own repairs.

"Oh- excuse me I-" He stumbles, nearly stepping on a human underfoot.

"... Mister Clarke?"


runningerrands February 24 2011, 06:10:44 UTC
Frankly, he's getting used to being nearly stepped on by this point in time. Dodging is quickly becoming his next best skill.

Now, he's only spoken to Skyfire over the network and never once in person. It's only now that it occurs to Isaac just how. Enormous the shuttle really is.

"Jeez, you're huge," he murmurs, mostly amazed. Despite his general attitude with most of the synthetics here, he does have a sense of wonderment for coexisting in the presence of alien self-aware machines. The various models and everything is just incredible.

"You know, you can just call me Isaac," he adds. "How you doin'?"


notyourchauffer February 24 2011, 06:51:47 UTC
"I- I'm alright." Skyfire kneels, lowering a hand to the ground, palm up. Offering Isaac a lift.

"I apologize for almost stepping on you. I'm usually so good about that kind of thing... here. Let me help you out. It is a lot safer to travel with someone bigger. You get places much faster, as well." He smiles in his usual, warm, friendly way.

"Not that you cannot handle yourself, I am sure... but a little assistance is not a bad thing." He adds quietly.

"Where are you staying?"


runningerrands February 25 2011, 16:20:20 UTC
Immediately, he feels wary about the offer. Most of the synthetics he's ended up talking to in this city are nothing but trouble, save for Jazz and... Skyfire, naturally.

Thus far, at least, Skyfire's been nothing but kind and gentle. He supposes for now, there's no reason to distrust him.

"Yeah, sure. Might as well. ...Thanks," he murmurs, climbing aboard Skyfire's hand.

"Here and there," Isaac says vaguely. No actual apartment yet; he's been taking naps in the room with the generator, and occasionally staying at the hostel. In between jobs, there hasn't been much time for actual apartment looking.


helpful_squid February 24 2011, 13:23:54 UTC
The mechs who've come to the clinic in zone 5 for treatment have started to get used to the idea of one small organic working with their innards, but that doesn't mean anybody else is quite up for the task yet. Vergil is all too aware of the issues many of the Nexus' residents have with submitting to medical work done by something squishy, smelly, and tentacled. All the more reason to keep the Cybertronian shell in good condition.

The shell's back at the clinic. Just now, Vergil is looking for spare parts for the arm servos in an alleyway between two buildings; it's amazing, honestly, what people will throw away. One would think these mechs would be better at recycling things.


darklydreamndex February 25 2011, 05:13:58 UTC
Dexter was a thing of habit, in many forms. He needed his morning orange juice, his mid-day coffee, his orderly apartment and someone to kill every now and again when the Dark Passenger awoke his inner chaos. Despite the major hiccup of being thrown into this Nexus, his habits had already been instilled and, being mid-day, he was in the middle of ordering his coffee.

"No ice, thanks," he smiles at the waitress behind the counter, swiping his ID bolt to transfer the credits. Glancing around the general area, he's mildly surprised to catch the glint of futuristic metal wrapped around a human body, spine glowing a bright green.

Isaac Clarke.

A touch to his elbow indicates his order is ready and he inclines his head with another perfectly crafted flash of teeth, then takes a sip, grimaces at the sting of heat on his tongue, then... proceeds to follow the other man.

My curiosity is piqued. I'm sure he's nowhere near Harry's code, but I'm following him for a different reason. If he can somehow find a shred of humanity with ( ... )


runningerrands February 26 2011, 23:08:13 UTC
For the moment, Isaac is oblivious to the fact that he's being followed. If he was back in his own universe, he'd likely be more concerned, but as it is, he doesn't expect anyone to have a vendetta against him enough to do so -- much less an interest enough.

So for now, he is ignorant, heading through the crowds and avoiding Cybertronian feet as he does.

Something does catch Isaac's attention, though. He turns his head sharply to one side, peering at one of the stands.

"...Holy shit, is that Star Wars on blu-ray? They still make blue-rays?!"

Interest caught, the engineer immediately goes to investigate.


darklydreamndex February 26 2011, 23:57:33 UTC
The serial killer remains in plain sight on the same side of the street, only about twenty feet back. He dodges a large set of feet - glaring up at the mech when he spills a bit of coffee down his shirt in his haste to get out of the way. With a small scowl he wipes himself off, licking the back of his hand quickly to ease the burn. Looking back up, he sees Isaac now parked in front of a stand selling what looked like DVDs... an antique shop promoting old items of Earth.

...It should be alarming when Blu-Ray is termed as an old-age item, then again he wasn't exactly sure how old they would be considered here. ...was this even the 21st Century anymore?

Either he's the best faker of emotion I've ever seen or he's... something else. Is he trying to hide all he's been through, or is he truly numb to the horrors he's faced within his own universe?

Dexter slides a bit closer but remains a healthy distance away - still watching, but not without subtlety.


runningerrands February 27 2011, 02:42:12 UTC
There's only a brief internal debate before Isaac quietly decides to make his purchase. It's a non-essential item, but it still bears a degree of importance to Isaac.

It's a distraction, at the very least.

He turns around, and he pauses. Through his helmet, he might have noticed the presence of someone watching him.

The helmet transforms off of his face.


Fancy running into you out here.


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