Thrill-Seeker[ OPEN ]

Aug 20, 2010 23:03

WHO: Skywarp isveryafraid and anyone he may run into! Up to you if that's literal, heh.
WHAT: SKYWARP IS TAKING RISKS BECAUSE RISKS ARE FUN. Namely, he is seeing how far he can freefall and how close he can get to the ground without crashing.
WHERE: All over - seriously, all over. SG!Skywarp knows no fear of seedy lower zones! And he... also knows no fear of ( Read more... )

† transformers: animated | blackout, † transformers: unicron tril | starscrea, † baccano! | graham spector, transformers: animated | skywarp

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Comments 70

teh_koptur August 21 2010, 03:41:21 UTC
Blackout was doing his favorite thing ever: a job! This job was taking a cargo net full of crates down to Zone Five. The bestestest part of this job, he thought, was how he got to go to so many super-cool and interesting places.

The not-so-best part was the other fliers sometimes. Like this jet flying like...way too close.

"Hey! Be careful! Or someone's gonna get hurt!"


isveryafraid August 21 2010, 03:46:15 UTC
"Where's the fun in being careful?" Skywarp yelled back at him, dipping close to the copter so his wings narrowly missed being clipped by the other flier's rotor blades. "It's a lot more fun to be dangerous!"

It occurred to him that this mech was not only speaking to him, but hadn't flown in the other direction at his approach. This was good! This was progress! It meant he might as well ask the guy... "Hey, you wanna play chicken?" He turned an expressive loop in midair.


teh_koptur August 21 2010, 04:08:37 UTC
"Dangerous isn't fun. Mechs get hurt. There's a time and a place for that and stuff." Now, though, was a time for copterhauling. Which was hard when he had to swerve out of the way as the black jet seemed to want to slice the tips off his rightside rotors.

"Chicken? Is that some kind of like musical instrument or something?"
Blackout frowned. "Don't got time to play and stuff right now, though. Got a job to do." A super-important job. Hauling...STUFF.


isveryafraid August 21 2010, 04:29:49 UTC
"I'm not getting hurt," Skywarp bragged. "'Cause I'm just that good. It's a way to prove how awesome you are, see?" Oh yes, Skywarp was awesome. He totally knew it.

The jet sighed in an aggravated crackle of static. "It's not an instrument, dummy, it's a game," he said. "A really fun one. We fly straight at each other and the first one to swerve away is a loser! You hafta be really daring to play. Are you daring?"

No, it didn't seem like he was. This was disappointing, but Skywarp was distracted somewhat by the mention of a job. "A job, huh? What kinda job? Is it interesting?" It occurred to Skywarp, rather distantly, that he had a job as well. Funny, he hadn't checked in with them in a while. Eh, he was kind of wanting to go away and get some more exciting job anyway. Primus, he'd been really boring before, hadn't he?


mywrenchsaysyes August 21 2010, 03:47:57 UTC
     A hyper-active jetbot flying around like a runaway train? Well it didn't get much more interesting than that.

Graham blinked, glancing up at the sudden noise. Huh, well that particular piece of flying metal looked rather familiar. A slow grin pulled across his face, and he started to jog along to keep sight of Skywarp. Something was going on again, obviously- but it wouldn't be the first time he'd run into a Skywarp that was temporarily unscaredified.


isveryafraid August 21 2010, 03:53:40 UTC
Oh, look! There was an organic down there! At this distance he couldn't really pick out faces of such small creatures, but it looked like the man was following Skywarp. The jet pulled a tight turn, turned off his thrusters again, and hurtled down at the ground toward the human.

He'd pull up before hitting him, of course. But he'd get as close as possible before doing it. It wasn't even about scaring the human - no, Skywarp was doing this all for himself. Honestly, it'd be better if the organic wasn't afraid - especially since this one seemed to have been following him. Maybe it was someone he knew! Or maybe it was a dangerous assassin trying to kill him! Either one sounded like an interesting possibility.


mywrenchsaysyes August 21 2010, 04:02:13 UTC
     "Oh? Did he see me? Comin' down then? Well how convenient!" Graham grinned, slowing his run as he noticed the jet change its course.

He stopped, watching half in anticipation, half confused as Skywarp came rushing towards the ground- or towards him- it was hard to really tell from this angle. The mechanic's eyes were wide as he watched, but that manic grin on his face only increased as the jet closed the distance before finally pulling up.

Graham stumbled back with the rush of air, bringing his arm up to shield his face, but the moment he regained his balance, he was scampering over towards Skywarp like a puppy expecting treats.

"Heeeeey!! Look who's got a backbone!!"


isveryafraid August 21 2010, 04:07:38 UTC
He wasn't running away! Skywarp could barely contain his excitement. He transformed and landed, realizing as the rush faded that he knew this guy. What was his name again... Graham? That was it.

He tried to remember how they'd met, and found himself frowning a little as he recalled a conversation in which he'd cringed in terror from an organic that wasn't even physically present with him. Ugh. Good thing he'd just done something really, really dangerous - it might help salvage his reputation with this guy. He wouldn't want anyone thinking he was a coward.

"I'm freefalling today," Skywarp announced. "Do you know you're the first person who hasn't run away from me yet? That's awesome!"


[Oh you break the poor Emo's brain.] wingedwoobie August 21 2010, 17:58:01 UTC
Starscream was returning from another shift of 'Guard Duty', soaring through Zone 3, when he encountered the other jet. The aerial stunts reminded him of another thrill seeker(no pun intended), and flying closer he comms him.


Poor Emoscream. isveryafraid August 22 2010, 01:02:42 UTC
/Oh hey, other-Starscream!/ Skywarp greeted through the commlink, veering a little closer. /I just got bored. D'you even know how boring Starscream's gotten lately? My creator, I mean./ It sucked, it really did, having to live with someone so... cautious. And pacifistic. At least Sunstorm was argumentative!


FFF- /see's her own screwed up tag and no edit wingedwoobie August 22 2010, 01:21:24 UTC
/Your creator-?/ Whoa- now that threw him for a loop- almost literally, as he dips suddenly in the air before leveling off. /Wait- the Maligan Starscream is your creator-?!/


heh, sorry ^^; isveryafraid August 22 2010, 01:53:12 UTC
/Yeah, duh! I'm his clone, didn't you know? So're Sunstorm and Dirge./ Perhaps mistaking Starscream's surprise for a foray into stunt flight, Skywarp couldn't resist showing off with a couple of fancy loops and turns, none of which were executed with much precision.


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